Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Testing my bus pass

I've been for a test drive today with my new bus pass, just to see if it works, and it does, yipeeeee free bus rides. I got the 10.35 into town, the driver glanced at my plastic card and handed me a ticket. Now where shall I sit to get the best view out of the window? The seats towards the rear were higher so I chose third from the back, thinking the further back you go the bumpier the ride will be. I remember riding on buses when I was a child, mums with buggy's had a terrible job of getting in and out of them. It's not like that now, the step is low so the buggy can be wheeled on, and plenty of room for baby to stay in the buggy. It was a bit hot so I opened a window, this will be a good way to keep warm when winter comes along, riding around all day on buses, ha ha.

We pulled into the bus station at 10.50, so it's only a couple of minutes longer than in the car. I imagined I was a tourist and headed towards the museum on Oswald Road. I could have got another bus but decided to walk. I've never been inside before, all very interesting

Next I went to the 20 21 Arts Centre, I love this place,
the exhibitions are very inspiring. The building is an old church with a modern extension to it, it works very well. You will see the Free Admission sign on the glass front. I can get lost in arty and crafty things, and I always want to sing when I am inside the churchy bit.

Time to sit on a bench in the sun and eat my sandwiches, and watch the world go by. To finish off I went to my regular haunt, the library, and spent an hour reading the newspapers and magazines. I also picked up a lot of tourist leaflets and bus timetables, now where shall I go on my next jaunt?

1 comment:

  1. Free travel is a wonderful thing. My father lives in Scotland and gets free bus travel anywhere in Scotland he wants, when he came to visit me, he only paid for the journey through England... cost him £14 to come from Inverness in the north to me down here near London. Long journey though. :-)


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.