Saturday, 22 June 2013

Nellie's money saving gems. Guest post

Hiya all you frugalers out there, it's Nellie Knowitall here back by great demand. I've been comissioned to write another post about living within your means. Once again I'm going to be stating the bleedin obvious, after all, saving money is not rocket science, it's just a large dollop of good old fashioned common sense. There will be no tarting it up with wishywashy faffing, I just tell it like it is. So, if you want to reap the benefits from my pearls of wisdom, read on, but if you are filthy rich this won't be for you, just pop out to the shops and buy another flat screen tv to add to the three you already have, and thank the lord that you don't have to scrimp and save every last penny.

Right, let's get on, for those who are with me, hold on to your hats.

1. How much washing up liquid do you get through? I hope you haven't got a dishwasher, gawd and heaven forbid, please don't tell me you are too idle to boil a kettle and wash up in a bowl of water? Think of all those chemicals that get washed into the drains, not to mention the amount of water they use. Chuck the monstrocity out if you have one, and get back to basics. A bowl of hot water, a teeny drop of washup liquid, and a pair of hands are all you need. Yes, but what if the pots are all gungy with left over food sticking to them, I hear you say. Simple answer to that is, lick 'em all clean before you wash them, then you won't get that greasey slime floating on the top of the water, and those lumpy bits stuck in the plug hole.

2. Get rid of all the unnecessary gadgets you have about the place which need electricity. What did we all do before they were invented, eh? Here are a few things that you can chuck. When you stop plugging them in, your leccy bill will be greatly reduced. Electric toothbrush. Don't need one of those, a bit more wrist action with a bog standard brush will do the job of keeping your pearly whites, erm, white. Bedside clock radio alarm. Chuck it and get an old fashioned wind up clock. Why do you need a flashing light by your bedside, it would drive me potty. Electric mixer. Why would you want to plug one in when you can get one of those rotary things that you wind with your hand. Better still, put your ingredients in a bowl and beat them to death with a table fork. Makes your wrist ache a bit but at least it does the job at no cost. Coffee machine. Good grief, what's wrong with a spoonfull of Nescafe in a mug topped up with hot water. Don't need that fancy thick black sludgy stuff. Deep fat fryer. NO NO NO. Don't fry food it is no good for your health, and it makes a mess and stinks the kitchen out. Only grill, steam, or microwave your food. Sandwich toaster. Oh my, so you like toasted sandwiches, well if you have to have them put your sarnie under the grill, better still don't bother at all, eat it in it's natural state. These are just a few of the gadgets you don't need, and don't get me started on hair straighteners, hair curlers, hair dryers, heated rollers, and crimpers. I reckon if you have any of these items of torture in your home you must be a bit kinky. Chuck 'em. Wash your hair on a fine day and walk outside, and let the sun and wind try it.

3. Now this will cause a few of you to rise up in indignant protest, are you ready. Stop eating dead animals. No one ever died through not eating meat, you don't need it, and your grocery bill will be pounds cheaper.

4. Hey, this is a good one for all us old wrinklies. Don't believe any of the blurb about face creams rejuvenating your skin. They want you to buy into dreams. There are no miracle creams that will turn back time. You are getting older, your skin will become thinner and lose it's elasticity, you will get wrinkles. Slap on any old cheap cream that you have in the cupboard, save yourself a fortune.

5. What is it with these wet wipes that you can buy? They make them for all kinds of jobs now, even for use in the bathroom. For goodness sake, I hope no one is buying them to wipe the toilet. Cut an old towel into squares, and make some cloths. There are so many things being invented to supposedly make housework easier, but they all cost money. Go down the old fashioned route, a bit of spit and polish and a lot of elbow grease, with an old rag, will save loads of money.

6. Here's a good one that is so obvious to me. Why do you think they put choccy bars on prominent display next to the checkout? To tempt all weak willed people into buying a treat for themselves. Toughen up for goodness sake. Ignore them, leave them on the shelf,  you didn't go into the shop to buy chocolate. If you are a bit on the lumpy bumpy side, chocolate will go straight to your hips and you will never get rid of that big lump called your arse.

