Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Where do you get your nuts?

Good morning. I have just eaten this delicious mid morning snack, known as my elevenses. One banana in a bowl, topped with a couple of desert spoons of Trail Mix, topped with plain yogurt. Very nice, and healthy too. It will help to hold off the hunger pangs till lunchtime. 
The Trail Mix has in it, raisins, dried and sweetened banana, chopped apricots, brazil nuts, papaya, and coconut chips. I love this stuff but I can't eat it straight out of the packet, far too hard for my teeth to cope with. 
This little gadget is proving to be very useful. I can now chop up all kinds of hard to chew healthy foods, and I am using it nearly every day. This morning I had porridge with chopped mixed seeds added. 
Now I have discovered this mini chopper I can add all kinds of healthy foods to my diet. I can experiment with different tastes, change the combinations of foods, it's opened up all kinds of possibilities. I can still use the large version of the machine and make peanut butter to store in the fridge, and soups to store in the freezer. No need at all to buy convenience foods. Nuts can be quite expensive, so that is one more item on the shopping list that I have to search for the best prices. At the moment it's split between Aldi and the Asian shop, but now I am drawn towards the fruit and nut shelves and the baking shelves in the supermarkets. I find Holland and Barrett a bit more expensive. Where do you get your nuts from? Let me know.

The weather is changeable today. I have a line of washing out, but it's flippin cold.  Should be dry soon, but I could do with some sunshine so I can get out and work in the garden.

I'll get on. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.


  1. I am just along the coast from you, the temperatures have dropped so much I have lit the stove again.

  2. Your mini chopper is certainly earning it's keep. I buy most of my nuts from Lidl, but check prices when ever I am out and about. They have a section now for loose nuts but I never use it, too many people dipping their hands in it and goodness knows how much hair and other things land in there when it is being leaned over.

    1. Yuk! I never buy anything that's loose on a counter. As you say, people coughing and sneezing over it, even breathing when someone's got a cold can spread the germs. YUK!

  3. A nice healthy breakfast, I had a couple of tablespoons of museli, with some ready to eat prunes, half a banana and a couple tablespoons of yogurt, it was lovely.

  4. My kind of breakfast. The mini choppers are great value.

  5. not a huge fan of nuts here, I will eat them if I have too, otherwise I wouldn't touch or ask for them.

  6. Ilona, I'm a nut nut. ;-) My favorites are pecans and walnuts, and I get them at the grocery store HEB. I love nuts on and in everything. That's quite a little chopper you have, and it is certainly serving its purpose.

  7. One of the Pound shops has a good selection, including a large bag of dates. gwen765

    1. Now that's another item that I could chop up, dates. I will get some. Thanks.

  8. I don't get nuts very often as they're so expensive, but I do love them. However, I use a lot of sunflower hearts. They come out of my husband's bird food bin....well rinsed before use of course!

  9. I can't chew nuts either, but have been chopping them for years using the coffee grinder attachment on my liquidiser.

  10. I loved my mini chopper, but it's finally chopped it's last nut! I'm missing it and will have to buy another soon. Your snack looks and sounds yummy!

  11. The Grape Tree are brilliant for dried fruit and nuts - They used to be called Julian Graves then they got took over and shut but now gradually spreading round the country again.
    Brazil nut are specially good they have the thing in them that stops you feeling S.A.D.!

  12. We get ours from Lidl, but dates from Tesco but not from the home baking, they are in another isle but sorry, I can't remember the no. but much cheaper .
    Apparently we only need 2 brazil nuts a day to get all of the selenium that we need.

  13. LOL A bit far to drive but I get my dried fruits and nuts at the local Winco (Phoenix, AZ USA) from the bulk section.

    Pam, I haven't seen any hand dipping here; that would be a real turn off. If caught doing it, I suspect, you might get to buy the whole bin.

  14. Laura blackpool28 April 2015 at 21:21

    Home bargains have had cheap nuts quite often. I always check ibm there when i am near as its hit and miss.

    1. Thanks Laura. I go in Home Bargains for pet food so I will check the nuts as well.

  15. I don`t often buy nuts, but will get some almonds from my local Mediterranean shop. I usually buy sunflower seeds from Tesco, and they last me a long while. Dried fruits I get from Tesco as well, and use them sparingly.

  16. I don't eat many nuts but I'd like to add them to my diet. Here in the U.S., I'm going to check Aldi.

    I'm definitely going to look at buying one of the mini choppers.

  17. I love my minichopper - have a kitchenaid one. I use it to chop garlic up in big bunches. Also to make salsa. They come in very handy.

  18. From Margie in Toronto - I often have yogurt, berries and a topping such as yours for breakfast too - keeps me going till lunch! Nuts are very expensive here - tend to buy them at our Bulk Barn shops as they are a little cheaper, plus I can get as much or as little as I want. They have mixes such as yours but I find it cheaper to mix my own - made a batch yesterday with chopped walnuts & cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, currents and dried cranberries - have to make sure that I don't over indulge as it's so yummy!

    1. Yes, I think that mixing my own would be a good idea, I will look for the individual bags of one kind.

  19. I eat a lot of raw cashews, sometimes plain and sometimes soaked and then roasted at a low temp in the oven. They are not as hard or crunchy as many other nuts, but they are sadly expensive as you say.

  20. Yes I get my nuts from the cheapest shop. Aldi & Lidl are not the cheapest normally unless they are on promotion (not very often). The baking aisle is good (don't get the little bags at the end of the fruit & veg section). You have to do some tricky maths. Also, look in unexpected shops that might have picked up on a bargain (B & M). When I used to live near Stamford, I used to get mine from a stall selling spices & nuts. Surprisingly, if you choose carefully (very carefully) Tesco often comes good. Natalie

    1. Hi. Yes, I think it's a case at looking for the offers, when there aren't many. The little bags are very expensive, I would rather buy a big bag.

  21. I wanted to buy some pistachios the other day being they are my favorite nut but the price of them has skyrocketed! I was shopping in a food warehouse and still, the price was exhorbitant. I can't find bargains on nuts here where I live. I'm no help to you.

  22. Hi.Oh, that eleven o'clock snack looks very yummy.Nuts are very expensive here but we buy them anyway because of their high protein content and nutrients.They are rarely reduced here.You eat very well and it looks like all the simple meals that you have are so tasty and healthy.Glad the little processor works so well.Inspiring food ideas,thanks,bye for now,D.

    1. Hi. I buy them for the same reason, they are good for me, and I don't eat meat.

  23. A bit late, Ilona, but I thought I'd comment as I get a lot of my nuts from Poundland. Here in Dover they stock quite a lot of nuts and dried fruits all at (of course) £1 a packet which I think is pretty good value. I also use Aldi and check out offers in Holland and Barrett. Dried fruit upsets my stomach so I don't eat a lot of it but I do enjoy a good nut roast, and love chopped nuts sprinkled in porridge or with banana and yogurt.


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