Monday, 23 February 2015

What's bubbling in the cauldron tonight?

Hello. Sunny and cold here today. but snug and warm in the Village Hall this morning for the craft club. Everyone was in a jolly mood. Arrangements have been made, four of us will be off to Hull Scrapstore in the morning, two of the ladies haven't been before, and I want to have a nosy to see if there is anything new in. 
Yesterday's lunch was simple, a pre cooked tub of brown rice, zapped in the microwave with a teaspoon of  gravy granules, Frozen shop bought sweetcorn and green beans, boiled for three minutes in a pan, mix it all together, and eat. 
 Last night it was veg stew, which I finished off today at lunchtime. I was going to spin it out by adding more ingredients, but thought, no make a fresh one for tonight. Here we have three carrots, one onion, and the last of the home grown runner beans.

Chuck in three handfuls of frozen leeks, £1 a bag from Tesco.

Add a tin of chopped toms and a tin of chick peas, 25p each, Tesco special offer, 4 for £1. Spices were then added to the mix.
And there you have it, bubbling away, smelling divine. Two spoons of plain yogurt and some grated cheese was the icing on the cake. Four portions which will be eaten over the next three days. I zapped it with the stick blender because I'm too lazy to chew it, ha ha. It was so good I had seconds. I love this cooking four meals in one pan lark, got to be cheaper on the fuel bill.

Short post tonight. I'm going to watch Mr Selfridge before I retire to bed. Catch you tomorrow.
Toodle pip


  1. Looks like you have brewed up another yummy pot of soup. Your veggies look so fresh and colorful.

  2. Blasted spam! I love a soup like that. X

  3. They look good! Esp. the rice & beans! mmm

  4. Looks great, I'm planning something similar tomorrow. I'm a big fan of Mr Selfridge too. Congratulations on reaching 800+!! Debbie.

  5. Yummy. Enjoy Mr Selfridge, I did, nice bit of Sunday night telly.

  6. Oh, I love a good soup. Winter requires soup - hot and yummy! I make potato soup, lentil soup, chicken veg soup, chicken with dumplings soup, brocolli cheese soup and of course, creamy wild rice soup. If I were your neighbor, I'd want to finagle an invite for your tasty looking soup. I'd bring the crusty bread and homemade butter. Yum...Ranee from MN USA

  7. Hi, Ilona.OH, that stew looks good!thanks for the recipe, very easy it seems and filling and nutritious.(have most of the ingredients already)It's been a couple of weeks of crazy winter weather here and today is minus 32 here and we are actually colder than Siberia which was minus 12 today.Spring is just around the corner I fervently hope.Bye for now, D.

  8. I've never met a vegetable I didn't like. Can't understand folk who won't eat them! :)


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