Saturday, 5 October 2013

When I was famous

Hey, what was all that about yesterday! It's ok to get a bit bored sometimes, it's ok to be fed up, but with me my down moments are very short lived, I can soon pull myself back up. Every day is a fresh new start, every day is a bonus. Yesterday is dead and gone.

I get bored with the sameness of life, routine stifles me. I have not been put on this planet to be a robot, to follow the rules, I've had enough of that in my time at work. I was a bit of a rebel, always had a lot to say for myself, now I make my own rules up.

I need a constant stream of new ideas, I need every day to be different. I get bored with my own blog sometimes, if I was someone else reading it I would think, oh no, not that again. I need to keep refreshing it. When I am struggling for a fresh new post and there is nothing in my empty head, I regurgitate something I have written before, twist it around, and put a new slant on it. I am not happy doing that. Ok, I know many of you have said you like reading, and I am chuffed, but I write my blog for me. It's like baking a cake, I put the ingredients together, and you the lovely readers are the icing on the top.

I get a buzz when I spend a long time composing something, re reading and editing it, and when I think it looks good I press the publish button and there it is. Live on the world wide web. When I chuck a few words in a pot and they come out all mixed up and it's a load of drivel, I am annoyed with myself. I haven't enjoyed it, it isn't up to standard, and I think it shows. Yes, you have probably guessed, I am very critical of my own work, always have been, because I get great satisfaction when I do it right.    

Anyway, lets move on, today is happening right now and it's not to be wasted. Tomorrow will bring something new. I've made a short film, sorry it's not the best quality. I have an old vhs video tape of a film made in the 1980's for television. I don't have the knowledge, or the right equipment, or the money, to transfer it to disc, so I just pointed the camera at the screen. I was asked to bring some of my Lady Trucker friends to a Truckstop for a night out. It was part of an hour long programme called Night Moves. I was quite famous after it went out.

I'm off out now, it's sunny. Toodle pip


  1. Like you, Ilona, I bucked the trend; not by driving a huge truck (though I did drive a lorry for several years) but by becoming an engineer when females were few and far between. I found it extremely boring to sit doing the same job day after day, so volunteered to try other jobs within the factory. Much more variety, interest and job satisfaction. Finally, after earning my Engineering degree, I set up an engineering business with two fellers and we worked for ourselves. :)
    Yes, we've had a beautiful day too - sunshine and blue skies, so my dog and I have been off to the beach for the afternoon. I was de-cluttering, having made a good start yesterday, but the sunshine was calling me - and the housework lost!

    1. That sounds like an interesting life you had. Great stuff.

  2. Nice little film. Shame there was no sound to it.

    1. Not sure why you can't hear it Sarina, coming over loud and clear here. Are your speakers working ok?

    2. I had a problem hearing you-tube also. On the bar at the bottom of the you-tube clip there is a speaker symbol. If this has an X next to it, left click on there and a slider will appear. With your mouse, slide along this and the volume should start. I think that you- tube has changed settings or something, because I didn't have to do this previously to get sound on clips. Hop this solves the problem Sarina.

  3. You really don't look any different!
    Jane x

  4. I'm never bored by your blog, Are you planning any interesting trips before the winter sets in ?

  5. Hi Ilona
    A completely irrelevant question for you!
    I noticed when listening to you on a video clip (super scrimpers? can't remember now) that you said you didn't use your central heating.
    We've not been using ours but have now got damp patches on the walls upstairs. The roof etc. has been checked, all ok.
    I don't know anyone else who doesn't use their heating upstairs so that's why I'm asking you.
    It's been suggested it could be condensation. Do you have a problem with that? Do you keep windows closed all the time or open? We've been advised to keep the windows in all rooms open a tiny crack as we don't have any other sort of vents in the house. Just wondered how you went on with that.
    I'd be interested to know how you manage to keep your house shipshape. It's very tempting to keep all the windows tightly shut to keep any warmth in!

    Thanks for any help.

    1. Hi Jeanie. I don't have a problem with condensation. I keep the small window in my bedroom slightly open by half an inch, same with the small window on the upstairs landing at the back of the house. I have three air vents in the bricks as well, one downstairs in the living room, and two upstairs in two bedrooms. When I am in the house my inside backdoor to the house is always open, and the outside back door open when the weather is nice, or closed when not, it has a cat flap. I don't close any inside doors, they are always open as I wander from room to room.

      My house is brick, built about 60 years ago, with cavity wall insulation and loft insulation. A house needs to breath, not a good idea to keep everything closed. A neighbour never opens any windows and only opens the door when they leave the house or come back. All their windows are wet with condensation.

      I haven't put my heating on yet, and I won't do until I am freezing cold.

      How many people are there in your house? Does everyone have steamy showers and baths, and how many per day? Open the bathroom window to let the steam out. Do you open a window when cooking? Do you dry washing indoors? I don't think you need to keep all windows open an inch, maybe a couple upstairs, or are you a bungalow?

      Get everybody to put more clothes on and move about, and open windows when you are doing housework.

    2. Thanks for your reply Ilona, very helpful.

      Have a great day.

    3. Houses are meant to be heated to stop them being damp in winter.
      Double glazing seals the house up which is great for stopping draughts but stops air getting in.
      Modern building materials used on old houses can cause problems, for instance my victorian terraced house doesn't have proper foundations and is constantly on the move. It was built using lime mortar which never sets and allows movement.

  6. Lovely blog. Great to see you happy.
    Till tomorrow.
    Dianne - Hereford

  7. If there are gutters clogged or out of alignment they will back up along the drip edge and cause sweating inside. I have to use a dehumidifier to get rid of condensation because of a damp, no way to fix it old house crawl space. I know, up goes the electric, but i'll save another way to cover the cost. It is a big help to me to keep the house from being less damp. I do open up the windows in warmer weather.

    1. We had everything checked, our gutters aren't clogged!

  8. That was great. You had me smiling the whole time because you were smiling. Thanks for posting it.

  9. Cheer up chuck , youre famous to us .

  10. "I get bored with the sameness of life, routine stifles me. I need a constant stream of new ideas"

    I am exactly the same. You summed it up perfectly. I was always maligned by my family for being "changeable" or "unsettled" so I saw this as a bad thing. Now I just live the way I want. Good for you girl. How refreshing to be artistic, spontaneous and a little bit non-conformist. Good for you Girl x

  11. You are an interesting person Ilona even when you think you aren't! My life is pretty same-y it helps me to feel settled and secure. Guess we are all different.... Was lovely to catch up with you last night, good to hear all about the furry friends :0)

  12. You are a television natural.

  13. You looked very beautiful in that clip Ilona and you are aging well. I only bring this up because from time to time you say you never see yourself as attractive. You are a natural on television. Very relaxed, comfortable and confident.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.