Monday, 20 April 2015

Putting a few screws in

Hello. Life is back to normal here, bag unpacked and stuff put away, veg beds watered, nothing showing yet, but they won't if I don't water them. Go to Crafty Club for an hour. Catch up with what's going on in blogland, then outside in the sunshine to resume work on the summer house. I have the very basic tools, with one extra item which I find very useful. I use the sharp point of the old fashioned tin opener to start off holes where I want to put in screws. Twist it a few times and it makes a hole big enough for the screw to get started. A box of screws, most of them  reclaimed and second hand.  
These are bits from a set of metal shelves. They are part of the uprights which I cut down for other projects. I save everything and now they are coming in useful.for this.

Hammer them out flat to make a sort of bracket, to fix the pallet to the corner post. 
Or leave it as it is and use it to fix the door to the pallet.

I took the handle off this door and utilized the hole in the wood to screw it to a pallet. 
The two glass doors are screwed on tightly. I am not sure where I shall put the white door yet. Shoukd it be this side....
Or that side? The door is too good to use on this project, it's like new. I'll hang back on that one for a bit until I find some more doors and see where it best fits. I don't expect them to all be the same height, but I can build them up with pieces of the top is all the same level.

My next door neighbour gave me this piece of laminate wall board. It will be useful for lining one of the walls.  
I must go and find some more doors so I can get on with the project.

Someone asked if I had lost any weight with all the walking. Probably not, because I ate some convenience food which wasn't particularly good for me. My body coped with the exercise pretty well this time. Only two small blisters which were soon popped and gone. I had hardly any upper leg muscle ache, and my shoulders didn't get sore carrying the weight. I quite like the idea of 100 miles in five days, so I might stick to that in the future. Any longer and it gets a bit samey. Walk all day , take photographs, buy some food, find a bed, write the blog, go to bed, eat breakfast, and do it all again. Five days is better.

That's all for now, I'm off to bed.
Toodle pip


  1. It is amazing that you have the energy to work on your summer house after your long walk.

    The glass doors are really lovely. The solid door does look perfect and could probably be used inside your house.

    You must be very organized to be able to keep track of all the hardware, fabric and everything else you save. It all sure comes in handy.

  2. How much does your rucksack weigh? I am so impressed with your walking journeys!

  3. Hi Ilona!
    So enjoyed reading about your latest trek.
    Good tip about using tin opener to start off holes for screws.
    Where else would you learn something useful like that?

  4. Thank you. Loved the walk.

  5. Thanks for sharing your trip!

  6. Hello Ilona, I've just read all of your posts of your lovely walk and enjoyed every single one of them.
    The scenery was beautiful and I loved the old buildings.
    Glad you're home safe and sound....I'm sure Rocky and the meow crew are happy to see you.

  7. Such an amazing lady with all your tools and ideas. Excellent! I'll look forward to more pictures, and so happy for you to have made that 100 miles in five days!

  8. Hello. After all last week's 100 miles in 5 days are working on the greenhouse?Your energy level is astounding,Ilona.I'm wondering if you drew out a plan for it or is it all in your mind's eye?Those are nice doors,by the way.It's great you have sunny dry weather for working outside and materials handy.Bye for now,D.


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