Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Picture me

Hi, thanks for your tips on uploading photo's. I already have a Photobucket account so I have plucked one out of the archives to see if it works. It looks like it does.


  1. Ooh, don't you look glam? Glad you found out how to upload from PB, it's quite easy don't you think?

  2. you really make me laugh you are so funny xx
    Jayne xx

  3. Very glam with a handbag doggie too! Come on then, tell us the story behind this photo?

  4. The expression on the face of the woman on the right ....looks like you outshone her!
    Campfire is right, you gotta tell us the story behind the photo!

    Sandie xx

  5. Very funny. Treading the highways and byways coast to coast one week and the red carpet the next. Sally

  6. I hope you are sharing your money saving tips with Nicole !!

  7. Miss Piggy Bank, I think Ilona is giving Nicole a money saving tip. Look in her hand, there's a tesco yellow reduced sticker.Lol. Sally

  8. Who said the camera never lies?

  9. hey, that body looks good on you...what fun! if you're like me, you wouldn't go back to that age for anything, but boy do I envy the youth their knees! ;)

  10. There isn't a story behind this photo, I was just having a bit of fun with some of the features on the Photobucket menu, sticking my mugshot on lots of different bodies.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.