Monday, 24 February 2014

Disgusting !!!

If I was living with someone, these would be my disgusting habits. There would be verbal punch ups between me and my other half, they would swear and curse, and slam doors, and stamp around a bit. They would tell me what a slob I am, and demand that they have their own fridge which would have a lock on it and be out of bounds to me. They would order me to keep my mitts off their food. 
But luckily I don't live with anyone, so I can do what the hell I like in my kitchen.
I can bite a chunk out of the cheese and put it back. Nice set of gnashers eh!
I can eat the peanut butter straight from the jar with a knife. Yum, love it.

I can dip into the big tub of plain yogurt, with a dessert spoon, and eat one spoon, or six.

I can take a swig of milk straight from the carton and put it back in the fridge.

And I can eat my stew straight from the pan. No need to mess a plate up.

It's bliss living alone. Come on you singlies, confess, what do you do when no one is looking?

Lynn, the bag is on it's way.

Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.


  1. Too funny! If I lived alone I would probably do all this.

    I eat dry cereal from the box!!!

  2. Hmmm...well, I suppose my eating habits are not geared to a social home life, either. I just have a little something to eat whenever I'm hungry. I do put most things on a plate or in a bowl, only because I enjoy it more that way - whether it's a real cooked dish or just six crackers and a slice of cheese.

  3. I did some of that before I was widowed, well I swigged juice from the carton, spooned peanut butter from the jar and dipped it into strawberry jam before eating it. I took the view that as long as I was the only one eating and drinking those things it did not matter.

  4. I do that Yoghourt thing. Only me eats it though. If we're having a lazy Sunday I put soup in a bowl on a tray and put the bread on the tray. I have wiped it swiftly first! That is for both of us though, we're not ultra picky. I do like to put my stuff in a dish or on a plate though.

    Talking of plates, I had lots of collectible dinner ware that you can't get now. I advertised and sold it, thought I'd keep the dinner plates as I used them. However realised I had oodles of dinner plates, so rang the girl up and asked if she wanted them for £25. She did and so for all my dinner ware I got over £50. I don't mind eating off mis-matching plates, it's quite trendy anyway.

  5. Add drinking from the juice carton for me. Now I live with my parents to help them out and can't do that stuff anymore. Oh, well.

  6. I live alone (and have for a long time) but I have to admit that I don't really do any of those things. Except eat from the pan so as not to dirty a dish. But I only do that if it has only one serving in it. I love peanut butter and can eat it by itself but will always get a new spoon for each "bite". Sorta bizarre if you think about it. Force of habit I suppose. No wonder I spend so long doing dishes...there are so many of them :-)
    ~ Pru

  7. Never eat foods directly from a jar or can; saliva may contaminate the contents.

    That is on the list of Food Safety Facts here.

    1. Beverley here; I found that if you eat yogurts, puddings, etc. straight from the container and put it back the part where your saliva contaminated it starts digesting. So when you take it out later that part is runny and looks kind of yucky. Other foods you can eat out of the container and it doesn't change how they look.

  8. Love that (not so) secret single behaviour. I wonder what it means when you do it when you're not!? Not that I am saying I do bite the cheese, I believe a little mouse in our house does that! LOL

  9. I tend to be the opposite. Lady Magnon is away in London for a while (shopping), so out comes my finest. Best plates, silver, antique wine glasses, etc. As for the peanut butter (or anything else), if I find crumbs or bits of butter in the pot... I'm not happy! REALLY not happy.

    1. I'm with you on this one. I can't tolerate bits of butter or spread in the jars of jam or marmalade. I insist that a different spoon or knife is used. Same with bits of old food stuck to cutlery - horrible!

  10. Hands up! It isn't just singles who eat this way! Many us do it when no one is looking. And then berate our children who do the same. Of course, not me. No, no way. I'm just surmising!!!

  11. Oh this did make me smile. I must admit if I lived on my own I would do all of these I am sure. Dread to think what hubby would do if he thought I wouldn't catch him.

    X x

    1. I guess if you are married you are snogging, and swapping spit with your other half anyway :o))

  12. Oh you make me chuckle Ilona. This post made me think of a naughty, impish child. Enjoy having your "impromptu" snacks.