7. I'm going to talk dirty now. Look away if easily offended. I'll say it once. 2 for a pee, 3 for a poo. You know what I'm talking about don't you, yep, loo roll. Are you getting through reams of it every day, well you shouldn't be. If you are constantly pebbledashing your toilet, there is something wrong with your diet. If you have a messy bum then you are eating the wrong food. I'll say no more.

8. How to use less petrol in your car. Are you the sort of person who is always in a rush, not leaving yourself enough time to get to your destination. I can see the steam coming out of your ears as you dash out of the house, jump into the car, and push your right foot through the floor as your tyres leave a slick of black rubber on the road. Then when you reach the first set of traffic lights it's brakes slammed on as you screech to a halt behind waiting traffic. I bet you can watch your petrol gauge go down. Just calm down a bit, get up ten minutes early and give yourself a bit more time. Easy on the pedals, read the road ahead and work out a plan of action as you drive. It ain't that difficult, and will save you pounds.

9. Always keep your eyes on the ground when you walk about. People drop money accidentally, and kids throw away small coins when they can't be bothered with them. They will learn eventually when the bank of mum and dad finally dries up. Even in remote areas where you think you would never find anything, the glint from a coin on the ground has caught my eye many a time, as the sun catches it. Of course you will have to look up sometimes, don't want you walking into a lamp post or getting a crick in the neck. Think money when out and about at all times, don't be too proud to stop and pick it up.  

10. Right, last one for today. Stop buying clothes which need ironing. In fact, stop ironing altogether. Biggest waste of time and money, I can't think of a more boring job, and what about all that electricity it uses. I still read about people who iron bed sheets, good grief, are they nuts! The sheets are going to get creased when you get into bed anyway, unless you lie flat on your back like a corpse all night, which I have to sometimes when all the cats decide to sleep with me.

Well that's all for now folks, think about my money saving tips, can you add some of them to your daily routines, let me know how much money you have saved. This is Nellie Knowitall from Stating the Bleedin Obvious signing off. I hope you have found my guest post helpfull. Till next time, your very best friend, Nellie.    


  1. v amusing yet smart post!


  2. There's a school of thought that says if you fill your dishwasher and run it on a short program it's actually cheaper than doing lots of washing up in the sink. But thank you for all your unvarnished commonsense!

    1. I don't buy into that school of thought, Saraband, bunkum in my opinion. I save up my washing up over three or so days, and do a big pile in the sink, so I don't do lots of washing up. Two or three times a week does it for me.

  3. Nellie, I hope I can call you Nellie,me being a friend of Ilona's and all that.How about the mantra we use in our bathroom (and many others on septic and well systems use too)."If it's yellow let it mellow,if it's brown flush it down".
    Jane x

    1. Smellie Nellie23 June 2013 at 09:51

      All my best friends call me Smellie Nellie, you can call me that if you like :o)

  4. When I was a kid I often found coins on the floor of the grocery store. I'd walk up and down the aisle with my head down, just looking for money. It was amazing how many coins I could find. I still do this! Great advice! Thanks. Martha from Kansas

  5. Hi Nellie, Thank you for you post, had me in stitches - again! I can add to number 10 - just stop buying clothes - you probably have too many anyway!!! This is still the case for me even though we have downsized sooooooo much we are currently living out of our motorhome (whilst working on a campsite for the summer). I still have far too many clothes with me and tend to wear the same ones. Cannot wait for your next post - oh yes, and give my love to Ilona (she should do a walk along the North Norfolk coast and pop in and say hi sometime) X

    1. Hi Alison, I think that Meanqueen has a trip to your part of the country in the pipeline. I'll pass on your suggestion.

