Good evening, it's been a mixed bag of allsorts today. First off, before I forget again, we have rehomed our lovely big fluffy black and white Bobo cat. He came to us a few months ago after his elderly owner had to go into a care home. Now Bobo is living with a lovely couple in our village, who sadly lost their old cat two weeks ago. I am so pleased they came to see him and fell in love with him. Another success :o)
We have just taken in another cat which was found wandering in the next village. We are trying to trace it's owners as it appears to be well looked after and is wearing a collar. Posters have been put out, a free advert is in the paper, and Cats Protection lost and found have been contacted. We shall have to wait and see if anyone comes forward.
In the meantime we are getting calls from people who are looking for kittens. I have to say though that the tone of some of the people enquiring makes me think I don't want to hand over a kitten to them. Janet and Sue have also had this type of call, when the person seems to have no manners. The first words you hear are, 'got any kittens'. They don't bother to introduce themselves, (almost always young females), say anything about their circumstances and why they want a kitten, and when checking the 1471 after the call, (a system which gives the callers number), they are usually ringing from a mobile. I'm afraid we have to make quick decisions on that first impression, they won't get a cat from us.
I thought I would slip this pic in here, it makes me laugh. Henry choc lab is waiting patiently for Lily cat to walk away from his food dish, so he can mop up the crumbs. Henry can be a finicky eater, turning his nose up at perfectly good food, but the moment another animal is on the scene he starts to get interested.
Sometimes I offer him a titbit, I have all sorts of different treats. If it is one he doesn't fancy at that time he will spit it out. But if I offer one to another dog while out walking, all of a sudden Henry says, hey where's mine. His facial expressions are fantastic, I'm sure he is human.

Do you like my bunches of flowers, they cost 3p each, I bought them on Wednesday from Tesco. My sister gave me the tip of putting them into water so they stay fresher for longer. These went out of date on the 25th and they are still looking nice and green, no sign of yellowing yet. I have made a start on them tonight, dinner was steamed carrots, potatoes, and brocolli, with two boiled eggs. The eggs have to be eaten in the next day or two.

I'm hoping to get to the end of the week without spending any more money on food. Then I shall do a tot up for the last four week period and hope that it comes within my £40 target. I am still adding to my food diary, the link is at the top of the page. I find that by writing it all down, it keeps me focussed. The experiment is over a six month period, then I shall have some figures on how much it costs to feed me.
I have been thinking about food a lot just lately, and the different types we need to keep our body nourished. In the last year I have been cutting back drastically on what I call junk food, sweets, crisps, pop, biscuits, cake, ready meals, pies, and pizzas, etc. Food that has been refined with lots of sugar, salt, and fat in it. I think some of this stuff shouldn't be called food at all. It does nothing to feed your body and keep it in good condition. I want a new title for it, Gunk, because that's what it does, it gunks up your insides. The dictionary definition of gunk is, 'Slimy or filthy substance'. About right I would say. Keep your 'gunk' to a minimum, ha ha.
Now where was I, ah yes, what I did today. I had my hair cut at my friends house this morning. Her haidresser came, so she might as well do the two of us. My friend paid for mine, in exchange for me looking after her dog on Wednesday. A good swap I would say.
I did a dash to town on the bus, only two places to go to so I was in and out in a flash and came back on the next bus. My doggy treats were running low, I like to keep a few in for all my doggy friends, so I went to the market, cheapest place to get them. The Bakers Meaty Chunks are very handy for carrying around in your pocket, and all dogs love them. A few packets of other chews as well.
Next a quick visit to the library to pick up some Ordnance Survey maps. I need to start planning my next long walk. Not sure when to do it yet, possibly April. There was one map short, they didn't have the Morecambe bit, so I will have to look on the internet for that. Anyway, ready to start by laying them all out on the living room floor. As you can see Mayze can't wait to get started, ha ha.
I finished off the afternoon with a walk with Rocky, the little dog up the road who doesn't get out much. In fact, I kept him for a while after, untill his owner came back, then I reluctantly had to take him home.
Just before I sign off I would like to thank you for your lovely comments about my Whitby stories. I do appreciate that you take the time to read about my trips, as it takes ages to load all the photo's and add the words. Talking of photo's, have you noticed the new link at the top of the page? I decided to do a standalone page on the photo's which are my favourites, rather than lose them in the bowels of the blog. I have more to add, it will make a nice little slide show when it's finished. Toodle pip.