Tuesday, 14 October 2014

How do you like your pasta, hot or cold?

Hello, I like those small pots of pasta salad. There is one with spinach and pinenuts in, love that one, but at £2.15 it's too expensive. The pot is 215 grms, so it's not very big, if I ate one in one go, that's an expensive meal. I am not paying that price, the only time I buy it is if it's on a yellow sticker, and that's not very often. 
Another one I like is cheese and spring onion pasta, £1.35 for 220 grms, not quite so expensive, but when you think of how much a packet of pasta is, it's still too much. 
Today I thought I would make up my own pasta salad. My pasta cost 37p a bag, I only buy wholemeal by the way, and I cooked half of it. When it had cooled down I added grated cheese and grated carrot. Also chopped raw mushrooms and chopped pickled onions. I stirred it all together with four teaspoons of mayo. It is very nice. and a fraction of the cost of the small pots. I have a massive bowl full, this is a pyrex dish, which will last me 3 or 4 days, kept in the fridge. I shall be making this again, as there are lots of variations I could do.  
It's been a terrible day for weather, I've been sewing for most of the time, not much to report. My dinner was a plate full of steamed vegetables, and just for a change I made some cheese sauce. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Toodle pip.


  1. Pasta salad is okay and pretty easy to make, but I prefer my pasta hot with a sauce.

  2. I only like pasta (kamut) in one dish,otherwise I use julienne courgette/zucchini instead of pasta.
    Jane x

  3. I have only recently tried pasta cold. Very nice. Think I still prefer hot though. Certainly made a bucket full, ha ha. You might be fed up with it in a couple of days. My husband always says I don't know how to measure out pasta!
    Make way too much.

    1. Same here Caz. I stick my hand in the bag to measure it, usually four handfulls does it.

  4. Our favourite pasta salad has tuna, cucumber, red pepper and sweet corn mixed with mayonnaise. Only tend to eat it in the summer or for parties. Mostly our pasta is served hot, lots of different kinds for different meals.

  5. I like pasta hot or cold. Different recipes and such. But prefer cold pasta dishes. Don't care for any kind of meat in them just vegetables. And I could eat roasted veggies every single day. Yum!

  6. I like both hot and cold pasta but I prefer cold like in the salad you made today. Your looks yummy. My problem is when I make it I eat too much, can't keep away from it in the fridge.

    Hope your weather improves tomorrow, Ilona.

    1. Barbara, I have been dipping into it today, will probably finish it tomorrow.

  7. Your pasta dish sounds delicious, and much cheaper when you create it yourself.

  8. Where do you get your pasta from - 37p is cheap! X

    1. Hi Peny, I get mine from a Cash and Carry, although this packet originated from Aldi, it has their label on it. They buy up unwanted stock and sell it at a discount. I have found that B & M and Home Bargains are also good for store cupboard staples.

  9. Much cheaper to make our own. Red capsicum,spring onions and touch of curry powder is nice as well with any sour cream I have to use up. Yours looks delicious.

  10. Pasta is one of my favourite ingredients, although we don' eat much of it. I only have to say 'pasta for tea' and my husband will offer to do the meaL...with potatos instead! So it's one of my most useful store cupboard staples! Yours looks good though...DIY is always cheaper and often avoids horrid unwanted additives and preservatives.

  11. Ah! Thought you were going to talk about recent report that cooled pasta is good for you as it increases 'the resistant starch content'. Which seems to mean the glucose goes into your blood more slowly.
    Anyhow, I shall carry on enjoying both hot & cold.
    I, too, really like the small pots of pasta with spinach and pine nuts but only had them a couple of times as cannot justify the expense.
    Been a dreary old few days weather-wise. Let's hope it picks up soon.
    Luv Granny G

  12. That looks lovely. I add some natural yoghurt to the mayonnaise which makes it go further and hopefully a bit healthier for me as I don't tolerate a lot of egg or fat. I do the same when I make coleslaw - mayo, natural yoghurt and a little lemon juice. I buy pasta in Aldi for under 50p.

  13. Forgot to add, that if you add the raw chopped mushrooms to the pasta while it's hot, they soften a bit. Perhaps you like mushrooms firmer though.

    1. I like my mushrooms either way, Susan, thanks for the tip.

  14. Pasta hot or cold is tasty and filling, dinner tonight is pasta with roasted veg and aldi tomato sauce with a sprinkle of cheese....delish!

  15. Urgh! Pasta always reminds me of the awful macaroni they used to make us eat in the childrens home. It was just after the war and things were still rationed so we were not allowed to leave anything on our plates. I still hate macaroni!


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