Thursday, 19 February 2015

Heidi's revenge

Heidi cat has been in the wars, and I think the enemy is Mayze cat. The two have been sparring up to each other for some time. There has been the odd kerfuffle but mostly I have been here and as referee I have been able to shout a few choice words and clap my hands to split them up. I thought they might have grown out of it by now and called a truce. I can't think who else could be the culprit of these injuries, unless she has had a tiff with her boyfriend Mickey from two doors down. Come to think about it, I haven't seen him hanging around for a while, maybe he has transferred his affections elsewhere.  
Mayze was the first one to arrive, then Heidi came about six months later, so I imagine that Mayze was a tad miffed when a new kid on the blog invaded her territory.

It's raining buckets this morning so I've decided to keep them in where I can watch them. I might need to isolate Heidi to give her battle scars a chance to heal. Mayze keeps giving her the evil eye and threatening to punch her. Neither cat likes this arrangement very much as they both like the run of the garden. After a couple of hours the lure of the great outdoors is proving rather frustrating for Heidi, she aims to get her revenge by disrupting my attempts to work on the landscape picture.

As I type this she has another plan of action, lying across the desk in front of me so I have to reach over her. Not to worry, I have devised a very cunning diversion strategy. The smell of grilled chicken wafts in from the kitchen, aha, the taste buds are stimulated, and the licking of lips has begun. In a few minutes it will be eyes down tuck in, and all thoughts of battle will be quelled as they settle down for an afternoon nap with a full tum. That's the plan anyway. Got to go, I think it's time. As slave of this household I am expected to fulfill my duties.
Toodle pip.


  1. oh poor Heidi. I think she should be kept in for a while to prevent any infection getting into those open wounds.
    By the way, I've noticed the 'alternative' spelling of 'Mayze' from 'Maizie' - is she getting ideas above her station ? ha ha

  2. Poor lamb! She looks like trouble though, I bet she'll get her revenge just as soon as she's allowed out again. x

  3. Hi Elona,

    I always read your blog but I haven't posted before.

    Poor Heidi, I hope the eye improves, she is just like our Flora, who adopted us almost 2 years ago and brought with her 5 kittens. My daughter managed to find homes for her 4 daughters and kept her son herself.

    She was brought to us by a ferrel cat, we call him Pilchard. He has a little house in our garden and we feed him twice a day, and no doubt someone else feeds him as well. Anyway he has had a very nasty eye, he is a bit battled scarred anyway. We phoned the RSPCA who asked if we could catch him, which we did, but then he got away. Th eye seems to be much better now and he has taken to staying in his little house a little more, probably for R&R.


  4. Do you have any vit E in the house? great healer for catfight injuries, and it doesn't matter if it gets licked off by anyone, it still works taken internally. Having two cats of the same sex is often a problem. I have one of each and for the most part they're peaceful. Especially since Duncan is the most mellow creature in the world, and even if Marigold flies at him and attacks, he just shrugs and turns away!

  5. I'm very sentimental when it comes to a Heidi...that's my older daughter's name. So sorry for the conflict. My two dogs are similar, with one being a bit too aggressive and grouchy in her older years with the younger dog. Good job referreeing!

  6. Oh dear I hope those war wounds soon heal. My guinea pigs don't fight but chunter at each other which is funny. They also sit on top of each other until one of them gives in and moves, peaceful little fellas.

    1. Guineas are hilarious! and chunter is exactly the right word. I used to feed one for a friend when she was away, and Rushette used to get so excited when she heard me coming in, beeping and squeaking and all kinds of noise. And when I set up her salad greens she'd stuff them into a little crate she had and drag them into her house, as if she had been shopping and brought her food home! I loved Rushette.

  7. for the past few weeks your post has been in very small writing... can you tell me how to enlarge it ( it is just your blog lol )

    1. Hello Tilly. I have no idea why that is happening, I haven't changed any of the settings. Is it just the words or is it the pictures as well? Is it just the main body of the blog, or the side bar as well? What are you viewing it on? Big desk computer, big laptop, small laptop, tablet, or hand held device? If you don't have a problem with any other site, I don't know what to say. I know if I want to increase the size of the font throughout all sites, I can change it in my control box. Is anyone else getting this problem?

    2. Tilly do you view via Bloglovin? If so that might be why the writing appears small, they have updated their app and all the blogs I view via the app are the same. I changed my settings on the app so that I always get directed to the actual blog web page. Hope that helps. Ilona hope the cat wars die down soon, we adopted two cats from RSPCA who they said couldn't be separated, turns out they hate each other.

    3. Thank you for that Lisa. You're one up on me, I know nothing about Bloglovin.

    4. I am using my big laptop but the size is the same on the desk top.......It is the whole of your blog, the pictures and everything.... even with my glasses I can hardly read it. I do not have this problem with any other blog and yours only went small about 3 weeks ago

  8. Poor sweetheart. Lots of love from my Tailor. Natalie

  9. Awww poor Heidi, hopefully she will heal naturally without a costly trip to the vets. Linda x

  10. Hi.Being a "mediator" with moxy is sometimes the duty of a good mummie,sadly,big sigh.Have had to separate two snarling,bitches(female dogs and disposition sometimes,ha ha)and have noticed that sensitive time for them is usually at full moon time.Trusty old bag balm does the trick for healing wounds though I wouldn't let the patient lick the wounds with that. More pet friendly options on a cleansed wound that has dried would be real aloe,organic honey or natural vitamin E.Sometimes a spray bottle of water kept handy and squirted in the face distracts them and surprises them enough to think twice, and no harm done, though can get quite huffy afterwards,bless their little hearts.Ah, well, what can you do,it's nature's way sometimes to establish a pecking order the hard way on the peckee.Irking and worrisome though it is.Have a good one, D.

  11. Poor Heidi, I hope that her wounds heal quickly.

    I have one 12-year-old cat and my mom keeps telling me that my cat needs a friend. I don't think so. My cat has been an "only" for so long that I'm fearful that she wouldn't adjust to a new cat sibling.

  12. Poor cat hope shes better soon

  13. Poor kitty! Hope she heals quickly. That looks like a rough fight. Does Mayze have wounds too?


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