Wednesday, 18 February 2015

When one door closes.............

Hello again. Yesterday I had a tour of inspection on the Tightwad Towers estate, accompanied by my two personal assistants, Mayze and Heidi. An inventory of  buildings and structures was drawn up, which has been used to design a plan of action for alterations which will greatly enhance the aesthetic qualities of the garden. After much deliberation it was finally agreed that the redundant greenhouse will now be taken down, and all reusable timbers will be checked for suitability for the new structure. 
This corner of the estate is where the sun shines the longest, so a new, bigger shelter will be built here. The plan is to build a shed/summerhouse. A place to sit and read, and sew, in the summer sun. The spot is well hidden behind the garage, a secret hideaway where no one can find me. 
It is proposed that all materials used will be second hand, and sourced from various places where people have no further use for them. I made a start yesterday and managed to get two wooden doors from a double glazing company, and three pallets and pieces of timber from another company. Me and my team envisage that we will need at least twelve doors so further trips to more double glazing companies are needed.
I already have a good stock of timber and pallets in the garage which needs using up, but I shall be keeping my eyes open for any more useful pieces when I am out and about.

I did ask George Clark from Amazing Spaces if he wanted to come and film me, but he just laughed. I'm sure he thinks I am a batty old biddy with nothing better to do than knock a few nails into some pieces of wood. Cheek! I have got better things to do actually, but I'll try and fit this project into my busy schedule. Wish me luck, I'll keep you posted.
Toodle pip.


  1. I have no doubt that you will succeed in project summerhouse and I can't wait to see it! It will be lovely to sit in it in the the sun, doing your sewing projects or just looking over your estate and its grounds in full bloom. A truly amazing space indeed-because it will be yours.

  2. I wouldn't know where to start but I know without a doubt you will:) Looking forward to progress photos in due course:) Perhaps George will come and view the finished summerhouse.

  3. Will you have lots of glass so that it doubles as a greenhouse?

  4. What a great idea! What an enterprising soul you are! I look forward to updates. JanF

  5. Just keep your entrance fees reasonable,I'm not spending tons of money on airfare to find I've got nothing left for the entrance fee.
    Jane x

  6. Oooooh how exciting! I can't wait to see what happens here. But sad to see your trusty greenhouse go (I was very impressed when you built that). Good for you not going to the 'orange' place and just ordering whatever you fancied - much more fun in recycling and building it yourself. Debbie.

  7. That sounds really exciting. What a shame George couldn't help, that would have made for a great episode of Small Spaces! x

  8. This a brilliant idea to build a secret place where you can sit and read and sip tea in peace. Recycling at work in your yard.

  9. Hi! Okay, am now chomping at the bit to see it when your done. Great project!In our old neighborhood a repurposing enthusiast fenced the whole yard with doors then painted and added decorative trim and such.I've seen greenhouses and cabana type things made of french doors too and there's lots of ideas for this on pinterest.Your always thinking outside of the box,and have quite a good supply of free building materials.Good for you ! Bye for now, D.

  10. Sounds like a top plan Ilona

  11. Brilliant! I look forward to seeing it progress. xx

  12. This sounds very interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing how you go about this. 12 doors?

  13. I too am looking forward to see your new garden building! Hoping you get all the very best/most durable materials for your project.xx

  14. Smashing idea. Natalie

  15. I think this is great. Hope you post pics of the demolition and erection. Cant wait to see the new summerhouse in all its glory.

  16. like the reuse of materials, don't think you wanted George as much as the Will hed bring with him or am I wrong? chuckle. must admit hes pretty cute and very good with his hands :)

  17. I think your summerhouse will be a wonderful space to have especially in your backyard.
    I really like that you're reusing the building materials, looking forward to seeing it when its finished.
    AussieCheryl : )

  18. Wish, wish, wish I could do the same thing but we have ordinances that prevent it. To have a private little "tea house" in my yard would be a dream come true! I hope you do find time to build it and will be looking forward to watching your progress! You are one fearless gal!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.