Wednesday, 13 May 2015

I have a roof over my head

Hello. Oh dear, late again tonight, I'll crack on. These are the long pieces of wood I scrounged yesterday. Looks like they might have once been on the front of a house just below the guttering. They are dirty, full of nails, and some of the ends are rotten. I need five or six pieces at eight feet long. 
First I pulled all the nails out, then I sawed them to the right length, then I painted them. The easy way was to put two plastic bowls on the edge of a raised bed and lay the timbers on that.

Look at Heidi, ha ha. I put these old net curtains around a bed of broad bean plants, to stop the cats getting onto it. Looks like she has found a corner to lay on, luckily there are no plants around the edges.

It was a lovely sunny day with no wind. Mayze finding a bit of shade under a hedge.

Bugsy is a sun worshiper, he loves it. The old boy is soldiering on. There's been many a time when I thought he wouldn't last much longer, then he picks up again. Must be all that chicken I am feeding him.
It gets a bit too warm for Rocky, he goes to find a shady spot after a while.

After slaving away with a saw and a paint brush, I ended up with six x 8 feet pieces. I spaced them out across the top and nailed them down at both ends, with a few inches overhang. Looking good so far. 
The structure is very solid and sturdy. I climbed up the sides of the pallets on my neighbours side, to nail the boards on.

I haven't found anything for the roof yet, so for the time being I have put a couple of sheets over the top, which I already had. This is a temporary arrangement to keep the rain out so I can get on with painting the doors and finishing the floor. I've tied the corners down.
 I have some market stall heavy duty clips which are very handy.

I can still do a truckers granny knot, it's a bit like roping and sheeting a load on a trailer, ha ha. 
Ideally I could do with a very large piece of clear plastic 8 feet square, for the roof, but I'm not sure if they make them that big. I'll probably have to have two smaller pieces and join them. I don't want to buy them, maybe I can find something second hand. I'll keep looking.
That's it for tonight. Toodle pip


  1. looking good. You've worked really hard on this project.I hope you will take time to sit here and relax when its finished..but you aren't a sitting down sort of person, are you? lol.

    1. Hi. No I don't sit down much, ha ha, always up and down.

  2. ahh Bugsy reminds me of Bagpuss sitting like that.

  3. It's amazing that you have created this out of free materials!

    Looking at the strips on the roof, I think it would look lovely to have vines growing all through the roof. Of course that would not provide much protection from the elements would it. How about vines growing up against the side pallets at some point? I don't know if you have flowering vines that grow in your part of the UK. If you do, they'd be pretty.

    Love to see the cats and Rocky enjoying the sunshine.

  4. Hello.Awww, look at your furry family enjoying the weather and watching you at work.Fantastic amount done,good for you!It looks strong.Good luck finding the roofing material,hopefully the universe will send you what you need very soon.(Yes, I'm a bit of a flake hee-hee)Hubby and I were just saying we wish we had kept a lot of what was in our barn at the farm.We sure could use that stuff now on this old house.It's always the way isn't it?Now we have to scrounge round to find building material or even buy new.Drat it.Oh, well such is life,not much that can be done about it.I must breathe and let it go,ah, there much better now.Your upper arms must look really good with all the lifting you've done lately,and hope you find time to take it easier soon.Bye for now,D.

  5. Great photo's of the cats and Rocky and your building . Well done , I love how you can build things . You have a great range of hobbies .

  6. I love it - I hope you can find some roofing that will let a bit of light in. I am jealous. Such a lovely place to have a nice cup of tea in the morning and maybe a bit of iced tea or lemonade in the afternoon. I look forward to seeing the finished result. Ranee (MN)

  7. Looks like it will be a wonderful place to sit with a cuppa tea and stay out of the weather.

    A concern, is there any kind of pitch on the roof? Doesn't have to be much, just so the water runs off instead of pooling on the roof. Pooling water is very heavy and the roof could cave in, same thing happens with snow but snow load needs a steeper pitch. Also, flat roofs are notorious for leaking. A simple single pitch shed roof will let the water run off. One other thing is a gutter on the lower side means you can collect water.

    1. Hi, There is a slope to the roof, water will run off. No room for water butts.

    2. Too bad about not being able to collect the rain water.

  8. I am completely in awe of your summerhouse, it really is wonderful. I'm a teeny bit jealous of it! Well done Ilona,xxxx

  9. Really a very impressive result!!

  10. Love the animals sitting there so content. The blue tarp roof is not at all a bad compromise, for now you will be dry at least and it allows some sunlight in too!

  11. Well theres a blast from the past, you don't see many dolly knots about thesedays.

  12. Lovely to see the family all out enjoying the warmer weather. Your summer house is coming on brilliantly. It deserves a spot on George Clarke's Amazing Spaces. Maybe you could invite William for the Grand Opening!

    Linda xx

  13. Wow I can't believe you've done all that work by yourself,I love the way you just get stuck in, well done you x

  14. Looking good. I can't believe how quickly you have done this. Love to see Rocky looking so content. Debbie

  15. Pretty! Love the pics of your cats and Rocky!

  16. I see your years of being a lorry driver have come in handy with the roping a sheeting techniques. My husband has never forgotten to do his dollies etc. The summer house is coming along well.

  17. