Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Playing with kids

I'm a bit busy with kids and cats at the moment. We went to the park today, not the cats, ha ha. This is Macy.

Martha and Macy.

And martha.

I tried to upload more photo's but blogger wouldn't let me. It said I have exceeded my storage quota with Picassa, and if I want to upload more I have to pay. So what's going on? Has anyone else had this problem? Is this the end of free blogging? I am a bit concerned. We are off to Cleethorpes tomorrow for a paddle in the sea.


  1. There's a free play day at the Meridian Centre wednesday. 11. til 2 or 3.Sally

  2. Yes, I had that problem, exactly a year after I started my blog. I went to flickr, opened an account, upload from my pictures/documents on my computer, right click on the pic and copy, then paste in my blog. It is only one click more than using the blogger picture thing. I am too stubborn to pay the $5 that blogger wants for me to continue using their system. I have a yahoo email account, so that is how I sign in the Flickr. You don't have to have a yahoo email account in order to use flickr. Just google flickr.I am sure there are other photo sites you could use as well. Good luck. Annoying, right?

  3. You are only allowed so many photos on Flickr without paying. I am just short of the figure and keep deleting photos I am fed up with, as I don't think I want to pay, I can just get another place to store photos.

  4. It's only five pounds for a massive amount of allowable space for more photos, it would take you years to fill your quota so it's well worth paying to keep things simple.

    Lots of us heavy photo users have done this.

    Nice photos, but be careful putting up photos of children on your Blog, I don't mean to worry you but it's unfortunately something we have to be aware of these days.

    Sue xx

  5. Yes, I had the same problem, I also had to succumb to the 5 pounds charge but it is for the year and it holds lots of pix, I found there was'st really much choice coz you could cross over to another storage form but you still can't re-download already down loaded pictures from picassa :(

  6. Gorgeous little girls, gee how happy they look and having so much fun:) I was also very aware and concerned when I put photos on my blog (many moons ago) of my granddaughters but then my daughter has heaps and heaps of photos on her facebook:( Sue has a very valid point, however as long as you have the parents consent there should be no problems. Enjoy your day paddling in the sea♥ xxx

  7. Can you upload from elsewhere? I have a free account with photobucket which I use when blogging. I am sure there are other free picture storage sites too.

    The littleuns look like they are having fun.

  8. Why not try Photobucket, I think that you have unlimited uploads there. As has been mentioned, Flickr now charges after a certain amount of storage.

  9. Flickr seems to be the best photo site and many professional photographers use it. It is only $24.95 p a for unlimited images, now about £18, so I've upgraded

  10. Just wanted to say I followed your walk, I'm impressed! Down time with kiddies seems to be like a good change.



Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.