Saturday, 5 February 2011

Where's me bag ! ! !

I went to the Arts Centre today to take a photograph of the canvas bag display, thinking they would have received some more in the post. What did I find, not more bags, but one less! My bag has been sold.

Don't know whether to be sad or happy. I'm pleased that somebody liked it so much that they wanted to buy it, but now that it's gone, no one else will be able to see it in the exhibition.

Normally when items are sold from an art exhibition the buyers can't remove them untill after the exhibition has closed. I have just checked the brochure and it states, 'There are sure to be some unique and beautiful new creations, all of which will be available to buy and take away.' So there you go then, that's plain enough. Flog them all and when there's none left the exhibition is closed.

I asked for two more bags, better make some more to replenish the dwindling stocks, ha ha.


  1. I'm not surprised it has sold - it is a great bag!

  2. Congratulations! I guess it is hard to part with your creations ;-) Just think, we can enjoy them through your photos.

  3. Well done, I remember the post you done about the bag and liked it then, maybe you could get a cottage industry up and running!

  4. It's a brilliant bag - that's why it sold Ilona!

  5. Well done for being so popular with your art!!!

  6. It's so wonderful that you could start a cottage industry, make a mint, through off the mean tag and exist off eady meals from M&S!!!!

  7. Congratulations Ilona, I'm not surprised it sold at once, better get cracking on some more!

  8. How annoying that someone else has that bag when I SAW IT BEFORE THEY DID!!!!!
    If you do make another one please tell the Arts Centre that it's already sold TO ME and the cheque will be in the post toot sweet.

  9. I am very sorry, Jane. I didn't know that was going to happen, I'm a bit peeved that they let it go so soon. I'll crack on with some more, but I don't want to be churning out the same stuff, need to think of new ideas.

  10. Love the bag, so unusual and would be great for beach holidays. If you do make more, perhaps you could show them here and have people make offers. You could agree that they would be shown in the arts centre first and then to the new owner afterwards.

  11. what a FUN, creative bag...lucky buyer. well done, MQ!


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