  6. Absolutely brilliant, you've got to love a woman who tells it like it is :-)

  7. Oh, Nellie, you are bang on right yet again. Whilst partaking of a lovely walk up Pen-y-Ghent, I needed to answer a call of nature. Spying a convenient ditch and putting the husband on guard duty, I dropped my pants and well... you know the rest. However, I spied a piece of coloured paper a little way further down the ditch, thought, how disgraceful, people throwing away rubbish up here. I picked up the piece of paper to dispose of it properly, but came home £20 richer. Yes, it was a £20 note. I always fold a bank note into one of my pockets to lighten the load, someone must have done the same thing - but they hadn't put it into a zipped pocket like I do. That there hill is tidier! And I'm better off. Thanks for sharing Nellie!

    1. A brilliant find, Janet. I hope you didn't get your knickers in a twist as you scrambled out of the ditch.

  8. re dishwashers: While my two sons were growing up they often begged me to buy a dishwasher, but I would always tell them I didn't need a new one as I already had two! Now that the boys are grown and gone I let the dog do the dishes. LOL! Actually she cleans them quite well, all I need to do is a quick hot sudsy wash and a rinse! Love your blog and Nellie.

    1. Can't beat a bit of dog spit for cleaning your plates. I must get a dog.

    2. UGH do you not ever think about them licking their bum and bits before they lick the plate I know you wash them but I can't find anything more disgusting lol

      Sue R

  9. Lovely post 'Nellie'!
    I'm sort of anti-ironing myself...reminded me of a number of years ago when I wrote a blog post all about ways to avoid ironing. Now, some might be a little too UNfrugalistic for you, but I think you might get a chuckle out of it anyway, and some of the funny comments others wrote. It seems that ironing is NOT something most of us enjoy. Here's the post (hope it works):
    Thanks for your blog! I'm a new fan.
    Take care,
    Christina (who happily - is now over the flu!)

  10. Loved the post! You are too funny. But I love ironing. I always do my best thinking when I iron. Since I do sew, ironing is a must. A very brilliant teacher once told the class "Spare the iron, spoil the garment." I don't iron many clothes but when I get stressed I will iron anything. Pillowcases, napkins, dish towels, shirts, etc. Since I live a frugal life anyway I think I will look upon my ironing as a vice. I also have three irons. Sorry, I just had to confess.

  11. Nellie great post! So what do I need to do better on? Well I do iron but manage to have a very small amount of stuff to iron once every two weeks.
    And I have a hairdryer, but only use it about once a week, the other times I let it air dry! Oh and the last time I found money two pound notes, I was six years old, (very early 70s) mum made me take it to the police station!!!!!
    A tip for washing up. Squeeze a little washing up liquid on to a scouring sponge and squeeze that into the water, as you wash up, makes it last so much longer. Ginny x

  12. Nice to see you back Nellie. I did giggle when I realised I'd misread your bit about the electric toothbrush, I thought you'd written " bog brush would do". I don't have any of the electric gadgets you mentioned except for the hairdryer. If I didn't style my hair I'd scare children and small animals with it in its natural state.

    I almost never iron except when I'm sewing something, then I press the seams out etc.

    Re the driving, I am trying these days to not hit the brakes so much and think ahead. I try and 'glide' to a junction and apply the brakes softly. I think it is making a difference to petrol consumption.

    And I do keep my eyes on the ground - I found a soggy fiver in Tesco car park a couple of months ago and I do find the usual 1ps and 5ps when I'm out and about. It's good exercise all that bending down and straightening up again and with a financial reward at the end!!

    Linda xx

    1. Glad you are making an effort with the driving, it certailny does make a difference. Gliding is good, let the car slow down all by itself, sometimes you don't have to brake at all if you have anticipated the situation well in advance.

  13. "Wash your hair on a fine day and walk outside, and let the sun and wind dry it"

    ha ha if I did that I'd end up looking like the "Hair bear bunch" (remember them?).

    I did laugh about the pebble dashing hee hee

    I would add, don't shop in expensive places like Marks and Spencers, car boot sales and charity shops are the boutiques of choice for Frugalers :-D

  14. Hi Nellie/Ilona/Nellona/Ilonell, try using a teaspoon to measure how much washing up liquid to use.
    I like the choccy bars at the till and my wife says she'll never get rid of her big arse but she took her vows.....
    Run a diesel car. Don't bump onto kerbs because you damage tyres, wheels, steering and suspension.
    We find £10-15 per year of money on the ground.
    If you must iron clothes buy a flat iron that you heat up on the fire.
    Make money from your old clothes at cash for clothes.
    Hope these tips help the cause.

