Thursday, 27 February 2014

Baa baa black sheep have you any wool :o))

Good morning. We had rain overnight, but the clouds are drifting away and patches of blue are starting to fill the sky. One of the comments yesterday has given me the idea for today's post. I often find myself agreeing wholeheartedly with the wise words of my readers, some of you don't miss a trick and have sussed me out perfectly. On the other hand there are some comments and opinions which are wide off the mark, but that's only to be expected. It's very difficult to work out how someones brain is wired up by the letters they press on a keyboard, all weave an interesting tapestry for my blog.

This is the comment which made me smile, from bigbrownchicken. She hasn't got a blog so I can't link.

I like your style Iona, carefree and a bit child like...and why not if you can!!

bbc, you have me sussed. Your comment made me grin from ear to ear, for that is one of the personna's I like to portray to the world. It was so refreshing to read that. It came in stark contrast to the latest troll comment, which of course did not get published. 

Yes, the troll is still lurking in the background. Shed loads of insults and pure nastiness appear almost daily. At one time their frustration at what I was writing was too much for them to bear, and they vowed to stop reading and never come back. Well that lasted about four weeks, then they could keep quiet no more, and now they are back to continue their offence against me.

Every comment they make gives me a little more insight into their world, I am building up a picture. I know it is widely said that one should ignore trolls, because they do it to provoke a reaction. The reaction they get from me is not the one they are looking for. I don't get wound up, and I don't get worried. Actually the troll makes me chuckle. I keep using the word troll, it being an unknown person who's sole intention is to disrupt and undermine. I think this troll is known to me, and is hoping I will stop blogging. Ha ha, not a hope in hell sunshine, so why do you keep up this relentless pursuit, because it isn't going to get you anywhere.

One wonders what goes through the mind of someone who trolls for so long, almost a year now. What a sad life they lead, that they have to continually put someone down to make themselves feel better. There must be an awful lot of anxiety in their life, their confidence must be at rock bottom.   

'Carefree and a bit childlike', yep, that's me alright, and why not. Carefree is good for your physical health as well as good for you mentally. What is there to worry about exactly, we are all going in the same direction. I used to worry when I was younger, but not any more. Worry about what I look like, worry about what people think of me, worry about why I was not married, worry about doing my job right, worry about getting my big lorry into a tight space, ha ha. Oh core blimey, lots to worry about. Now I am a pensioner I can be anything I like, don't have to conform, don't have to dress like a 64 year old, and I can be me. If I want to act silly I can. In short, I have ......

And now I feel much better for it. This is a great time in my life, and no saddo tapping away on a keyboard is going to spoil it for me. Stuff you troll. There, I feel even better now. No doubt you will come back and spout more bile, but beware, you need to let go and get on with your own life, or you will end up a bitter and twisted person, and I know who's skin I would rather be in. 
Thank you bigbrownchicken for that thought provoking comment. I'm off outside. Toodle pip.


  1. Hi Ilona i'm just popping by to say hallo. Glad to see you are on top form. Mia sends her love too.
    I do feel a bit sorry for the sad troll. Only a bit though.x

    1. Hello John. I am reading your blog, honest. Your new driveway looks great. My love to Mia.

  2. Hi, I couldn't agree more, life is too short and if you cant have a bit of fun and a chuckle now and then its sad.
    Like you I live alone, I enjoy eating as and when, and a similar diet to yours!!
    I wear what I like, in short I don't give a toss. I wake up each day chirpy,I have two dogs that
    keep me fit , walking is great exercise. I know i am not a bit in line with fashion , i dress to suit me and my lifestyle.
    Ignore this ignorant git who sends you insults. I love your blog. It makes me smile, and that's what life is about. Perhaps this cretin has nothing better to do
    keep on blogging PLEASE xxxx

    1. You sound a lot like me, or should I say I am a lot like you, ha ha.

  3. Although you and I live oceans apart we see the world alike. I too am retired..adore our three cats ...busy growing most of out own fruit and veg..and I am constantly amazed how anyone has the time or inclination to be a troll. Life is short and there are so many things to do and enjoy. Why would you waste precious time at the computer pouring out vile comments. Get a life,Troll.

  4. I would like to be able to feel sorry for a Troll but a person who can sustain such monstrous behavior over that length of time deserves no pity. Treatment probably, naming and shaming most certainly. Yes, now that I have seen it in print that description of your character is very good, I also think that you are so comfortable and secure in your skin that you can carry anything that you do off with aplomb. You are an inspiration to us all.

  5. You are what you are, I am what I am, we is what we is. Glad of that!
    Jane x

  6. Pity the are a wonder Ilona, a true inspiration as you are happy in your own skin and living the life you want...something we all dream least we normal folks...I work with some women so miserable they try to spread it around...and nothing makes them madder than when you go on about your business of enjoying your days...

