Monday, 27 September 2010

Dog with a sore head

Not a lot happening today, the weather is pretty miserable. I think Jessie is missing her mummy so I have been giving her a bit of extra TLC. I took her to Normanby Park this morning in the car, it's not far but it would have taken an age to walk her there. She loves it, big open spaces so she can run about without bumping into anything. I feel ever so sorry for her sometimes, when she wants to do doggy things and bumps her head. She needs a crash hat, I wonder if I can make one. Perhaps I can crochet her a wooly hat, I wonder if she would wear it ;o)

My dinner tonight was day two of a three day veggie stew. I get fed up of cooking sometimes and a stew saves time in the kitchen, just heat it up. It didn't cost much either, potatoes, beans, and tomatoes out of the garden. A couple of onions, two apples which someone gave me, six sprouts, the last bit of broccoli, a handfull of pasta twirls, porridge oats to thicken it, and throw in any old spices that you have. I use lots of turmeric, I love it. Most of my meals are yellow, my insides probably are as well. I've just had my pudding, Onken Wholegrain Summer Berry yoghurt, scrumptious. It's on special offer at Netto, so I bought two pots, trouble is it's a struggle not to scoff the lot ;-0

I made another shopping bag today, it's lovely. Again the colours are wrong, it's mainly red, with a dark blue patterned panel down the centre. The fabric is very thick and plastic coated, so it will be hard wearing. I got it from the Scrapstore before it closed.

Must go, I think Jessie wants a walk, only four poo's today up to now, there must be more, ha ha.


  1. Poor old Jessie, you;re right, she needs a little crash helmet!
    Oh dont talk to me about poo! When she goes somewhere new, my old dog Ellie can always manage a poo, no matter how many times she has already been. Every item of clothing that I own, has a poo bag in the pocket.I regularly pull one out to blow my nose, thinking it is a tissue.

  2. I love your bags. So handy. I don't sew much, but I bought the inexpensive WalMart shopping bags, turned one inside out and stuck it inside another with cereal boxes between to stiffen them, and sewed them together at the top. The clerks love them because they keep their shape and are easy to fill. Stand up nice in the back of the car.

    Blessings, Liz

  3. What a good idea Lizbeth, I never thought of that, I might give it a try. The supermarkets sell 'bags for life', a plastic bag which you take back for a free replacement after it has worn out. They are a decent size and would work well with your idea.

  4. I would love some instructions or a tutorial on making bags.


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