Thursday, 14 May 2009

A new beginning

I'm such a happy bunny today, off I went this morning with a spring in my step and a smile on my face, to the........Job Centre, to sign on.... and to sign off. Yes, that was my very last visit, yipppeeeeee. No more queueing up and standing around waiting for my name to be called, no more asking me what I have been doing to find work, no more filling out my log sheet. The woman behind the desk asked me if I wanted to keep my little book, I said, no thanks, bin it.

I said my goodbyes to a few nice people I had met in there, after all they are only doing their job. So goodbye Job Centre.
The first thing I did next was to walk down the road to the office in the bus station to put my application in for my bus pass. There's no stopping me now, I'm looking forward to my free bus trips. Then I went to the library to pick up my tourist brochures on Yorkshire, there's a lot of places I want to see.
Although I will be officially a retired person I shall still be keeping my eyes and ears open for some nice little part time jobs, not too many hours though. Maybe a little office based job in the winter to keep me warm, or a little driving job in the summer to get me out and about. Only little jobs mind you, maybe a week here and a week there, don't want to overdo it, ha ha.
Anyway, I've got a party coming up tomorrow night, so I'll be a bit busy with that, then a meal out and a theatre visit on Saturday night to celebrate my birthday, it's going to be a brill weekend.


  1. Hope your party goes well, Ilona, and have a fantastic weekend x

  2. Many Happy Returns of the Day Ilona (when it comes). How wonderful to be officially in the ranks of the Wise Elders! Envy you the bus pass!!

  3. I just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday and have a wonderful weekend.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.