Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Open the door Mrs and let me in

Hello. I went to town today and brought home four more doors. There is a double glazing company close to the market and they always have old doors and timber that they have removed from their customers houses when they have been upgraded to UPVC. I have added the brown and the red one this afternoon. There was a gap between the white and brown one because I haven't measured anything, and luckily I had a piece of timber the exact right size, perfect.  The glass I will be painting over, I don't want my neighbour to be looking in. 
I now have to take out the raised bed in the bottom right of the picture, it's in the way, so I'll get on with that tomorrow. It was too hot to work this afternoon, a shorts and t-shirt day.  
I found some big tins of beans at the Cash and Carry, they are twice the size of an ordinary tin. At 50p each, I bought four. They can be eaten hot or cold, I'll have them with salad, and make some curry with them as well. I might add them to a stew, or I might even blend them into soup.

While I was in town I paid my credit card bill. There was £2,000 on there from when I bought the car. I used my Tesco card for part payment so I could get the points.

Back to the veggies again, thank goodness. Real food at last.

I'm not getting much sewing done as it's too nice to be inside. The garden needs my attention. I've got some seed potatoes to go in, hopefully that job will be done tomorrow. The car also needs washing. Plenty to keep me busy.
Thank you for reading, I'll catch you tomorrow.
Toodle pip


  1. Ilona, sewing is for when you can't be outdoors, right? That is some creation you have going.

  2. Amazing that you can find so many free doors.

    I did the same thing when I bought my car, put part of it on my credit card to get the points. That is the smart way to use credit in my book.

    Enjoy your lovely weather.

  3. Well done on recycling the doors, being able to pay of your credit card bill is fantastic, it just goes to show frugal living pays x

  4. We did exactly the same when we bought my 'new to me' car, only on our M&S card. A good way to get lots of points. Those beans are a brilliant buy!!

  5. Won't be long now before you have a 'bespoke' summer house! Baked beans, I love 'em!

  6. Goods bought on credit cards are insured for a few days even if the card is used for only part of the purchase and if you get some points, all the better.

  7. We really enjoyed your recent walk. Also it was nice to see Sid's cafe is still there, it is years since we visited. Love how your summer house is shaping up, you are going to end up with a very sturdy structure. The good weather is on your side at the moment.
    Wendy (Wales)

  8. Lovely veggies. I could eat brocolli all day. X

  9. glad to see you are safely back home and inspiring all of us

  10. The garden 'artwork' is coming on a treat. It's going to be huge. How on earth did you transport 4 doors?


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