Friday, 28 February 2014

Broccoli every day next week

Thank you everyone for your comments yesterday. I know the consensus is not to feed the troll, and normally I don't, but on this occasion I thought I would  throw them to the lions, and let you rip them to bits, which you did beautifully. so thank you. The troll cannot hurt me, because I won't let them. There is no point whatsoever in their hate campaign, because their nasty words just bounce straight off me. Everything they send will get deleted, so a completely pointless exercise. 
Here is a bit of good news, I was jumping for joy yesterday. I did an hour's gardening helping my friend, and in the same village a new Tesco Express has opened. I thought it was worth a look before I headed home at 5pm. I couldn't believe my eyes, I quickly found the reduced section and there was some good stuff there, I just had to have some yellow stickers. Luckily I had put a few coins in my pocket, just in case. I got £19.55 worth of food for £2.66. Most of it was 90% off. I shall be eating broccoli till it comes out of my ear holes. You can't have too many greens. The ham is a treat for the cats, also I gave one away. I also gave my friend a tub of clotted cream. Not very healthy I know, but a treat. I love finding a bargain, lot's of bargains is even better. Makes shopping a lot more interesting. 
I almost didn't bother going on my planned visit to the big Tesco last night, but at the last minute I changed my mind and went. There was a few items I needed, and I wanted to use the £3 off voucher. I got a few more yellow stickers, a big bag of bananas for 17p, houmous for 10p, cous cous 13p, as well as my regular items. There was no tinned peach slices left so I had pineapple instead, only 4p dearer. There was no Value peanut butter left, and no alternative so I will have to pop in during the day when I am passing.

Today's lunch was two boiled eggs, three spring onions, pickled onions, beetroot, grated carrot, on a bed of cous cous, with two crispbreads. Very nice it was.

I gave away four bags last night at Tesco, all recipients willingly accepted my surprise gift and were chuffed. Today I made these four new bags.

I went to town for an hour this afternoon, to get some cash out of the bank. Picked up a few bits and bobs from the discount stores. I was looking for seed potatoes, but didn't find any to my liking at the price I want to pay. They looked a bit dried up and half dead. I normally get three bags from the Pound shop, but I see they have reduced the content of them. It used to be eight, now there are only six potatoes in the pack. I will look elsewhere. Ought to think about getting some seeds started indoors.

Right, I'm off to catch up on 'Call the Midwife', I missed episode five. A nice mug of hot chocolate and a hot cross bun, (30p for 4), will go down a treat. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a nice weekend. Toodle pip.


  1. Broccoli soup, Ilona? It's one of my favourites and can be frozen to save eating the broccoli very soon. Catriona

  2. I love the colours of the bags! I also love broccoli and make soup from the stalks. YUM.
    Jane x

  3. I really like broccoli.....( just sayin...) in fact I was strangely attracted to your post by the mention of it... Makes a nice quiche with an egg or two, bit of onion etc. (or flan as we call it up here...)

  4. Broccoli is food of the gods. Love it. An onion, stock, water and broccoli is the best soup ever. Great post.

  5. Broccoli cheese soup? Good stuff! Do you have any idea when the next season of Last Tango in Halifax starts?

    1. Hi Linda. I haven't heard about the next series. The first two have been in the run up to Christmas, so I wonder if the same thing will happen again this year. The actors must be very busy so I expect they can only fit in one series per year.

  6. What a fun and successful day you have had!
    You can bet the troll did not....
    Well done.

  7. Good score, Ilona !! You were in the right place at the right time and your food and snacks sound great today, and brocolli is so great as a side and in soups and even raw....
    Have a great weekend !

  8. Oh, and dont mention the troll again - that is exactly what it wants - to stir up trouble and get attention. Totally ignore..

  9. I didn't get on yesterday, but have just read your post and the comments. Your blog is one of only three I read regularly and I absolutely love it. You have a wonderfully positive and refreshing attitude to life, you do your own thing without harming anyone else, you offer practical advice and helpful hints and appear to be a generous and caring person, who is happy in her own skin. We should all be so lucky! [Unlike some bloggers - I SO relate to Lizzie's comment yesterday - I used to read a blog that exactly fits her description.]

    Keep up the good work and lang may yer lum reek!

    HM in Sherwood Forest

  10. Hi Ilona, I love when you show what you got at the supermarket, especially with the yellow stickers! Wow, what great prices. Love broccoli. Just made some pasta with broccoli tonight with some sautéed garlic in olive oil as the sauce for it and some grated cheese on top. Easy to make and good for you. I've never had plain broccoli soup but had the kind that is called "cream of broccoli". Yum!

  11. good for you!
    loved the bags!

  12. Looks good I want hot cross buns way expensive here at the moment I'm waiting for markdowns Louise

  13. Love the colours of the new bags. There has been an interesting series of programs (4), on BBC1 recently about the pound shops and to keep the prices at £1 they do have to reduce the contents of some of their packets.

  14. The new bags look lovely, as does your lunch. My local Tesco is one of the 24 hr ones and they only reduce stuff by 20 or 30p so I always a bit envious of the bargins that you grab, what fab bargins youve got this week, I love broccoli! I got my seed potatoes at B&M Home Bargins this year, 10 for £1.99 and they are chitting away on the windowsill as we speak, cant wait to get into the garden. Im not sure what else to grow this year.
    Will you be growing any more humoungous sunflowers this year? Cant wait to hear what else you will be growing as well. :o)

    1. Hi Kiwijo. No I won't be growing sunflowers again. They need too much attention, constant watering, and tying up so they don't get blown about in the wind. Apart from the usual vegetables, runner beans, courgettes, potatoes, and broad beans, I might try some flowers.

  15. Since I have been off I have gotten into Call the midwife, hubby would hate it so its nice to watch it during the day.

    Thats a great haul you got of yellow stickers. I adore broccoli plus its vey good for you too. Fabulous new bags. I am sure that the recipients of the bags you gave away were very pleased indeed.

    Have great weekend.

    X x

    1. My OH and son hate Call the Midwife too and I have to suffer Top Gear every Sunday instead and watch Call the Midwife on iPlayer. (My husband refers to it as 'Call the placenta'! I've told him, I haven't seen a placenta yet but they insist that it's too graphic for them - wimps).

  16. Broccoli soup, Broccoli souffle, Broccoli Crumble, Broccoli Sorbet, Broccoli Omelette, Fried Broccoli, Terrine of Broccoli, Broccoli Scones......... sorry, couldn't resist!

    I might apply the above to the 3 packs of YS Coleslaw I got on Wednesday evening!

    Linda xx

  17. Aldi are selling seed potatoes at the moment, so you might want to try there.

  18. The cream and broc would have made a fab soup. After you idea about giving away bags I did the same. I belogn to a foster care organization and the local surtain shop donates single sample curtains to us we had so many. We got a local school home economics class to make us enough bags for our annual conf (approx 250 bags) this allowed us a great savings! Thanks for the idea, Denise, Maine, USA.

  19. Love the bags and the broccoli soup was interesting. I have bags of purple sprouting broccoli and i'm running out of ways to eat them! I've dehydrated a load as an 'and broccoli' to add to pasta and rice :) thanks for the inspiration, morgan x


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