Saturday, 17 May 2014

A day out in Thirsk

Good morning. It's looking like it will be a beautiful day, predicted to be hot hot hot. This morning I was back on the 5k Parkrun, didn't break my record, but as long as I am around the 35 minute mark I'm happy with that. I think the heat affected a lot of people, I noticed a lot more walking than usual. There was a good turnout, we regularly get 250+ runners taking part. Everyone is so friendly, I made time to chat to a few people. 
I've got some pics from my day out yesterday. I will split them into two posts, the second post being all the pics taken inside the church. They had a craft and art exhibition and it was really interesting. So, to start off, I met my sis and her hubby in the Wetherspoons pub, The Three Tuns. They arrived before me and had already sussed out where we were going to eat. They liked the look of The Golden Fleece, and it is recommended in The Good Food Pub Guide. 
Me and B I L about to step inside. I have a new sun visor, it's got half a union flag on the front. It was a 50p cap but I cut the middle out so I only have half the flag. 
Before the food arrived we noticed that there were two separate parties of ladies in an adjoining room, celebrating birthdays. I couldn't resist going up to them and asking who's birthday it was. Also introducing myself and saying it was my birthday as well. Cheeky git that I am, ha ha. The first lady was older than myself, then when I went to the second table and announced that I was born on the 16th of May 1949, I was absolutely amazed that the lady who was celebrating said she was also born in 1949, exactly the same day. How fantastic was that, we are twins. Another lovely surprise.  
Sis and B I L had the chicken, I had mushrooms and pasta with cheese. It had a fancy name but I can't remember what it was. It tasted absolutely delicious. The plate was piled high, I could only manage half of it as we had already had a prawn cocktail starter. 
I asked the staff if I could take the remainder home as I hate to see food wasted. They produced a plastic tub, and I had to sign a disclaimer saying I was taking it off the premises. That's to cover them in case I later reheat it and get food poisoning. I am pleased to say I finished it off when I got home, and I am still alive :o))

Me posing for a picture in the lounge of the Golden Fleece.

The clock tower in Thirsk Market Place. A lot of traffic goes through this town, which is a shame really. Parking is very reasonable if you want to stop to pick up a few bits of shopping. Free for one hour, 60p for two hours. The parking spaces are cobbled, and there are seating areas. We had an ice cream and sat and people watched, a favourite hobby of mine, ha ha. 
I spotted this dinky little old fashioned cinema, isn't it lovely. I had picked up a leaflet from Tourist Information, showing places of interest and suggested walks, so we did a little tour. We didn't go in the Herriot Museum because it cost £8.50 to go in, and no concession for pensioners. Someone told us about a small free museum in the same street, but by the time we had found it, it was closed. It was very small, like a terraced house, and hard to spot.

Look at this beautiful church. St Mary's occupies a prominent position and as soon as you see it from a distance you feel drawn towards it. There was an exhibition inside, I will post the photo's tomorrow.

There are several bridges which cross Cod Beck, some are road bridges, then there are pedestrian bridges. This is the one at Sluice Gate. 
A couple more shots of the Market Place.

Cars, cars, everywhere. Apparently there has been a bit of an upset in the town because some much loved trees in the Market Place have been cut down. Someone was collecting signatures for a petition, presumably to ask for new trees to be planted. I spotted a council chappie walking around with a clipboard looking at some plans. Me being nosey, asked about the trees. He said they had plans for improving the pedestrianised area, the benches in front of the chip shop and greengrocers were going to be moved to the edge and a new surface laid. He didn't mention if any new trees were going to be planted.

I had a fabulous day out, met some friendly people, and thanks to my sister and B I L for treating me. And thank you all for your kind Birthday wishes, they are the icing on the cake. I'm off outside now, too nice to be in. Staying at home for the rest of the day, going to enjoy my garden. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.


  1. I was in our local T*sco yesterday morning when a message over the tannoy said they had a very special person in store that morning, and the local town crier announced the name of a birthday girl, she was born on the 16 May 1915, and still does her own shopping with the help of her daughter! I hope I am as spritely if I get to that age. Happy Birthday for yesterday.
    Chris F

    1. That's a nice story. I hope I get to 99.

  2. A belated Happy Birthday to you! The 16th was also my sisters birthday and my nephew and my best friend!

  3. I'm glad you had a fabulous Birthday. I went to school with my Birthday twin and I still wish her Happy Birthday every year! I'm glad you found your Birthday twin but how amazing it was in the same pub?

  4. Happy belated Birthday, Ilona! And I loved all the photos of your celebration in Thirsk (a lovely place I visited many years ago).
    Nancy from Northern California

  5. happy belated brithday Ilona, sounds like you had a good time in Thirsk. Great photos. I did smile, I'm glad you took a "doggie bag", a lot of people do nowdays.

  6. £8.50 to get into the museum, that's a bit steep isn't it? Looks like Thirsk is a really nice place to visit. Happy belated birthday Ilona and may you have many more.

    1. Yes, I thought it was. I would have paid a fiver.

    2. £8.50 to get into the James Herriot museum? He was a vet wasn't he? Nuff said.

  7. I loved the Ritz cinema. The day before yesterday, we had a water leak up the road. Anglian Water came and gave me a pack of drinking water. When I said I would need another pack as well, the bloke said that I could not have the second one as they were covered only for the duration of the leak (one day). He said that if I got ill if I kept the water for more than one day, I could sue them. The leak has lasted more than one day and the expiration date on the water is September 2014. Madness!

  8. Thanks for sharing pictures of your day. Glad it was lovely for you :-)


  9. Sounds like a wonderful Birthday! I enjoyed the photos! I had never heard of having to sign a waiver to take home a "doggie bag"! We always take part of our dinner home when we go out.

  10. Sounds like you had a great birthday Ilona. Hubbies birthday was the 15th May.

    X x

  11. So glad you had a wonderful time. Laura x

  12. Lovely day out!

    Happy birthday xx

  13. Hi here in Australia it is also my sister in laws birthday exactly the same as yours. It can be a big deal here to turn 65 as some people are still eligible for the aged pension which is going up t 67 and now 70 years old. We have just had our yearly budget announced by the government so pensions of all sorts are very topical. Hope you had a nice day and enjoy your blog.

  14. In some restaurants here, if you ask nicely, you can get all the waitresses to come sing happy birthday to you! It's a big deal and with it comes a big free dessert, usually something with chocolate. My in-laws recently celebrated their 61st anniversary and my sister-in-law had it done for them. They brought a huge mound of ice cream and brownies drizzled with chocolate syrup and enough spoons to go round. It was a lovely gesture. Do your restaurants do that?

  15. just wanted to say well done on your walk and happy birthday. x

  16. What a wonderful way to spend your glad that you enjoyed your special day.

  17. What a lovely way to spend your birthday! I'm glad that you were able to be with family too. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  18. Mary in Perth Australia18 May 2014 at 15:29

    Belated Happy Birthday. Lovely to read how you spent your day.

    I met my first birthday twin today, which is amazing as I work at the airport and meet an awful lot of people each day.

  19. I'm glad you had a good day with your sister. I know all family's have their different dynamics but my sister is my rock. Its great to see you eating out and having fun. Would love a mini tutorial on doing up a sun visor.? (polite request) Debbie

    1. Hi Debbie. I'm not sure what you mean by 'doing up' a sun visor. The one I was wearing used to be a cap. I just cut the top out of it, and turned the raw edge to the inside. Perhaps you mean cover an old one. Try this link.
      Or this one. Another link.

  20. You look lovely in your pink and white top and shorts lovely figure for sure


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.