Thursday, 29 July 2010

This cat has a new life

This will warm the cockles of your heart. Remember Mr beasley, the cat that kept running away from his new home, to go back to his old one. I kept picking him up and taking him home, only for him to run away again. In the end the owner gave up and he has been a resident in my friend Sue's cat rescue chalet in her garden for the past few months.

He seemed quite happy there, he shared with another cat called Bobby, they were the best of friends, and he could see Sue at her kitchen window. She even put a portable TV in the chalet and sat watching it with Mr B purring on her knee.

We thought he might have to be rehomed eventually but because he is such a gorgeous boy, there was no rush. We had fallen in love with him and knew that the person who takes him on would have to be very special, a kind and caring cat lover who would give him lots of cuddles. We just had to wait untill that person came along.

Well now she has. I called in to see my friend Janet when I got back on Tuesday, she looks after my cats while I am away. Sitting in her conservatory chatting, I looked down to see a ginger cat walk in. She has nine cats and I couldn't recall seeing a ginger one before. Then I smiled, and Janet smiled, yes, Mr Beasley has a new home, he recognised me and jumped straight on my knee.

He has been there just over three weeks and fingers crossed he hasn't tried to run away. Mind you, he probably knows he is onto a good thing, a big garden to roam about in, good food, and a comfy bed, what more could a cat want. So thank you Janet and Paul for taking him in :o)


  1. I wondered what happened to Mr Beazley, lovely to hear he has a new home.

  2. What a handsome looking cat! He is a beauty!!
    Nice to hear he has finally settled with someone.

  3. How lovely that he has found a good homeand is settled and happy. Is is a beautiful cat, isn't he?

  4. What a lovely cat... he deserves a nice home... so glad he has found one and fingers crossed it works out for him. so nice to hear good news. :-)


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