Thursday, 3 July 2014

Cut down on pot washing

Honey and Jack are tucked up in their beds tonight, well sort of. Jack is sprawled on the kitchen floor and Honey is on her cushion in the dining room. They are locked safely in their house for the night. I've been three times today since lunchtime. They get a 20 minute walk, lots of fuss, and a treat, as well as their dinner at about 6pm. I shall be going back in the morning at 8am to let them out into the garden and give them their breakfast, then a short walk. That will be my routine for tomorrow, backwards and forwards every three or four hours. I don't think dogs should be left on their own for more than four hours max. I will take my doggie comb as they have masses of  fur. Free grooming thrown in as well, ha ha. I'll get a photo tomorrow. There are two cats as well, one goes walkabout and one stays near to the house. It was nice to find a bottle of wine and a glass left out for me. I felt like Lady Muck as I sat outside on the patio soaking up the sun.  
I had a text from a friend, she has heard about a job going as a handy person, and asked if I would be interested. Yikes, a chuffin job, what is she thinking of asking me. I haven't got time for that. I don't mind helping folks out as and when required, but a job would mean commitment, I gave that up five years ago. 
I see we have some new people reading, welcome to the mad house for the new joiners. Nice to see you, I hope you will find something to tickle your fancy. 
Why have I posted a pic of an empty yogurt pot and a banana skin? The pot is not empty, it has one serving of yogurt left in it. Normally if I have fruit and yogurt I will put the fruit into a bowl and spoon the yogurt on top of it. What is the point of mucking a bowl up, when I don't have to. Save on washing up, just put the fruit in the pot and eat it from there. Easy eh! Think, don't muck a pot or a pan or a plate or a mug, or a piece of cutlery up if you don't have to. Makes sense to me. Less washing up will save money.
I've booked a B & B for next week, looking forward to my city break in Durham, and will be visiting Newcastle as well. There is WIFI so I will be posting each night.

Mayze hasn't come in yet, I had better go out and look for her. She can be a stubborn little madam when she wants to be. I'll say goodnight and toodle pip.


  1. So glad you are having another trip. Durham and Newcastle are great places to visit. We "did" both when my young brother was at the Uni at Newcastle.
    Have fun. JanF

  2. Anything that cuts down on chores gets my vote Ilona!

  3. Enjoy Durham, it's one of our favourite places to go and if you'd like a good and reasonable meal out try Spaghettata in Durham. Good Italian food and very reasonable too!

    1. Durham is only about a 10 minute drive from us, lovely place.

  4. A Job!!! You don't want to be doing that hun, you enjoy your time instead. Do things as and when rather than just having to do them.

    X x

  5. Ha Ha, I'm glad I'm not the only one going out searching for cats at night. I think the neighbours are getting me used to me in my dressing gown now x

  6. Have a good trip, Durham is a lovely place and Newcastle has some great places to see. I am with you on less washing up.

  7. I am a new reader and love your blog. I have learned so much. Have a good holiday. Hilary

  8. ha ha when I read the heading, I thought, she's going to give the pots to the dogs to lick and then put them back in the cupboard ha ha

  9. Agree totally about minimising the washing up. Many an item finds its way back to the fridge with a cling film top! I have no idea why I hate washing up so much. Friends and colleagues used to talk about how attached they were to their dishwashers and I thought it totally pathetic and an extravagance.....until I got one that is. Now, I'd trade a relative before I'd let go my dishwasher.

    I love Durham but haven't been there for years so am really looking forward to joining you on a virtual chum-a-long holiday.

  10. 'Cause , what you could have done is use the banana to scoop up the yoghurt, then you wouldn't need to dirty the spoon. [ my husband's idea...being a no nonsense bloke from Hull.] Love your blog...makes me laugh. Enjoy your trip !

  11. I went to Durham not so long ago and was very disappointed at how it had all changed. I. used to ice skate there many many years ago I got a very nice fairly cheap meal in the tea room in the church in the square near to the indoor market. . I spent most of my young life in the Sunderland/ Durham area . I lived in Penshaw where there is a large Greek type monument on a hill, it towers over the village. Now when I go north I usually stay in a little B/B in Seaburn (the Lemonfield) it is spotlessly clean and breakfast to please the heartiest appetites.. It over looks the sea and just outside Sunderland. Hope the cat came home for you Ilona, I have spent many a night waiting up and worrying for cats over the years, now I worry about a few ferral cats I feed daily.

  12. Enjoy your holiday Ilona, and great ideas for making less washing up !

  13. We went to Durham a couple of years ago on a Shearings Coach holiday. Its a lovely city with a gorgeous cathedral and castle. The castle was closed to visitors while we were there so we didn't get to see inside, but we visited Crook Hall and its beautiful gardens instead. I hope you have a wonderful time, Ilona.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.