Sunday, 18 May 2014

Craft in St Mary's Church.

Good morning. The first job on my list of jobs to do is to post these photo's taken in the church at Thirsk. I love it when you walk into a church and there is a tapestry hanging on the wall. This one certainly has the 'WOW' factor. A joint effort from the crafty people of Thirsk, it depicts all the important landmarks in the town and surrounding area. I didn't photograph the whole thing as I wanted to get up close to show how much work has gone into it. Each individual stitch lovingly added, covering the whole of the canvas backing. The edges have been rag rugged which makes a colourful frame for the whole thing. 

There was a craft display in the church also. This amazing cake caught my eye, love the vibrant colours. Heidi has a web site, you can see more of her creations here.

There were some pictures featuring very intricate beaded embroidery. 

If you want to know more, This is a good site to read up about Thirsk. It has a live web cam pointing at the area around the Clock Tower, and a short video about the Herriot Museum. I hope you have enjoyed my little trip 'up north', Yorkshire certainly is a beautiful county.

Must keep busy and tick off a few jobs on my 'to do' list. Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip.


  1. Wonderful arts and crafts! Thanks for sharing!

  2. A beautiful tapestry...can you post a photo of the full picture of the tapestry so I can get an idea of how all those wonderful photos fit together?

    1. No, sorry. I didn't take a picture of the full tapestry, and I don't plan on going back there anytime soon. It is 75 miles away from my home. Maybe on another trip if I am passing through.

    2. That's okay, another kind poster included a link below for Thirsk and the tapestry was is HUGE and beautiful...must have taken an incredible amount of time to complete.
      Thanks Anonymous.

  3. How wonderful Thirsk it happens I am watching the All Creatures Great and Small series and I so enjoy it. A more peaceful time and the wonder of animals. I am a great animal lover so this history is right up my alley. Maybe because animals are more loving and giving and trust worthy than many humans! Thank you so much for taking us along on these travels of yours.

  4. What lovely handwork! I enjoyed all the pictures in this post. The cake was amazing, so beautiful. I love going along on all your adventures.

  5. Thanks so much for sharing your trip and this informative post about the church. I have found a link that has more info and photos of St. Mary's including a photo showing the tapestry as a whole (near the end of the linked post). Love the webcam as to have a peek of England from way over here in Canada! Glo

    Here's the link:

  6. Danneke here What lovely tapestry on Thirsk. I am going on a days outing to Thirsk and Ripley Castle in July with one of my clubs I go to. , having a meal at one of the pubs/hotel on the way back to Scarborough, I agree with you Ilona, Yorkshire is a lovely county there are many aspects to it, The North is steeped in history, here in Scarborough we have a charter from Elizabeth the first that allows trading , we also have one of the Bronte sisters buried in our churchyard , the Bronte family were great visitors to Scarborough to take the sea air. Whitby has its history also with Captain James Cook sailing to New Zealand and beyond and of course Bram Stokers books set Dracula there. Theres lots of good places to visit in all the yorkshire county areas. I feel very priveledged to be able to live in such a lovely place.

  7. I can see why you were so taken with the tapestry...what a fantastic use of different materials and textures.

  8. That tapestry is beautiful! Amazing. Thanks for sharing your pic's.

    Jake's a Girl

  9. Belated Happy Borthday, Ilona - same day as my son! He was 32 on Friday .

  10. Happy Belated Birthday Ilona,
    I was out of town this weekend but I'm very Glad you had such a nice day with your sister and BIL. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead filled with much joy and good things.
    Gail :)

  11. Glad you enjoyed it . Happy birthday !
    Problems with email again, might be me ??? Very daft with computers!


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