  13. I would definitely do this and would do it even if it was DH and myself on our own. I don't do it because of the kids, see the sacrifices I make ? lol

  14. Ignorance is bliss because you can't be sure that other people in the house aren't eating out of jars or drinking out of bottles. And what about the kids pinching a bit of booze and then topping the wine up with ribena so you'll not notice. You could use a fork to add fangmarks to to teethmarks in the cheese so that the dog could be blamed.
    Even if you're the only person eating from the jar you're putting germs from your mouth in it and the food might go off before you've used it, like peanut butter that takes a few weeks to use up, which would be a waste.
    One of the few things i liked about doing nights out in my truck was that i could eat what i wanted, within reason, rather than a compromise meal that all the family liked.

  15. Ha! Does having an extra glass of wine count :)

  16. Just finished off a jar of that fabulous Nutella. Don't know if my Other Half has had any, but I have been eating it by the spoonful - Luscious, naughty and delicious. Won't buy another jar for a bit, then I can keep it as a secret treat! Lumps of cheese are great too - I don't bite them off - just cut lumps when no-one's looking!!

  17. Oh yes Nutella on warm buttered toast have been resisting for awhile now even when it's been on special but I think it's time lol

  18. I used to do all of these, now I must have gone all 'posh' because I get out a plate and eat off that instead. Maybe it's because 'I think I'm worth it :-)

  19. Why do people think they have to put on an act and not do those things in front of others? If someone truly loves another person it won't matter what their habits are.

    I personally don't eat straight from a jar, as a microbiologist in a previous career I am very aware of the germs accumulating in that foodstuff once it's been contaminated by the germs from ones saliva.

    But other 'disgusting' habits? My partner loves me unreservedly, as I do him, we love each other whatever habits we have. Also habits are even more enjoyable if shared!

    Also to be told that you're beautiful, that you're truly loved, that your partner counts down the minutes until they can be with you, that you're told every day that their love for you couldn't be any greater, surely that is the most wonderful thing there is. I can assure you it far surpasses any pleasure to be had from whatever you perceive to be 'disgusting' habits.

    I've done the living alone thing, it doesn't come close to being with someone who worships the ground you walk on. For all the people who profess they like being on their own most of those people would readily grab the chance to be with a truly loving partner if they had the chance. If they, as I have, have such a person in their life, someone who truly wants to be with them yet recognises the fact that some solitary 'me' time is important too, they wouldn't give up that life for anything.

  20. Yes Ilona, if we lived together it would definitely be separate fridges!! LOL.

  21. Too funny Ilona...I definitely eat out of a pan so as not to dirty more dishes...I like my cheese in slices on crackers or I'd do that too...for me dressing in my grungy clothes around the house is a bad habit...they should really be in the rag basket by now...but oh so comfy...

  22. If no one else is at home at lunchtime, I eat my soup straight from the pot. Saves on the washing up! I did it one day when my son was at home and he gave me some funny looks!

  23. yes but you can't beat a nice cuddle!!!

  24. That's why we check your blog everyday - you are never boring and always entertaining!
    Wendy (Wales)

  25. You do make me laugh. Mr Twigs bites chunks out of the cheese, then tries to blame it on Twiglet who has a much smaller bite -cheeky

  26. Might be just me but having any person children partners whoever worshipping the ground I walk on isn't something I aspire too what a load of none sense I'm grateful for what I have around me but my self worth and feel good happy feelings come from no one but the self I would never look outside myself for it in any shape or form :)

  27. I'm just chuckling at the thought of a jar of peanut butter being allowed to go off!. I eat it straight from the jar with a spoon and I'm lucky if it lasts 3 days...I guess the lurgys don't multiply much in that time hahaha. Maybe that's why I never get ill :) anyway...I made hummous this evening...I'm off to get another spoonful....hahaha...all for me :)

  28. I like your style Iona, carefree and a bit child like...and why not if you can!!

  29. Well, I can`t say that I can confess to any annoying habits. Does farting in bed count as one? My partner does it. Using too much toilet paper for a sitting session is another of my pet hates that my stepson came with. The drinking of milk from the carton is another of my partner`s habits I frequently tell him off about. Not replacing the margarine pot cover properly after using it is an annoying habit of stepson. When someone else goes to grab the pot from the fridge the top comes away in your hands and the pot ends up on the floor. I hate that!


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