Monday, 7 April 2014

Add on to yesterdays post.

Hello. To save you time goooogleing Mount Athos here is a 30 minute video.

Back later. Toodle pip.


  1. Hi There.I have just read an interesting article in the Derby Evening Telegraph and thought of you, as I know you are interested in interesting people and, I believe, a Burton Lass.
    The article is about Burton Trade Union Activist Vale Rawlings, who was jailed in 1914 and became a local hero. he went on to become a conscientious objector. it is in the Bygones Weekly insert in &th April edition of the DET in case you are interested.

  2. An intriguing film, I'd love to live as quietly and serenely as they seem to do.
    I've often thought over the last few years that if I could find a place to live where I only have to interact with the world when I wanted to, it would be bliss. Modern life seems so frenetic sometimes, I would love to be able to withdraw and recoup. Thanks for showing this Ilona

  3. What a fascinating insight into the monastic life. There are still some amazing places in this world that ordinarily we don`t know about. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Wow. How interesting, would love to go there looks like bliss to me. Debbie

  5. Ilona, thank you for this video link. It was interesting and thought-provoking. Yesterday's post regarding the monks' dietary lifestyle was particularly interesting as well. As always, thank you for the time and effort it takes to share with us.

  6. Have a look at the Carthusian Web Site of the Monastery at Parkminster Sussex, England.. There is a book "Hear Our Silence" by John Skinner who stayed at the Monastery as a guest.

  7. Thank you for sharing this link. I very much enjoyed watching the video, very interesting.

  8. Thank you for sharing this link. I found the video to be most interesting, giving an insight to how the monks live. Many years ago I was in Greece and we went on a boat trip passed mount athos and could see some of the monasteries from the boat. We were not allowed too close, but nonetheless lt was very impressive to see. Thank you again.


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