Saturday, 25 December 2010

A smile for Christmas

I've had a lovely morning. Surprised the two little girls Katie and Chantelle, who live up the road. Their cat Micky comes into my house and steals the food, well maybe I let him, so it's not stealing exactly, ha ha. They gave me some flowers a few months back as a thank you for all the food Micky has eaten. Today I gave them a posh note book each with a picture of a cat on the cover, wrapped in silver and gold paper.

It was a delight to see their eyes light up and a smile on their faces. These are the only two presents I have given, a spur of the moment thing. In my mind this is the best way to give presents, to someone who doesn't expect them. It put a smile on my face :o) Far more enjoyable than worrying for months what to get people, and then worrying about how much money you have spent.

Sun and blue skies this morning, it's too nice to stay in. I looked down on the river and saw massive lumps of ice floating by, so I walked down the hill to the bank for a closer look.

The River Trent is a tidal river, it flows out to meet the Humber then into the sea. I spoke to a woman who was feeding her horses, she said she remembers seeing ice like this when she was a little girl, but there hasn't been any for a long time. It must be cold then, according to the Daily Mail, this is the coldest Christmas day since 1890, at minus 18.

Back from the walk and having worked up an appetite, I had a second breakfast. I just fancied bananas and honey in a wrap. I spread a little margarine on two wraps, sliced the banana and spread the pieces out, yum, then drizzled honey on them. I rolled them up and zapped them in the microwave, then sloshed some natural yogurt on them. Delicious. They went down well with a glass of sherry.

I've just caught up with Corrie, watched last nights episodes back to back. Now I'm going to get started on the second canvas bag for the Arts Centre. I have an idea for the design and I have done a practice piece to see if it is workable, and it is. Not saying yet but, when I was looking for ideas I was chatting with someone and she said, put holes in it. We laughed because it seemed like a daft idea, who would want a bag with holes in it! But then I thought, aha, not so daft. . . . . . . .


  1. Happy Christmas to you Ilona.

  2. Our winters will surprise us still, in the future. My mother in Germany has to dig her way out of the house each day and has reported that this has not happened for 47 years. Last time they had a bad winter was the year I was born(1964)and the midwife had to be fetched on a sleigh, pulled by my dad. I arrived before she entered the house. I was an indipendent spirit even then, haha. I predict that we shall have to be prepared for similar winters from now on. Climate has been affected by too many influences. - Happy Christmas and happy crafting!

  3. what a great photo,so glad we are having a hot christmas although we had 2 quakes last night and a big one this morning which knocked out the power. Keep warm and I,m iintrigued by the the holey/holy bag.

  4. what a lovely sigh this post gave me...especially enjoyed the surprise gifts for the kids and getting to walk by the river with you. And like Aunty, I too look forward to learning the rest of the story with the bag!

  5. Of course you need a hole in the bag, how else to put stuff in it LOL!

    Happy New Year To you!

    Sandie xx

  6. I remember when I was a kid and everyone had their own shopping bags. We had one that was made of thin plastic washing line kind of stuff in a fishing net style so it was all holes. We had some small tins of baked beans in it once and they fell through the holes! So don't make your holes too big.

  7. Drinking sherry for breakfast?!? shocking ... ;-0

    You do right to buy economical skincare products because being topical applications nothing makes a diff but I wonder if you use any spf skin cream
    for the day since you are out & about in the sun so much?

    That is my one expensive skincare item ... I am VERY pale so use Eliz Arden spf 50 (anyway she was a Canadian & so am I!)
    Anne in Cambridge (the England one)


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