Sunday, 23 June 2013

Midge, the best dog in the world.

Just want to tell you about this amazing dog. Some of you may remember when I wrote about Midge the Border Collie owned by Paul. I met them once on a Walking Forum meet up in Derbyshire on a camping weekend, in September 2011. Read about it here. Walking Stanage Edge.
I wrote this about him.........
Mitch the border collie came along with his owner Paul, (forum name mananddog), isn't he adorable. Midge was a star, everyone loved him. He came from a Rescue at a young age, and had been living in a totally unsuitable home with a small garden. He was never taken out for walks, so he was very nervous. This breed of dog has boundless energy, superior intelligence and needs to work, unfortumately some people do not understand this and think it's ok to heep them as a pet. Paul managed to build up his confidence, and train him to his own commands, similar to what a sheep dog would learn. It was a joy to watch the two of them work in perfect harmony, Midge desperate to please his master and enjoying every minute of it.

The sad news is that Midge has lost his sight, but wait a minute, it's not all bad. This dog is even more remarkable than he was before. At this moment in time, Paul and Midge are walking from John o Groats to Lands End, and Midge is getting on perfectly fine, his blindness hasn't made any difference. They started out at the end of April and Paul is posting on the Forum when he can. You can read it HERE.  They went through Barnstable on the 18th, and are going through Bude tomorrow, so they are not far from the finish.

Paul has a blog all about his travels with Midge, you can read about his other long walks if you like. Travels with Midge.     He has started another blog about this trip, but hasn't been able to put much detail on it just yet. I shall be looking forward to reading it when it is completed. Paul and Midge Blind Faith.

I think this is pretty amazing, I love doggy stories. Midge is a dog in a million, ten million in fact. As Paul says, he is the best dog in the world.


  1. Midge sounds liken a great trooper. There were wonderful photos on Midge's blog. Love the expressions and the scenery along the way!

  2. Lovely story and thanks for the links. I'll be sure to have a look.

  3. Absolutely wonderful, I've just been having a read of his previous walks with Midge, brilliant stuff, and what a remarkable dog.

  4. Thanks for bringing this to my attention Ilona, I will be sure to read about this remarkable dog.

    In my experience most dogs deserve their reputation as mans' best friend. Although as we are aware sadly not all dogs fit this description, probably mainly because of their owners' treatment.


  5. I think there's a film here....

  6. I guess the sense of smell helps when a dog goes blind, that and the faith in the owner.
    Lovely post and interesting reading.

  7. I will read all about Paul and Midge in the new blog.
    When my last two dogs went blind, I was amazed at how well they adapted. They walked around in the garden knowing exactly where everything was. No one looking on would have been able to tell that they were blind....really amazing.
    Midge is surely a wonder dog.

  8. Danneke having a look in Nothing amazes me about dogs, Many years ago when my kids were small I heard about a kennel that was interbreeding puppies and selling on to vivisection laboratories, Off I went and found a lovely Sheltie pup that a kennel helper was hitting and pushing around in the yard with a heavy brush, I said I wanted the puppy and got laughed at, but I bought the little girl for well in to the £40s (a lot of money in the 1950,s) and went on my way, first stop was the vetinary and got told I was a mad woman as the dog was blind. I had her cleaned up and operated on then told my husband about the bill that would be coming from the Vet, just lets say we had words, didn't speak for a while but I had a lovely faithfull little friend for over 13 years , she would go upstairs to the kids, but she had to be carried down, she never did really do stairs. I am sure Midge and Paul will have many happy hours together in the future and if I had to have a dog again I would not hesitate to take a dog with a disability.

    1. That's a lovely story, Danneke, thank you.

  9. Hi Ilona, Shirley here, thanks for this post, what an inspiring story - I did go and pledge a £10 as it is so worth it, great to know there are still lovely people in the world (we know that there are lovely animals, that has never changed!) after all the horrible stories in the papers it restores your faith in human nature.......well done Paul and and Midge!

    1. That's really nice of you Shirley, thank you.


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