  7. Trolls are trolls and should be ignored(many of them unfortunately have mental health issues)........ honest, respectful difference of opinion should be considered. There are some bloggers out there (you are NOT one of them) who have very transparent anger issues( be it poverty or divorce or ungrateful children etc) and are very sensitive about any perceived criticism and really only allow affirmation of their life style to be expressed i.e. they just want a cheer squad to make them feel better about themselves and their situation. You are in the situation along with a handful of other bloggers in that you manage to skillfully live on very little money. You do not have two good incomes coming in enabling you to pay off consumer debt( which you have freely taken on) and overpay mortgages etc. while carping about the fact that you have to pay anything for anything.......
    You, however, talk the talk AND walk the walk..... Sometimes I do cringe at comments like the one you are talking about - passive aggressive remarks that circle round.

    1. Some of the comments are really nasty name calling. There are criticisms of everything about me. My appearance, my dress sense, my skinny frame, my 64 year old wrinkly skin, my home, my decor, my colour choices, the fact that I live alone and how sad that I haven't a man in my life, or any friends. My grammar and my punctuation, are often corrected, and my subject matter is rubbished. Oh, and if that isn't enough, I am an 'old witch'. These give me very strong clues, and after a process of elimination, take me in one direction only.

    2. Illona that is disgusting stuff - have you thought of reporting the troll? internet bullying and ause is, I believe, illegal.

      You are lovely and I wish we lived closer!

  8. This happened to me, too. I just removed the person from my life. The end. I don't have much time left on this earth and it's not going to be spent in fear.
    The nice thing about being a senior is we have wisdom, yet can sprinkle it with a bit of childlike behavior if we wish. The old saying goes, 'Once an adult, twice a child.'.

  9. I think your troll is probably the" Green eyed monster that doth mock the meat it feeds on"
    (Quote from Othello)

    Your thrifty nature and personality has brought you unscathed to this point in your life, I would say a big pat on the back is in order
    Keep blogging and remember
    Those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind.

  10. Gosh some people are quite sad aren't they?

    You carry on being you hun, happy, carefree and with a smile from ear to ear. They are all the charms we love about you.

    X x

  11. It does say a lot about trolls that they do the things they do. Very sad and probably sick individuals with obviously too much time on their hands.

  12. I'm with you Ilona, I don't worry about anything much. I get concerned if the cats seem unwell or of course Tom, but other things do not bother me. I shall be gone from this earth in a relatively few years and so I'm not going to spoil the years I have left with worry.
    It's pointless anyway and doesn't get you anywhere, just take a look back through your life, anyone that worries and see where it has got you. NOWHERE....
    As for the troll, you are right again, he/she has a sad life with little in it to keep her/him busy, actually I feel a bit sorry for them.
    Keep trucking Ilona

  13. Great post - and so true about not worrying. I am a firm believer that trolls are actually people who have personality disorders, narcissism or borderline personality disorder. They usually display all the traits which stems from very poor self esteem, deep insecurities, fragile ego, hyper-vigilant around people, petty grudge holding, they become obsessed with revenge over a perceived slight. They are incredibly negative people who act like emotional vampires, always very child-like, emotionally stunted and push people away so they create a viscous circle of push-pull relationships and ultimately end up rather lonely. The internet is a wet dream for these people (excuse the phrase), it's like a readily available drug that instantly soothes their fragile ego with a click of the mouse. Ignoring them is best, because even by acknowledging what they do, gives them a tremendous narcissistic supply - positive or negative, it's all the same to them. On a plus note - how many lovely comments do you get everyday? You have some wonderful readers who really appreciate your blog, I enjoy their comments as much your blog. Debbie x

  14. Troll - sod him or her............sad life (most likely no life) , a very pathetic & lonely person; feel sorry for them to be honest to be so twisted inside they have to spew out bile.........You are the winner here with your loyal readers - I love your blog, read it everyday, wonder how you come up with new subjects to write about, marvellous! I am thinking about retirement next spring when I am 65 and your tips on living within your means are spurring me on! Keep it up please...........we love it!! Shirley

  15. Troll=bully. End of. Fab that you just delete the posts so that the person in question has no audience. By the way I always love your bright colours- I am a fan of the colourful myself!

  16. I really enjoy your blog and find you and your life an inspiration. I'm sorry that this person continues to make such ugly comments and remarks and I really hope you don't let him/her get to you. Keep on enjoying your life, and thanks for sharing it with your readers.

  17. Hi Ilona - read your lovely blog regularly and thoroughly enjoy it. Wonderful to be doing just what you want in life!! I also adore your lovely cats and your care of any strays which wander into your life. Kind regards !

  18. Yes, there really are some sad individuals.
    I have this "up you" attitude to anybody who doesn't have the bottle to put a name to their poison, 9 times out of 10 it's jealousy that makes them do this sort of thing?

