Sunday, 26 September 2010

Happy in my home

What fantastic comments you have all made on the last two posts. I love it when you share this blog with me and add your own points of view, we can all learn something from each other. I always check older posts several times to see if anything more has been added, I would hate to miss anything. I have looked for a way to show the comments below the post every time without clicking on the comments button, but I don't think it's possible.

I take your point Devon lass about the posts not always being to your liking. I tend not to spend loads of time reading stuff I am not particulary drawn to. For instance, blogs which are mainly about a single topic. Oh I still look at them, but skip through a bit quick. I like to include a mixed bag of allsorts, because I have a wide range of interests. I spend more time reading blogs of a similar nature, because I want to get to know the person behind the blog, what makes them tick. If someone is brilliant at cooking or sewing, I want to know what else floats their boat.

lovelygrey, you are so right about giving time to your cause, it gets you interacting with people. Anna, I have met loads of people since I started litter picking. The older people in the village say hello, and thank you, and I chat to the youngsters as well. Maybe there is something you could get involved with near your home.

Sharon, you are an inspiration to me. You have had a kick in the teeth, but have managed to make a new life for you and your children. It must be a lot harder when you have others to consider, I take my hat off to you, well done.

Laffemet, I too know those married people who are not happy, and all because they are not talking to each other. They are not truly honest with themselves, or with their partners. They must look inside themselves and see what is broken, then work out a way to mend it.

Anyway a few piccies here on this dreary drizzly Sunday. This is Jessica, the reason why I am grounded this week. She does very well for saying she can't see a thing. She tells me when she wants to go out by waiting by the front door, and when it's meal times she barks. I have to steer her around obstacles when we are outside, but she finds her own way inside. I have never know a dog that poo's so much. I have almost filled the bin at the end of the road, good job they are emptying it tomorrow, ha ha.

She is such a sweetie, she loves having her tummy rubbed and likes playing with her soft toys. You can't help but love her.

This is Bugsy. The food dishes are on the table at the moment, so Jessica can't steal anything. The cats jump up via the chair, eat, then sit in the window sill.

Lilly tucking in.

And look who has called in today, naughty Micky. He comes every morning. I have tried keeping the door closed, he goes away, but then comes back several times during the day to chance his luck. Sometimes he walks in when I am busy. He always seems hungry and eats as fast as he can.

I did a bit of sewing this morning. Guess what this shopping bag was before it became a bag? A pair of dungarees, or a bib and brace if you like. I used to wear them occasionally, about 30 years ago. I don't think they would sell very well in a charity shop so at least they have turned into something usefull now. The colours are wrong on the pic, don't know why, perhaps it's the flash. The bag is grey and the diamond shapes are red.

I hope you are having a nice Sunday, I'm off to make my dinner. Toodle pip.


  1. OOh lovely pet pics! We took a lovely walk yesterday that you would have loved, today tho, a herd of Highland cattle with HUGE horns made us turn back.

  2. Love the photos of the dog and cats Ilona, and I must stop fretting about what people think about my cat food bowls - kept in the bathroom as the dog isn't allowed in there. He would eat the catfood and it would make him poorly (and that would fill our poo bin up tee-hee)

  3. oo lovely! life is wondrous living with furry friends!

  4. You have been busy, love your creative handy work!

  5. Just a question about one of your suggestions in the side. Can you shower at truck-stops on the motorway. Do you have to be a truck-driver or can anyone get a shower.
    I like the bag, roomy and with short straps - good for groceries.

  6. Hi lizzie. Anyone can use the showers on motorway service areas. Mostly they are seperate, in the gents and the ladies, but sometimes it might be one on it's own available to anyone. Occasionally they are locked, you need to ask a staff member for a key, usually kept behind the counter in the cafeteria or shop. A lot of business people travel up and down the motorways, just pretend you are a rep.

  7. Awww lovely photos of your furry friends♥ You are a very wise and compassionate lady Ilona. I loved what you wrote in your last two posts. Just a thought for Anna if you are reading this, have you thought about starting a blog? I'm sure many of us would love to see you start one♥ Linda xx

  8. Jessica looks very contented with you, despite her poor vision. She reminds me of a neighbour`s cocker spaniel who I spent hours with as a child.

    It looks as though the breakfast bar in your house serves better food than the one where Micky lives!


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