Sunday, 19 October 2014

Childhood revisited

Good morning, Yesterday was a time for reflection and families. I was out of the house from 8am till 11pm, hence no blog post. It was all about going back to where I spent my childhood, visiting the village where I grew up, and the village where I went to school, but hey, it wasn't about me, it was about Stephen. 
Stephen was my brother, he was our brother. We were three, two sisters and a brother, now we are two. Stephen died four years ago in India. Although this is not the anniversary of his death, his widow feels now is the time to lay him to rest. And so it was that yesterday we made the same journey to the crematorium, as we did 32 years ago, to say goodbye to our mother. 
Very few words are needed for this post. Enjoy the Autumn pictures.

Afterwards we went to Stretton to see the house where we grew up, it looks so different now. Then we went to Rolleston, the school is no longer there, and we had lunch in the Spread Eagle Hotel.

Rolleston Church.

A pretty cottage nearby.
The brook runs alongside the hotel. 
Past this lovely old house which is now a hotel......

next to this little footbridge which goes over the stream where Stephen and Anna used to go fishing. This was his favourite place to play.

Later on, after a meal back home, our sister in law caught the train back to London, and I went to visit Uncle Stan and Auntie Pat, before I drove home.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice Sunday.


  1. What a beautiful post,Ilona. Catriona

  2. So very sorry for the loss of your brother. It sounds like you were close, and I am glad that you have some good memories. Beautiful pictures of your hometown.

  3. We share your loss.


  4. Sorry about your brother. It was a sad occasion but it looked like you had a nice memorial for him. Very touching post.

  5. Beautifully-Perfect Autumnal Day for you all, thanks for sharing this heart-felt post, Iona!

    I have a feeling he was with you all that day:) X

  6. It's so very hard losing a close family member but it's good for the soul to revisit old haunts and remember them with love. The photos are wonderful, thank you for sharing, Ilona. My thoughts are with you and the family.

  7. What a perfect way to celebrate your brother's life. Such beautiful photos of peaceful places too. JanF

  8. What a beautiful day and a lovely thing to remember your brother...

  9. What a lovely thing to take a trip home and remember your brother. The photos are lovely.

  10. Beautiful photos and a touching post Ilona
    Twiggy x

  11. I enjoy going back to my old neighborhood in Portland, Oregon, whenever I am there. My parents are also buried in Portland. What a trip down Memory Lane--some good, some not so good, but all the things that have made me what I am. I enjoyed your trip home!

  12. You are so right no words needed x

  13. You are in my thoughts tonight, Ilona.

  14. Beautiful photos for a touching moment. I believe that a greater loss is not to have had that person in your life, as we always carry their love and memories with us till the end. Thoughts are with you and your family. I hope the day was filled with many happy memories and smiles.

    X x


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