Thursday, 10 October 2013

In search of something amazing

Please excuse me if I don't write a brilliant post tonight, I am suffering from a serious overload of anything connected with frugal, thrifty, money saving, scrimping, simple living, food, cooking, recipes, and all things to do with the cost of living, surviving on a small income, and not spending money. Nobody is telling me anything new, I've heard it all before and I've read it all before. It's in the news, it's on the radio and TV, it's everywhere you turn. There's got to be more to life.

I'm spending an hour or two looking around blogland for something different to read, something stimulating, something interesting, so please excuse me while I go off on my travels, winding my way through the millions of blogs, in search of something to amaze me. I will report back if I find anything.
Toodle pip


  1. Hi Ilona, You might like I follow several hikers each year on our 2000+ mile Appalachian Trail. Also, good hiking information and journals for many other trails.
    Virginia from Tennessee

  2. You are very welcome to visit my blog and look at goat pictures. :)

  3. Well, you are right. In fact 98% of the so-called frugal blogs are not frugal at all and you can see why some of them are digging their way out of a mountain of debt. The red-light for me is "treat yourself, you deserve it". Typical of the modern age, right ? Never mind you have nt got the money or you could actually use it to make a better world.......
    You have to admit, Illona, that frugality is just ONE of your passions.

  4. Hi, Ilona ... at the risk of putting you off, I'm going to let you in on my favorite 'go-to' blog that simply makes me happy and hopeful, and inspires and encourages me to 'snap out of it' when my mood threatens to pull me down: Happy searching!

    Sharon in Alabama (USA)

  5. I know exactly how you feel!
    Hello from Australia - I have been stalking for a while to see if I can learn anymore about living on a pension, but as you say it has all been said before.
    Enjoy your "surfing'!

  6. You might like to come on a walk with me - I am thrifty and frugal and my mottos learned at my mother's knee are "make do and mend" and "waste not want no"t BUT most of my posts don't bring that into their content - pop over for a cup of tea with me and see what you think?

  7. How about reading this:
    A young Australian guy's year out travelling?

    Virginia from Surrey

  8. Yes, read some travel blogs. If you want your spirits lifting colour wise, take a look at the blog of le Monde de Sucrette. She does delicious crochet and lives I think in the Lebanon, how she keeps sane I don't know. You'll enjoy just looking at the photos.

  9. I think that being thrifty has to be in your nature, its not something that you can just start doing when you hit hard times. Like you say its just the same tips going round and round and its usually the better off people that save the most money.
    Theres a tip i can think of that could save an expensive call out, if your car has had its wheels removed by the garage, its likely that they have been overtightened when refitted and you wouldn't be able to undo them at the roadside using the toolkit in the car, so make sure you can get the wheelnuts undone if you need to.

  10. Blimey Ilona, I just reckon you got out of bed on the wrong side! Anyway you have loads of interests and lots of friends. Please tell us more about the talks you give to groups.

  11. I know what you mean Ilona, I feel the same- we are in a recession, money is tight, some of us are just surviving but there has to be a more positive outlook/view/vision. Don't let the b******s get you down. Su ( I don't want to be anonymous but I cant comment any other way)

  12. I have purple carrots on my blog this week ha ha

  13. ...go check out some medieval cathedrals or something...

  14. Hi Ilona For something different try or My escape from frugality.

  15. fact, why not check out the amazing blog Buses and Bedhopping, a thirty-something's travels through Europe. Okay, she's my niece, so I'm biased, but it's full of lovely pics of places I would love to go to (and some I have been to) with interesting comments.

  16. Get over to my blog and check out my pumpkins - so to speak ;P

  17. I think I know exactly how you feel.

    Retired at 48, hubby semi-retired at 48, no kids, mortgage paid off, have lived within our means seemingly forever, have been as self-sufficient as we can seemingly forever, blogging about these things in a hopefully non-preachy way (like you) since early 2003.

    Utterly sick of so many of the others - amateurs, many jumping on the sponsored posts / wanting freebies / want a new career bandwagon.

    1. It might be just me but when I click on Kate's link, it opens to a page that says ther sever cannot be found. And the name of Kate's blog? Staying invisible. Classic!! If it is just me, I still find it funny.

    2. It's not just you lucindasans - I get the same thing.
      It's funny to me too :-)


  18. This is my favourite blog but I have the same problem, I can't find another money saving blog about people living thrifty lives. It's all recycled basic tips from shows like superscrimpers *shudder*. I like to see how people make the tips work for them, how they fit stuff into thier lives.
    My favourite money saving tip at the moment is to combine wombling, price guarentee vouchers and coupons with try me frees to get paid for my shopping.

  19. Mr money mustache is a good one. He's an early retiree (retired at 30) and he writes about how he did it, but he also does quite a lot on being happy and environmental stuff. And no lame superscrimper type advice!!

  20. Just came across this one through yahoo news, looks like it could be right up your street! :o) Lucy


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