Tuesday, 24 February 2015

That's not scrap, it's useful !

Hello. This morning four of us went to Hull Scrapstore, Janet, Ali, Linda, and me. I provide the wheels they pay £1 each for the Bridge toll, good arrangement. It's housed in an old school, plenty of room, lots of stuff to rummage through. Fill a basket for £5, if you pick anything with a price on it, that's extra. Lots of photo's for you to peruse if you haven't been to a Scrapstore before. Everything has been donated by businesses, manufacturing, office, and retail. Items are end of line, offcuts, mistakes in the manufacturing process, overstocking, end of season items, and moving premises or closing down. Here we have coloured sticky back plastic.
Lots of paint for children's activity classes.

Coloured card and paper. General stationary.

Materials for crafting. 
Ribbon sold by the metre.

Plastic storage boxes.

A pile of large Roman Blinds, £2 each. 
Many different kinds of fabric, if it's on a roll it's sold by the metre.

Smaller pieces add them to your basket. There are some gems if you rummage to the bottom of the pile.

Sticky labels and foil strips. 
Cardboard tubes.

Sample books of wallpapers.

Lots of ribbon and more fabric.

This is Tracey with her volunteer assistant. She is employed part time to drive the van, just back from collecting, now unloading more stock.

We all filled a basket, the other ladies were very pleased with what they chose. Here are a few items which I chose, different size pieces. Some are big enough to make bags with, but I will choose small pieces if I like the design.

Hull Scrapstore has a web site.
The National website has a directory if you want to check out whether there is one in your area.
Scrapstores are inspiring places, people are passionate about keeping unwanted stuff out of landfill. I think there should be one in every town. Councils should be providing free or low rent buildings for this, they would save thousands if they encouraged everyone to recycle, reduce their waste, and re use existing unwanted materials.
Thanks very much for popping in.
Toodle pip


  1. Sounds like a great place to visit, what fun all of you going together!
    I like that darker fabric in the middle.

  2. I'm drooling! I have a weakness for ribbons and bits of fabric. Your fabrics and wonderful. I would have had a ball in there. Nearest one is Leeds for me which is a bit of a drive unfortunately. Hopefully one will open near us soon. Debbie.

  3. I would like to visit that store and would find many useful things to buy. The fabric patterns you chose are pretty. I have not seen a store like that in the USA, but they may exist in larger cities.

  4. not sure if we have anything similar in Canada either?

  5. Oh my! I should love it if we had that kind of store here in Norway! An excellent idea for the environment and the pocket. Pam

  6. Oh I'm drooling as well:) What an amazing store, I could spend hours in there. Sadly we have nothing (to my knowledge) here:( Lovely fabrics by the way:) Linda x

  7. What a fun place. I love the ribbons, fabrics, Roman blinds and everything else. You found some lovely fabric.

    As Terra said, I don't think there are any stores like Scrapstore in the U.S.

  8. Some good finds there Ilona. I still have some lovely fabric pieces from my visit to the Leeds scrapstore which must be about 4 years ago.

    1. They never go out of date, Twiggy. I think of it as storing ingredients for future use. Like a cupboard full of packets and tins. You have to have some ingredients to give you inspiration.

  9. From Margie in Toronto - I've not heard of a shop like this in Toronto but I think it's a brilliant idea. I've been trying to encourage something similar at the office these past couple of weeks. We're going through a staff shuffle and re-org so it means a physical move as well We are all doing an early Spring clean on the floor and it's been amazing what I've found. We do try to donate to various charities plus I sent 4 boxes of things off to a local school yesterday - and then we try to get staff to take things to re-use rather than throwing it out. I encourage people to take things for kids crafts etc. so that it doesn't have to be thrown out so it's great to see adults doing the same thing.

    1. Hi. That's a good idea to do something similar on a smaller scale, in your office. The only problem you might have is that some people are embarrassed about taking second hand goods. I get some funny looks when I talk about my bargain finds in charity shops.

  10. My friends and I would have the whole backend of an SUV filled with packages!

  11. I never ran across anything like this in the US, but it looks great. I'd hardly know where to start, running about the different areas!

  12. Hello.The Scrap Store is a great idea and put into reality.Surely do wish we had more of that thing here, though we do have a charity called Habitat for humanity that sells recycled donated items,especially building materials.The U.K.and other European countries are way ahead of us that way I think and more committed to the repurpose recycle reuse concepts necessary for sustainability.We are slowly coming along but huge lengths to go yet.All the lovely fabric at such good prices,lucky you!Wishing you happy sewing, bye for now,D.

  13. You are soooooooooooooooooo lucky to have a scrapstore closeby - I''m envious as the nearest one to me is 70 miles away :-(

  14. WHAT an amazing place!! I never knew these existed but they are a great idea. My only fear is that I might end up with even more stuff I don't do anything with. Well, suppose I could give it to a scrapstore! Now to look through your directory but I bet there won't be any round here!

  15. Just want to pop on and say thank you for the information on the Ultima catfood a few posts back. Our poundland had loads of it in so I got a bag to see if my 2 approved and they have gone totally crazy over it. Will definitely be stocking up !
    Elaine, Oldham

  16. What an absolutely amazing place and a brilliant concept, a crafter's dream!

  17. Wow! What a store! I could spend the day in there hunting, then gathering.

  18. That store would be bad for me! I would go crazy with all that artsy stuff. Wish we had one here!! I love all the stuff you share


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.