Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Tis better to have loved and lost........

Than to have never loved at all.
Alfred Lord Tennyson. In Memoriam 1850


  1. Aw, what lovely photographs. I don't have photos of all my old beaus, how nice to be able to look at them and think of all the good reasons why you didn't stay with them. Incidentally I had a pair of glasses just like the ones you were wearing in pic 1! They were dark blue.

  2. Quite a rogues gallery Ilona! I like the hairy biker one best :-)

  3. I'm like Campfire - no photos...lol. It's a good thing you have them otherwise like me, you'll forget what half of them looked like. I like your quote too.

  4. Top pic....flipping heck Ilona, didn't know you'd been out with Mick Jagger!!
    Jane x

  5. I always thought you'd been around a bit Ilona :0) and lived life to the full lol

    Great photies, but I bet you are now glad you live your OWN life! Cannot imagine you running around looking after a mere man......

  6. Check out those FLARES!! :D Love it! :)

  7. There's some handsome fellas in that group. I've had a couple of special fellas but I think I prefer being on my own.

    Happy Valentine's Day from one happy single lady to another!

  8. Thank you for sharing these photos!

  9. Those are some cuties. Is the first one related to Jagger? I throw away all pics of exes. Well, the last two are on the computer, but not printed and committed to posterity...lol. Oh, I do have lots of pics of exhusband, but he is father of my children, so they are in lots of pictures with him.

  10. Ilona ,i love reading your blog,Must go and see some of my photos (i do not wish to forget them)

    Regards continetal refugee from australia

  11. Strewth MQ - you've been around a bit !
    I too, thought the first one was a young Mick Jagger !
    And here's me thinking you are as pure as the driven snow - !!

  12. Fantastic pics Ilona, thanks for sharing! (No.1! ;o) Debs x

  13. Brilliant pics, although you may have had quite a varied taste in men, one thing's for sure, you've always had a good set of pins!!

    Sue xx

  14. Thanks for sharing your photos, Ilona. It's nice to look back and remember the good times that were had. Even though I'm single on Valentine's Day, it doesn't bother me, I like to "window shop", been on my own too long to be faffed with blokes encroaching on my time. Everything that has gone before you, the people you've spent time with, the experiences you've gone through make you who you are today, one heck of a gutsy lady. I like your no nonsense attitude to life and love reading your blog when I can. Happy Singles Awareness Day to everyone who is single today.


    To everyone who is part of a couple, happy Valentines Day.

    All the best, Christy x

  15. Your comments made me smile, thank you. Bet you cant guess who.... chucked me (3), and which ones I called time on (7). Ha ha. Guess which one asked me to marry him? No prizes.

  16. oooh do tell MQ !!
    put me out of my misery !
    Actually I reckon the one by the deckchairs is a young Donny Osmond, and the last but one is Gary Barlows father !!
    You've obviously got a thing for show business types.

  17. A good life, lived well I think. You are better off on your own, as you know.

  18. Thankyou for sharing your pictures!

    A good reminder too. I've lost mine, but he was a gem. Sweet memories. Thanks again.

  19. Would any of them have fitted into your current lifestyle now ? i.e. frugality and saving the pennies ?
    My ex wouldn't have gone along with any money saving ideas at all, probably why he was always broke !
    By the way, I like Gary Barlows father the best !

  20. It's either No. 4 in the garden or John Wayne on horseback that asked you to marry. Hope you've treated yourself today. Cheers, Christy x

  21. Lovely post Ilona, I'm sure you had some great times and treasure the memories and that memories of you are treasured too. Happy St. Valentine's Day x

  22. Difficult questions to answer Wean, as I haven't a clue where some of them are now. Fitted in with my current lifestyle? I would say no, none of them. I'll give you a bit more info but I'll be carefull about identifying two of them because we are ocassionally in touch with each other, and there's a chance they may read this blog.

    So, out of the other eight, one is French, I lived with him in Majorca. The one who asked me to marry him is about 74 years old now. After I finished with one of them, I got him fixed up with another girlfriend, they went on to get married and have a family, so a good decision because I didn't want children. I was a biker while I was going out with the hairy biker, we went to rallies.

    There's one I can tell you about, number 9, he passed away about 20 years ago. I lived with him for two years in the late 60's. I was learning to drive a car at the time, and he took me out for practice in his car. He said I was bloody hopeless and would never make a driver.

    There are some here who didn't treat me right, and some who I loved, and some who I just liked. Some of them liked me more than I liked them. Some loved me and I loved them, but it didn't work out. I have some very sad memories about horrible times, but thankfully more good memories about some fantastic times. There is one in particular who I shall be forever gratefull to, he came along at the right time, just when I needed a morale boost.

    I think I have come out the other end a fairly balanced person, and now I am happy and content with my singleness. I really don't mind if I remain single for the rest of my life.

  23. Wonderful MQ - you certainly are a well balanced person, you seem to have experienced most of lifes emotions and lived to tell the tale
    Does anyone actually believe that quote about better to have loved and lost etc., ? I'm not so sure I do, I've had my ups and downs, heartbreaks etc., and quite frankly I could have well done without them, and if I hadn't loved at all, then I wouldn't have felt the pain would I ?
    better go now, I think I'm rambling ...
    take care MQ

  24. You look even better now than when you were younger, maturing like a fine champagne!

  25. Wean, I've had my heart broken a few times, been used and mentaly abused, which was hell at the time, but it's all part of lifes tapestry. You pick yourself up and get on with it. I haven't been little miss perfect though, men have fallen for me and I have ended up dumping them because it wasn't right for me. When I get dumped I just think aha, that's karma. Never mind, move on.

  26. My favourite picture is the one where you are in the deck chairs!

  27. #4 wanted you to marry him? #5 makes me drool, but I think he was bad for you, very bad for you.

    When I divorced, I was 35 and had 3 children. I did not want to give birth again, so I had to pass on about half a dozen nice guys who had never been married, had no children, and wanted at least one child. I ended those relationships before they were even a relationship. I told the guy how I was not giving birth again and we parted ways. I am glad you did not have a child to get a man. I am glad I did not have a child just to get a man.

  28. wonderful post...makes me think about the men in my past too...I've been happily single for quite a while...can't imagine it any other way...

  29. Go on then, a bit more info just for PP. Number 7 proposed. I was 11 years younger than him, fun loving and enjoying life. He was more settled in his ways, preferred routine and stability. Too predictable for me. He was a lovely kind man, but I played second fiddle to his first love, snooker.

    Number 5 was French, so we had a language problem. I lived with him in Majorca for a short time. He was bad for me because he was possessive, he wanted me by his side at all times. He worked on the beach and I had to sit there and sunbathe, and not talk to anyone. I wanted to find a job but he said I didn't have to because he would pay for anything I wanted. I secretly bought an air ticket to come home and made my escape. I was in my mid twenties then but I knew that I did not want to be owned by any man.

    PP I would never dream of trapping a man by having a child, or in any other way. Two people have to want to be together for it to work. If one partner is not as committed to the relationship as the other, it will not work. I have been in the situation of having to let go, because the man did not feel the same about me as I did for him. It hurts, but you have to move on with the rest of your life.

  30. MQ - can I have the film rights please ?


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