  19. Why do people waste so much time being nasty - very sad. Your blog is a breath of fresh air. Sarah

  20. Danneke giving a shout Ilona., Is there not some law about these sicko trolls abusing people , its a pity they/he/she has nothing better to do with time , obvious they do not go out to work and have lots of time on their hands. I was called today to ask if I could go into hospital on 48hrs notice if there was a cancellation, a resounding YES said I as I will be pleased to get rid of the constant pain I am in, then hopefully I will be able to walk,dig my garden etc again. Got to get fresh veggies in tomorrow as its forcast heavy snow heading to the UK, I had a laugh at the fussy cats remarks, my ferrals are just as choosy I have found out, but I do try and change foods around . I am keeping an eye on one of the cats that come to feed it is looking so thin, I am wondering if I should try and put worming pills crushed into the food in case its the parasite, Any suggestions Ilona, bear in mind the cats will not come near for me to get hold of them.

  21. So wrong you have to go through this, jealousy is a terrible thing and eats into some people's lives. All the best, Barbara xxx

  22. Carefree and a bit child like is exactly what I aspire to be - yes, sod the troll, sad devil they must be.

  23. Hi Ilona, you really make me laugh. You have a great way of just getting on with your life and not letting anyone get you down. Brilliant. I am so glad you blog.

  24. Sadly it sounds as though your Troll has mental health issues.

    Try this site

    In hope this helps X

  25. probably bullied themselves, you know what they say the bullied become the bullies, but hey if they're so tough, STAND UP AND BE COUNTED, probably won't though because they're still the little guy that got picked on all those years ago. I totally admire you for being who you are, never change, you are what you is, yey

  26. Ilona you are a legend - which means a wonderful person here. I am inspired every day after reading your blog !

  27. Sadly, misery loves company. Nothing to be done but ignore it. The best revenge is living a good life, which you're doing marvelously!

  28. I enjoy your blog. You are such a cheerful person.

  29. It beats me what on earth anyone could think of to insult you about. You are fabulous. You are right to laugh, because they obviously hate themselves so much they can't even cope with sharing their name. Your blog is amazing!

  30. I have been stuck at home since late last year, diagnosed with epilepsy. Your blog has given me pleasure. I like how you cope with a limited budget. I like how you are creative. Have a nice day.

  31. You have a lovely figure and look fantastic and vibrant for. 64 yr old the troll is jealous I'm 46 and log onto your blog to read everyday Louise

  32. Yayyyyy... keep going, Ilona!

    My friend has had a troll for TEN years, she has her own blog about how much she disapproves of him... All very sad.

  33. You have a rich life Ilona for pennies! You fit more in a day than these sad people will ever do. As you know I cannot get out and about much due to Hubbys health but love seeing you pics and hearing your tales. You certainly enrich my day and so many others seem to agree.

  34. I read your log every day you are an interesting woman who loves animals have an enviable figure and a love of life don't let the bastards grind you down lol

  35. Just to echo "Ignore the troll". I made the mistake before now of responding to a "troll with friends" and it all went totally wrong, as they pulled quite a campaign to turn things on their head and try and make out that I was the one...when it had been them and I was just responding and trying to defend myself and stop them being so b*****y towards me. In hindsight, I should have totally ignored them and pretended they didn't exist...rather than defending myself and trusting that everyone would see "how the wind blew".

    You're doing the right thing to not respond to them. Hard lesson learnt from experience ....I was just naïve in not realising how these people operate sometimes.

    Keep going...keep blogging. Good luck to you with it.

  36. I love reading your blog. I read quite a few but the ones I like are those where the personality of the person shines through, and yours is one of those. As we say around our parts 'Dunt fret' lol x

  37. I don't comment often but I have been a regular reader of your blog for a couple of years now. I love reading about your day and going along on walks all over the countryside. You've got such a great attitude and I appreciate that you share so much with your readers. Ignore the trolls or block them by IP address, they are not worth worrying about

  38. I am sure your troll is a very clever and adorable person, at least that must be what his or her Mummy tells them when they tuck them up at night!

  39. I agree - I love your blog and your obvious strong values and principles and good sense of humour. How sad that someone would waste so much time and energy having a go at somebody for just getting on with their life!


  40. Troll-ing is just human nature i suppose, there's always someone ready to call or critisise someone else just because they're different from the crowd(or sheep) its just that technology has made it very easy and annonymous.
    It used to be done by phone a few years ago which could be scary, so the ability to delete is a good thing.
    I wonder how people got their kicks before phones and computers were available.

  41. I do notice that the more popular blogs attract trolls!

  42. Too many positive comments here should outweigh any that a troll places. Just ignore these idiots and know that you are much better than them!


  43. Trolls are just not worth the effort and I think that you are right to ignore and just let them get on with it. I have been reading your blog for several years now and I find you to be one of the most down-to-earth, kind and friendly bloggers out there in Blogland. I used to blog until a couple of years ago, when I received the most awful, hateful comment from someone and - sadly - I wasn't as strong as you. My troll had things to say about my disabled child and I was so hurt and shocked that I acted in haste and decided to stop blogging there and then, deleting everything.

    I'm sure you know that there are many people online who like you and enjoy reading your blog - you were someone who used to comment on mine regularly and I got a lot from your posts and have learned a lot from you. I'm so pleased to see that you have been given so much support from everyone here :)

    Lisa x (used to blog as BrightandNew )


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