Monday, 5 April 2010

Eye catching necklace

It's been a blustery old day today so I've been doing a bit of crafting. Remember the red velvet necklace I made, here is the picture to remind you.

I have made another one, same idea but a different design. This idea suddenly came into my head. Here are the materials I used. Twentysix small glass marbles, some brown knitting wool that looks like eyelashes, and some fabric cut from a dress I bought for 50p. If you want to have a go at making it this is how to do it. Make a long narrow sausage from the fabric, just wide enough to slide the marbles inside. Sew it together inside out then turn it the right way round. You need to make it as long as you want the necklace plus extra to tie it at the back.

Push the first marble inside to the centre, then take two pieces of wool about six inches long, you can use any wool, and wrap them round the fabric so you trap the marble. Tie it tight, then take a needle and thread the same colour as the wool, and put a few stitches through it so it doesn't come loose. Keep on adding the marbles, and seperate them with the wool, untill your necklace is long enough. I have 30 in the red one, and 26 in this one. If you don't have marbles you could use any small beads.

You finish off the ends by tucking them inside and securing with a few stitches. Then you have your necklace. I am really pleased with this one, though the photo's don't do it justice.

All I need to do now is find somewhere nice to go so I can wear it.


  1. Very unusual, but looks fun.

  2. Hi Ilona, how on earth do you manage to get to sleep at nights, your mind must be full of ideas waiting to materialise.
    This latest one it really great, who would have thought of using eyelash yarn to such an eye catching effect.
    We have sunshine today here in the south and I sincerely hope it keeps going, we have seen enough rain for the whole year and it is cancelling all my favourite car boot sales. Here's hoping that this weekend will be okay, am getting withdrawal signs. Haha.

  3. ooo cute, looks like a furry caterpillar !!
    twiggy x

  4. I love the colour combination.


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