Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Pussy cat pub

This post is for all cat lovers, and anyone else who happens to be passing. I mentioned the pub I called at for a drink on Friday on my way back from a walking day out. The Coach and Horses at Rillington on the A64 a few miles east of Malton, is a feline haven.

The story is, the previous landlady collected pot cats, and her regular customers brought back an ornament from their holidays, to add to the collection.

It grew and grew, untill she had over 1,000 cats. She had to put up extra shelving in the lounge to accommodate them all.

Then came the time to move on, she moved out of the pub to live in a bungalow, and took a great many of the cats with her.

The present landlord has been there for 14 years, and has at the moment over 350 cats.

There still seems a lot because everywhere you look there are cats.

On the pelmets above the curtains.

Shelves on the wall.

Glass shelves hanging from the ceiling.

Over the top of the bar.

Who has the job of dusting all the cats? They have a barmaid who has been working there for 40 years and she has taken on the job of looking after them. A labour of love, she deserves a medal.

All polished, not a speck of dust anywhere. Aren't they lovely. Pop in and see them if you are passing.


  1. What a wonderful collection! Maybe they should re-name the pub and call it `The Cats Whiskers', lol.

  2. Do they sell "Old Tom", brewed by Robinsons of Stockport?

  3. Oh I'd love to make a visit here. I'm a huge cat lover who has pictures and ornaments but no where near that many. I'd say they could be worth a tidy sum if the collection was ever sold. I need less dusting not more:( Thanks again for another wonderful post Ilona♥ Linda xx


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