Saturday 28 August 2010

Walking around Malham

I've just worked out the total mileage for the four days, and I'm chuffed, not telling you yet, but it's more than I was aiming for :0) Looking out of the window on Tuesday morning was not a pretty sight, overcast, windy, then chucking it down with rain. The sort of morning that you would go back to bed if you were in your own home on a Sunday. As I was eating my breakfast I kept hoping for a hint of brightness, where is the sun today, please send me some sun.

I packed my sandwiches and gave myself a good talking to, 'well you're here now, better get on with it, no point in waiting.' My plan was to do the touristy bits. Luckily that was the best plan in those weather conditions because it meant only the determined and the foolhardy were out. I set off a short distance down the Pennine Way then turned left up a path to Gordale Scar.

I know this is going to sound daft, but I took a small fold up brolly with me, and do you know it was invaluable. I don't care how silly I looked, you don't see ramblers with brollies, but it was great not to have the rain in my face, I could take a few photo's without getting spots on my lens, and it kept the rucksack almost dry as well. Thankfully it only once blew inside out, ha ha. As I passed a camp site I felt sorry for the few that were taking shelter in their rain sodden tents on the boggy field, so pleased I am in a hostel.

I'm not sure what this blip on the landscape is called, I could have climbed it but couldn't be bothered.

Janets Foss is a waterfall on the edge of a small wood. Legend has it that Janet, (or Jennet) is Queen of the fairies and lives in the small cave behind the falls (Foss). This is the wood approaching it. A real tropical rain forest, ha ha.

No sign of Janet though :o(

The water gathers in a pool and runs away down here.

And still the rain came down. Next stop was Gordale Scar, an awe-inspiring chasm of huge cliffs towering 160 feet. The deep gorge has been eroded by torrents of water, visitors have been coming to see it for over 200 years. There is a way to climb through the gorge left of the waterfall, but with the heavy rain it was just too difficult for me to tackle. Maybe after a dry period would be better.

So back I came and continued my journey towards Malham Cove. The path took me to the top of the cove. I started to make my way across this pavement to get to the other side and down to the bottom, but it was going to take too long I wanted to press on so I decided I would make time on another day to approach the bottom from a different direction.

Onward and upward along the Pennine Way. Look, bits of blue, it has stopped raining, thank you God.

This path takes you to Malham Tarn, the highest lime rich lake of 150 acres in the country. It is of international importance for nature conservation. Malham Tarn House is now a field study centre.

The weather is looking good now, I came to this small stone bridge, and sat beside the waterfall dreaming of how wonderful life is.

In the Dales the signposts are all in good order, and all the streams are crossable. Five large slabs of stone have been placed here as you climb over the stile.

And next to it a wooden bridge.

I'm about half way through the days walk now, time to think about finding the route back. The sun is glorious, looking for a place for another break I sat down behind a stone wall. The tune from 'Last of the Summer Wine' kept going through my head, although it wasn't shot in this area it is very similar. I can picture the three old chaps sat behind a wall, with Marina and Howard wobbling along on their bikes with Pearl in hot pursuit, ha ha.
I arrived back at the hostel at 7pm, very happy with my walk. Today's mileage is a very respectable 16.04.


  1. I believe the little rocky blip thing is Coniston Pie - a mile or so North of Grass Wood in Wharfedale....

  2. Agree with Sarina, excellent quality photos. Its amazing isn't it that we fly all around the world yet we have amazing places to discover here in our backyards. Can't wait to explore next summer.


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