Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Crumbs, that's a good idea.

I seemed to have found my crafty mojo, it went missing for a while. I hate it when I wander through my mind and it is empty of ideas. I get frustrated when I have a crafty blockage, when no ideas are forthcoming. I can't will an idea if there are non there. I look at the materials I have around me and wait for some inspiration. I have to wait, there's no point in trying to force it, it's either there or not there. 
I need to get a buzz from my craft work, and it's the creative process that gives me the buzz. Like I mentioned before, I don't follow patterns, I want to make something that is unique to me. I might take ideas from books and web sites, but then adapt them, and pick bits out to incorporate into what I am making. It's a bit like my cooking, I don't follow recipes, I make my own up. 
This is an idea to use up the fleecy crumbs, and I think it has turned out amazingly well. I found a circle of organza in my stash, it shimmers like sunshine. I arranged a pile of crumbs in a circle and pinned the organza on the top of it. Then starting at the outer edge I machined around it in ever decreasing circles, in a zigzag stitch. The backing is a piece of denim.  
I had to go round the outer edge twice to make sure there were no gaps where the crumbs might fall out.

I am well pleased with this effect, it's like looking into one of those kaleidoscope thingy's where the small pieces of coloured glass reflect on the mirrors.

Now I'm looking at it and thinking, what next. It needs something adding to it. I did think about making felt flowers and embroidering them to it, around the edge maybe. But, hmmm, not so sure now. Adding beads perhaps might be a good idea, to give it a bit more sparkle. It's going to be a bag of course. I'll let you know what happens next. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.


  1. That is wonderful Ilona, what a great idea. I have a sewing machine which controls me rather than the other way round, I must search some how to, videos to be able to do something like this, it is quite stunning.
    Love Pam in TX.

  2. Just gorgeous, and so creative! I don't think it needs anything added. My first impression was that it was a round braided rug.

    Here in the Chicago area my garden is still under a thick layer of snow, has been since December. I enjoy seeing pictures of your GREEN grass, and am wondering what you will be planting this year. Do you have a low-cost source for garden seeds? It seems like the amount in seed packets keeps shrinking yearly. I will be looking forward to your gardening posts.

    1. Hi. I have some seeds left over from last year. Someone has given me some, and my nephew is going to send me some. I need to buy some seed potatoes.

  3. Very lovely. Beautiful colours.

    X x

  4. I think it is beautiful just the way it is! What a great idea.

  5. That looks so good Ilona, what a brilliant idea. You are so creative!

  6. Einstein said it best..... "Creativity is contagious, pass it on" . I have no doubt that you are inspiring many to be creative, including myself. :)

  7. It looks spectacular. How on earth did you keep to a perfect circle?
    Love from Mum

    1. Hi. Guesswork. I just kept going round and round and hoped for the best.

  8. Wow, that looks great, well done you.

  9. That's brilliant - very effective!

  10. Great work Meanqueen. How big is it? x

    1. Yes, you could make a set of four. Cut round the edge of the circle and but a binding round it. You would need to keep them clean, not spill any food on them, they would not be suitable for washing. You could put one on a polished wooden small table and put an ornament in the middle, that would look nice.

  11. I LOVE that, Ilona! What a super idea :)

  12. Did you finish the rag rug? Did I miss it....it was looking so lovely. I have fabric laying on my tab le and each day I say I'm going to get started then nothing happens....I've got to get going!

    1. Hi Linda. The rag rug is nearly there, a bit more to do. I have been a bit naughty in starting other things which has taken my attention away from the rug. I have to act when an idea comes into my head, either make a start on it, or write notes in the ideas book for later projects.

  13. Hi Ilona - I just started reading your blog a few weeks ago. (it took me a while to get caught up with all of your posts) You are very inspirational in many ways - your work history, your creativity, or frugality...you are a very talented lady with lots of energy! I love all of your bags - very original and clever. This bag is fabulous - I love denim and think the contrast of your "little bits" design is beautiful. Thank you for everything, Ilona. You are a very special lady. My name is Ranee and I live in Minnesota USA and have a pile of snow in my front yard that is about 5 feet tall. We are all winter weary and look forward to Spring.

    1. Hello Ranee, so glad you have found us. The snow does bog you down after a while, doesn't it? We have been lucky so far and missed it, but I have a horrible feeling that winter is not quite over yet. It's sunny this morning so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it stays like it.

  14. I love the circle of beautiful colours as it is but if you need to add something else how about a bright button in the middle?

  15. What everyone else said!!!

    That is so beautiful - love the colours - and original. You are so creative! Mot people would just toss the bits.

  16. It's absolutely brilliant Ilona, your creativity never fails to amaze me. I too thought it was a coiled table mat or something when I first saw it. It's lovely, can't wait to see what you turn it into!

  17. Hi ilona! I received my bag its so fab I love it. My very own ilona original. I gave it a test run at the local shop today and its lucky got loads of peppers and grapes for free from the greengrocers. They had been reduced and she was throwing them out. There is nothing wrong with them we are having fajitas for tea and fruit salad with loads of grapes :) thanks for my lucky bag that reminds me of my granny too!

  18. Oh forgot to put from Lynn x

  19. Loving your inspired creation, I did wonder what you would do with all those bits!! and WOW is that good

  20. That's beautiful Ilona. I know what you mean about losing your mojo, I often lose mine but don't worry it'll be back.

  21. That is just the COOLEST thing I've seen all day! Wonderful!


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