Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Everybody outside

And here is the daily news. This morning it was a bit misty, everything outside was wet after heavy rainfall overnight. After lunch I went out into the garden to plant the seed potatoes in their beds. The cats came out with me as the sun had come out. Mayze climbed up into the sun lounge bed, aka the wooden shelving next to the garage. She said do not disturb me, I'm going to sleep. 
Heidi decided to stay at ground level and view my activities from the decking.

Then Heidi went walkabout past Bugsy who was basking in the sun.

We had a visitor, Rocky came to say hello. 
Later on I went over to Helen's new house to do a bit more in the garden. I cut the conifer hedge down the left hand side in the back garden. Another opportunity to pop into the small Tesco before I came home, and what do you think I found. Yes, more vegetables. I got four bags of mixed veg, carrots, baby sweetcorn, and broccoli. They were £1.30 each, the yellow sticker said 16p each. When I got to the till I had 64p ready to pay, the staff member said it was 48p. I queried it and he said there was an offer of buy 3 pay for 2. I was chuffed with my bargain. I didn't buy anything else because it wasn't cheap enough, and there was not much there anyway. So, keep on munching the veg. I heard on the radio today that we are supposed to be eating seven portions of fruit and veg a day, not five. That's me sorted then.
Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.  


  1. Ilona, how do you decide how many bags of yellow stickered goods to get? If there are several people getting the yellow stickers how do you know that theres enough to go around? When explaining the yellow stickered system you said you usually get 2 so there's enough for others too but today you say you picked up 4.

    1. Hi. The shop I went in today is a small shop, not many people in so no competition for yellow stickers. I took four bags, even though there was at least ten on the shelves. Four was enough for me. I noticed another lady looking at the reduced chiller cabinet so I told her to go and look on the veg section at the back of the shop.

      When I am in the big shop and there are several people after yellow stickers I am quick to pick up what I need. I don't have a set amount, I will get as many as I need. If there are lots of the same I will take 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. How can I know what's enough to go around? How do I know how many people will come after me looking for reductions? I don't know, so I take what I need. If a few people are stood round the lady with the ticket machine marking down, I might only take one item and let others have some, share it out. In our big Tesco this doesn't happen very often, most people come early for a small reduction, I leave it till later when things are cheaper, and have what's left.

  2. Rocky is my favouritel. I was going to say you are the only person I can think of who can hit 7 or even 10 a day as they were saying. Enjoy the weather!

    1. I love the pictures of the cats. I eat 7 or more portions of fruit/veg a day but have started to cut down as the acid has corroded the enamel on my teeth (so my dentist says). I ate my portions freely as advised in health messages but now will limit my munching to mealtimes only. Will have strawberries, blueberries and raspberries from the garden this summer as well as plums, apples, tomatoes and salad. People must do everything themselves to ensure a good, cheap supply of food. Natalie

  3. Glad to see Rocky again, he is so cute!
    Yes I thought, 7 a day, we are eating that, but I don't suppose a lot of people are.

  4. i love your cats!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. So lovely to see Rocky - Is he here to stay? xxxxx
    Molly 41

  6. Rocky!!!! He's looking well. We have always eaten 7-10 a day, I'm amazed when people say the struggle with 5. Debbie

  7. I can not imagine getting through a day with less than 7 portions of veg and fruit. Most recipes that I use start with " take 1 fine diced onion" I use a good amount of veg that have been through the processor, probably equal to 4 onions, then I add more veg to that. I do use meat but in very small amounts and only a couple of times a week.

  8. Cynthia, Berkhamsted2 April 2014 at 09:50

    I saw a price comparison website joking that they were going to start a fruit and veg comparison site after the 7 a day revelation - that would be something new but it seems it was an April fool!

  9. Lovely to see little Rocky, he looks great.

  10. So good to see Rocky....he looks bigger and quite handsome.

  11. How nice to see Rocky again!!

    The figure of 'five a day' was plucked out of thin air during a government meeting as they decided saying anymore would scare people into not bothering, so it's good that it has been raised to seven, that's much more like it, but only if like you do, most of them are vegetables. Around two a day should be fruit as like someone has commented above, it can affect the enamel on your teeth.

  12. Lovely cats - they seem to welcome sunshine as much as we do!

  13. Danneke showing my face again. How good it is to see Rocky again. The cats are looking good, they just love the warmth. I planted some early peas 2 weeks ago and they are up and looking good in the pot, no sign yet of some seed potatoes my neighbor gave me tho , I will be planting more in a couple of weeks, my dad always said we should plant spuds on Good Friday for a good result. Off to do some cheese on toast for my tea/supper then off to bed to rest the leg, with the damp weather I have swelling of the joints and the hip is painful, just wish the letter would come for getting me into hospital for the 2nd operation .

  14. I LOVE your blog. I've been reading it for awhile and am learning something new each time. Sometimes I already know and am doing it, but I get the encouragement I need. I am going to be 79 in June and live on my social security only after retiring for the second time at 77. This is what I learned from my Mother and then tossed aside when - well I won't go into all that. I look at learning to be frugal as a fun challenge as I have started baking my own bread and I've been buying almost everything with an orange markdown sticker. Since I'm in the USA, I need to learn to do money conversion. Keep up the good work!!

  15. We were so pleased to see the lovely pic of Rocky, hope you have been able to take him for walks again.
    Wendy (Wales)


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