Saturday, 30 July 2011

On my last legs

Just a quickie to let you know where I am. I'm at home. I am totally knackered because I have walked 30 miles today, just checked it on 'where's the path'. Bike hike, my usual checking web site is not playing tonight. I have been walking flat out for almost twelve hours and my feet are tingling. As I was coming along the Trans Pennine Trail alongside the Humber, there is a bit which is impassable at high tide, so you have to take the alternative route which takes you half a mile off route through North Ferriby. Up untill then I was making good progress, but when I couldn't continue on the shorter route I knew I was scuppered.

My idea was to get to Hull for the last bus at 9.25, which would get me over the Humber Bridge for nothing. North Ferriby is a mile from the bridge, so what was the point of carrying on to Hull, only to be stranded. I was so close, it wasn't worth spending another fifty quid on a bed. I rang my friends to come and pick me up from the bridge, I couldn't walk any more.

I'll catch you tomorrow and post Day 7. I've had my horlicks now I'm going to bed.


  1. Congratulations Ilona. A fantastic achievement that you can be proud of. I knew you could do it, still think you're mad as a bag of frogs, but such an inspiration. I love your blog, sense of adventure, straight thinking and common sense. Well done again. Sally

  2. Congratulations - an excllent achievement x

  3. Many congratulations Ilona! Certainly a great achievement. If I were you I'd certainly be having a lie-in in the morning.

  4. Oh I was so excited I just shouted to hubby "Ilona is back home" absolutely fantastic. I was so thrilled for you:) He he I loved Sally's comment that "you're mad as a bag of frogs" but you know we love you♄ No place like home and your own bed is there:) You certainly should sleep well tonight. Look forward to reading the last leg of your amazing journey:) Linda xxxx

  5. "Mad as a bag of frogs" Congratulations on your walk.

  6. Well done, what an achievement!

  7. Well done you Ilona - and 30 miles in one day!!! I'm absolutely in awe of your determination and courage.
    You know you're such a unique individual you really must write a book.


  8. Well done - in my ever more distant youth before I had a kid in tow who needs to be coaxed along a trail with hidden treats I did a few 30 mile days. They're not to be sniffed at! x

  9. Well done - that is some achievement!

  10. What an amazing adventure!! We are all glad you made it home ok. Have a nice rest!

  11. Fantastic journey my friend, altho I can no longer walk far these days I have enjoyed my trek along the way with you, thanks. By the way my phone number is still the same would love a chat sometime as when I move into a bungalow I intend to have cat again, this place I am in is a NO PET rule, I would prefere now to have a lovely friendly pus cat rather than the pedigree Burmese I used to have and breed.
    I loved all the pictures you have posted on your walks its as tho we who follow you are walking along side you ( without the hard work and blisters) and seeing all the wonderful places you visit, Thanks
    Danneke ( )

  12. VERY well done Ilona, have a really well deserved rest now. We've enjoyed keeping up with your travels.
    twiggy x

  13. Waited up as late as I could for you last night..felt like a worried parent. And you were the first thing I thought about when I got up (admittedly very late) this morning.


    Thank you so much for taking us with you!

    Sft x

  14. Wow, congratulations on finishing your coast to coast walk, I didn't realise how soon you would finish (though perhaps it didn't feel so quick for you!). I've had no internet for a few days so I must catch up with your walking posts soon.

    Well done!

  15. Fantastic achievement Ilona! I checked your blog for progress at about 11pm last night ans was a bit worried that you hadn't updated it yet. My in-laws live in N Ferriby and I'm sure they would have put you up for the night, ha ha! Well done, such an adventure. Looking forward to the last set of pics of your journey. Now put your feet up, you have earned a rest. :) Sue x

  16. What an amazing achievement! Congratulations, don't forget to treat yourself to something special, will you?

  17. I'm just catching up.
    That is very impressive walking 30 miles in one day. Well done on the whole trip!


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