Friday, 4 July 2014

Meet Jack and Honey

I had lunch out today, I ate it outside at someone else's house. It was a raw lunch, didn't need any cooking. Spinach, salad leaves, cucumber, pickled onions, walnuts, cheese, and broad beans from the garden. I don't think I'm going to bother cooking broad beans again, they are much nicer raw. No dressing, I have run out of the cheap tartar sauce and sesame seed oil, won't be buying any more unless I see something similar at a very reduced price. 
My lunch time table overlooking the garden at my friends house. Sitting in the sunshine reading the papers.

This little minx jumped on my seat before I had chance to sit down. She was quite happy to sit on my knee though when I moved her.

This is Jack, a huge ball of fur, he's like a big soft teddy. 
And Honey, she is very slender and beautiful.

Just got to nip round and let them out once more before bed time. The dogs are really easy to look after. Easy to walk, they stay by my side and don't run away. They have known me for a long time and know I have a treat in my pocket. That's the secret to keeping a dogs attention. My friend is coming back tomorrow, glad I could help out.


  1. Your lunch looks and sounds yummy.

    How sweet are all the animals. Bless them.

    X x

  2. The salad looks great and your furry companions are delightful.

  3. Your lunch looks tasty although I don't like broad beans cooked I will try one raw when dad picks them.
    The dogs are very cute.

  4. your salad looks lovely. I`m living on salads myself lately and have now lost 1/2 stone in weight over the last 2 weeks.

  5. I eat them raw when they are small but, have you tried eating the whole pod? Lovely steamed when the pods are not big and roasting them with other veg is delish! Had some last night.
    Will post pics on my blog in a bit.
    The cat and dogs look like happy animals.

    1. Hi Sandie. No I haven't tried the pods. From what I read you are supposed to pick them when they are the length of your little finger. I would rather let them grow on a bit and eat the beans inside.

  6. How cute.....aaawwww I love all three of them and you seemed to enjoy their company as much as they enjoyed yours.
    I would leave my Brownie with you any day Ilona.

    1. Virginia, I would look after Brownie for you if I was near enough. I take my dog sitting very seriously.

  7. Very beautiful animals and very nice of you with your loving care for them I looked after neighbours animals 2 cats a dog and a snake :) lol

  8. Yes, it's ok to eat them raw, but not in any great quantities, and not if you are of Mediterranean origin. Apparently it can bring on some blood disorder which can be dangerous. Google 'can I eat raw broad beans'.

  9. Yes it is very nice that the doggies and pussy cat are well catered for by you - well done. Natalie

  10. We loved the pics of your charges, I would love to look after them too. I always look after my friends 4 cats when she is away. Like you I visit at least 4 times a day. We can see why Honey has such a pretty name and could run off with her!
    The addition of walnuts to your salad is a master stroke as they are so healthy along with brazil nuts.
    Wendy (Wales)

  11. It's not ok to eat them if you are of Mediterranean origin?
    How does that work?

    JIm, Dewsbury

  12. That salad looks yummy!!!!

  13. I did, but all I found was that Favism, which is essentially an allergy to broadbeans, is more prevalent in Mediterranean regions. But that's just because broadbeans were originally grown in those areas, not because the locals can't eat them.

    Very strange :)


  14. Tasty looking salad ... and what gorgeous dogs. It's lovely that so many folk trust you with their animals, it really is a huge compliment to you.


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