Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Nuts about nuts

Eeeeee, I do like me nuts. Today I got the food processor out of the cupboard and prepped the nuts. I like to have some ready to eat, cause you never know when you might fancy some. 185 grams of almonds, and 150 grams of brazil nuts, both packets cost £1.29 each. Whiz them in the processor for a few minutes.
Put them in a bowl with a lid and store in the fridge. I had a banana, a pear, and some plain yogurt topped with nuts for my lunch today. I stir chopped nuts into a fruit yogurt, sprinkle them on cereal, add to porridge, or just eat it with a spoon straight out of the bowl.

While I had the processor out I made some peanut butter. I got this tin from the Cash and Carry, 465 grams for £1.00 First I put them in a clean tea towel and shake them about to loosen the salt, then do the same again in another clean tea towel. seems to work Still slightly salty but not too much. This is exactly the same size container that the coffee compliment comes in. If you take a bread knife and cut off the metal bottom, put that inside the gold coloured plastic lid, and you have a free coaster. 
Into the food processor and whizz for about four minutes. I kept stopping it because large lumps were sticking to the sides, I needed to poke it down.

Eventually it becomes softer.

It becomes quite warm with all that whizzing so, I store it in a margarine tub in the fridge. Very nice it is too. A great way to get your quota of nuts.

Eeeeee I do like me nuts, do you?
Toodle pip


  1. They were doing a good deal on nuts at poundland recently. Wish I had a food processor, would love to try this as we all love peanut butter. Debbie

  2. I love them, I can't get them here for your prices, 3.5 oz is about $2.98!
    I have not tried chopping them down like that either,but I do have a machine about like yours to try
    I have some almonds I got on sale awhile back, in the freezer I can try.
    I store nuts in the freezer to keep them from going rancid.
    .thanks for sharing!

  3. I reduce nuts to flour and use it in baking, pancakes and so on. I love nuts, too!

  4. Love nut butters and cannot believe how cheap you got those for...Enjoy!

  5. the only way I eat peanut butter is when it is in things. Granddaughter's favourite sandwich is peanut butter and jelly (jam).

  6. I am crazy for nuts. Threw some walnuts into a muffin recipe for blueberry muffins, added a bit of lemon zest as well. They were wonderful. I also like to throw pecans in just about anything, especially cereal.

  7. Hi,Ilona.Yep,absolutely love nuts! Sprinkle them on porridge,fruit and berries,salads, vegetables etc.There's no chance of them going stale or rancid around here.Almonds,pecans,and walnuts are quite expensive here in Ontario, seeds are a little less, and peanuts are always affordable.I occasionally shop at a liquidation store a few towns away from here that carries almonds and walnuts in mega sized bags at half price from Costco.Chopping them up is a great way to stretch them further,thanks for the tip and topic, regards,D.

  8. I love nuts. I make vegan "parmesan" cheese in the food processor with almonds, nutritional yeast, and salt. It was a lifesaver in getting me through giving up dairy!

  9. Yes I love nuts and adore peanut butter, on toast, or in a sandwich with sliced banana!

  10. Love nuts, though they are expensive here unless you have your own walnut tree, of course…! We can buy them already ground, which I've been told is unusual but I'd rather have the whole nuts for freshness, then I can grind if necessary for baking. Otherwise I eat them whole or just crushed sprinkled on things. In German, we call a (dried) fruit and nut mix "student feed", as young people used to take a portion with them as snacks when on the go, travelling or hiking, presumably something you didn't do once you'd graduated and were an adult?! ;o


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