Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Working up a sweat

I haven't been doing as much walking as I should do. There's been some dog walking but that's only around the local area, and not as taxing as a longish hike. I don't like walking on snow and ice, not much fun skidding and sliding all over the place, and I must admit the cold weather has put me off a bit. Sounds like a pathetic excuse really, but it's easy to sit tight in the house wearing lots of layers when it's flippin freezing outside.
I'm worried that my muscles might be getting a bit sloppy, I need to tone up in readiness for some long walks. I have an idea, what about keeping fit in the privacy of my own house. I need a cross trainer...........    

photo borrowed from Tesco web site

If it's good enough for Kelly it's good enough for me. Yes I have gone mad and splashed out on my own personal gym. I love cross trainers. This one has good reviews, it is not that expensive, even cheaper for me because I have used all my Tesco vouchers, £57, as part payment.

I am so excited, can't wait for it to be delivered on Saturday. I will set it up in my front room, and listen to the radio or look out of the window while I am using it, and I am going to keep a notebook close by to log the times I am on it.

It will be great to hop on it every day, several times a day in fact, because it will certainly warm me up if I feel a bit chilly. Won't need to put the heating on ever again, just work up a sweat on the trainer. Whooopeeeeee.


  1. I know what you mean about sitting in the house coz it's cold outside! I wish I had the room for a cross-trainer, I love them.

  2. But think of the boredom! Not that I really know what one of those is, but I did go to a gym once with my daughter and I was bored within minutes. I wish you well with it Ilona.

  3. I feel just the same about the cold and I'm feeling the need for a bit of exercise! I would love to get an exerxise bike but I don't like modern ones as they're so bulky and come with all those electronic bits I have no interest in, I want one like the one my mum had in the 80s that just fold up, sort of like an ironing board, and slips into a corner!

    Have fun working up a sweat!

  4. Toffee Apple, I am hoping I won't be bored in my own house. I did have a gym membership once and it was boring going backwards and forwards to it, and boring doing the exercises in a line with everyone else with nothing to look at.

  5. We usually walk outside here in the Midwest until the snow comes. So slippery does nt matter how careful you are so then I go on the treadmill in the basement. Hubby goes on it all year round but I only go on it in the winter.

  6. I'm fighting a heavy head cold at the moment, no energy, high temperature and sore throat, so it's all I can do to just sit around in loads of layers.

  7. Can't wait to see this machine. I think you must get a webcam and we can talk to you, while you exercise, to cheer you on LOL

  8. Speaking of staying warm, when I rode an excercise bike in front of the tv, I thought I was going to have a stroke. I got way too hot and could not breath. I felt my temperature had risen 10 degrees. As I sat and ruminated on this problem every day after five minutes on the bike, I figured it out. When I rode a bike outdoors, I was never hot and suffocating. The wind in my face was what I missed, so I rode the excercise bike with a fan in front of me. It worked.

    Even if you don't fall, slipping has caused me strained muscles when walking on ice.

  9. I have a cross trainer and they're brilliant. I find it easier to use whilst listening to music, as the rhythm of the music distracts you from the hard work!! Agree it keeps fitness levels up over winter. Also improves posture and noticably tightens calf muscles like no other exercise I've tried. Hope you enjoy yours, Ilona.

  10. Good for you, we all deserve a treat now and again. Turn the radio up and have a singalong whilst your toning up.

  11. Heck, let`s meet Ilona the supper fit gran! Good luck with this trainer!

  12. Amazing - Good for you! Now you need to connect it up to a generator to make electricity! :)

  13. Hi Ilona, I am playing catch up again as I have not been online for a few days. Regarding the yoghurt, I replace some of the milk with a can of evaporated. Its makes thicker creamier yoghurt. I save some of the batch to start the next one but I only do this once or twice as it seems to lose some of its 'power' after that and also tastes a bit acidic.

  14. Ilona, you need some ice spikes, they're selling them everywhere nowadays. Great that you have a cross trainer, I look forward to seeing some pictures of it (and you) on it. I have a bike trainer in the garage and haven't set it up yet, it's an ancient one from my Dad's garage and I'm not sure if it's safe or not as you have to clamber 'on board' your bike. Might give it a whirl, then Freegle it if in any doubt.

    Have FUN.

  15. Apparantly there are projects in operation that do actually generate electricity with training equipement, one is a gym - so they get other people to do the hard work and they get the benefit - how clever is that ? I tried to copy and paste a link for you but it won't be accepted here - so how about it MQ - if anyone can do it you can - even if it's only enough power for some light bulbs ?
    I wouldn't have a clue where to start, something about being connected to a car battery I think ? anyone know ?

  16. You are lucky to have the space for one.
    I use my skipping rope.
    One thing that stopped me getting bored, exercising indoors on my own was having some music playing while I do it.
    I never realised how fun hip hop is until I tried to skip to it and then it became apparent that al those 'modern' musicians are ideal for exercise. Abba is quite rhythmic too and good for stepping or anything similar.
    Cant wait to hear how you get on with your new machine.


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