Saturday, 1 October 2011

Day 7 Gainsborough to home

Breakfast this morning was food saved from last nights dinner. Well you couldn't really call it a proper dinner, it was a tin of mackeral fillets, wholemeal bread rolls, and pasta and sweet pepper salad, with an egg custard for pudding.

My tum was filled with the unconventional breakfast and I was ready to hit the road. This is my last day and it is the furthest I have to walk. It might not necessarily be the longest day though, as I aim to walk as fast as I can. The challenge today is to get home pronto. I set off at 8.30am. The landlord said he wouldn't be around that early as he was going out for a drink, and wouldn't rise much before ten, so I let myself out.

I am staying on the east side of the river today because it would take an extra half hour to back track through the town to cross the bridge. There is a road alongside on both sides, but probably more to look at on the west side, never mind I want to get home, so it's the quickest for me. Here are a few shaggy sheep, they were quite tame and didn't run away as I passed them.

It was a bit drizzly on and off, so the brolly came in very handy. I was still in my shorts, or longs as someone called them, it is much more comfortable than sweating underneath waterproofs. Your legs get wet, and then they get dry, simple. That looks interesting over there at West Stockwith. I might go and have a look at that another day. In fact I have just thought of a good idea, I could get the bus to Gainsborough, and walk back along the west bank.

Here is a nice church at East Stockwith.

Now that looks like Owston Ferry over there. The rain has stopped now.

Onwards I march, only two ten minute breaks for a bite to eat, must keep going. Aha, at last I am going under the bridge of the M180 motorway. Now I feel like I am nearly there.

Some of the walking is on the road, then when I want a break from tarmac I can climb up onto the river bank. Parts of it have been mowed so it is easy walking. The bank has been built up to create a flood barrier for the nearby houses. A typical riverside pub. Sorry no time to stop, I'm on a mission.

Almost at Gunness now.

And here we are at Keadby Bridge, it's where the A18 crosses the river. I have written about this bridge before, it used to be a lifting bridge but is now fixed. Not far to go now.

Now I am on familiar territory and don't need a map as I have walked this area many times before. I took the minor road past Gunness Wharf, and through Flixborough Industrial Estate, to follow the path at the bottom of the wood and home. It was 4.15pm when I arrived in my village, so less than eight hours to walk 22 miles, I am pleased with that.

The total milage for the trip was 119, broken down as follows...
Burton to Melbourne 11.25
Melbourne to Kegworth 14.00
Kegworth to Radcliffe 20.66
Radcliffe to Kelham 17.60
Kelham to Dunham 18.52
Dunham to Gainsborough 15
Gainsborough to home 22

It's amazing that I haven't had any problems with aching legs and only one small blister which went in a day. My feet must be really hardened to it now. I've had to put my boots into the cobblers though, the heels are well worn. They will be ready next week as they had to order special heels. Can't wait to put them on again and have another walkabout. Toodle pip.


  1. I'm not surprised you didn't have any achey leg problems or anything - you do a lot of walking so I'm sure you're feet and legs are used to it and can handle it!

    I love the shaggy sheep, I think they are Cotswold sheep (I'm no expert, but I know some of the more distinctive breeds!).

    Another great achievement, well done!

  2. Very well done Ilona, that was a fast time on the last leg. Your pictures are always good and really add to the story of your walking adventures. I expect you are pleased to be home to see Mayze?

  3. Another amazing adventure. I love reading about your trips, you are an inspiration!

    Are you used to carrying everything on your back now?

    Sft x

  4. Well done, and I've enjoyed the journey with you!

  5. I love the sheep too. Well done, when and where is the next one?

  6. Hi Ilona, I've just finished reading your posts from this walk. I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Are the tracks and stiles usually as bad as many in your photos? It must be frustrating.

    Looking forward to your next walking journey


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.