    1. Great tips there Dave, thanks for your contribution. Love from Nellie

  15. Loved this. Everytime we walk by our local shops my boys look for money and usually find some. I find it embarrassing but now I will hold my head high and be proud of their frugalism!

  16. Another great inspiring post Nellie.
    I hate ironing so much that I no longer buy garments that require pressing. I hardly ever use my iron.

  17. RE Toilet paper. Use the cheapest recycled paper you can. Don't indulge your bum with triple quilted aloe vera scented sheets. It will get ideas above its station!

  18. Hi Nellie/Ilona, Great frugalistic suggestions, all but the toilet paper. I draw a line there. I don't buy the expensive kind but I do buy toilet paper and will continue to. There was a show on tv recently about frugal people and one of the women on the show doesn't buy toilet paper. Her and her family use cut up old towels or rags and she washes them every week and reuses them! UGH! UGH! That's all I have to say about that.

  19. A few years ago our toilet was blocked. With the kids being young at the time i called a drain company out. It cost me £100 and he unblocked it with a plunger. He said the quilted paper can cause blockages. I was straight out buying a plunger the very next day.

    1. I would have just quit buying the quilted stuff.

  20. I use more TP than Nellie, but never more than 4-5 sheets, and I buy the single-ply brand. The secret is to fluff it up as you pull it off the rolls. (My husband uses much more than I do, but he wraps it around his fist and there are no air spaces). If I happen to be using double ply (at someone's house) it doesn't even feel right in my hand. Three squares of double ply definitely is enough.

    I have a motto that may help others: "Never buy something for the purpose of throwing it away." This applies to TP, paper towels, wastebasket liners (I use plastic grocery sacks), etc. You will be surprised how much this saves in a year...especially paper towels. I used cloth diapers (nappies) instead of disposables, and I saved a fortune. I was not into the cult of cloth diapering--just used plain old gauze prefolds with pins and plastic pants, and my kids lived to tell the story.

  21. As always, an amusing post with lots of great advice. I have to use cheap thinner loo paper because our ancient waste pipes get clogged up with the thicker kind as it doesn't disintegrate as quickly. I buy Aldi's paper at £1.89 for 12 rolls. I also saw the programme with the family that used cloths instead of paper. I don't think my lot would go for it, but I have no real objection myself and would certainly consider it if I lived alone. I had most of my kiddies in cloth nappies and don't see using a cloth to wipe your backside as any different from that really. I used cloth sanitary towels for several years before the menopause took away the need and I would treat cloth bum wipes the same way, I'd soak them, rinse them and wash them just as I used to the nappies and towels. Re ironing, I only do it when I'm sewing. I like to do patchwork and seams need to be pressed regularly, but I don't mind the rumpled look for my clothing.

  22. An energy-saving tip that I use when camping - keep a small thermos flask by the kettle so that when you've made your cup of tea, pour the remainder of the boiling water into the thermos and use it when you next need to boil some water.

  23. Funny and useful tips Nellie. I have a tip for saving electricity. The next time you are looking around your home check what uses standby lights and ask yourself, do they really need to stay on when I go out. Put your computer in a power save mode if its going to be left on. Check your television settings to see if it has an auto switch off feature. That way if you fall alseep in front of your TV it should turn itself off saving you a few quid.

  24. Supernelliefrugalisticletsbeverycautious

    1. Anon, v clever!! Nellie without going into too much detail I do not know how you can make do with three for a number two, sorry, but I don't think I am with you on that one!! Great post though.

    2. If a long fancy word is good enough for Mary Poppins......

  25. Re the toilet roll usage, start of with 4 sheets for durability, then throw the dirty one or two and replace each time.

  26. Some of you may remember looking for change in telephone booths back in the day.


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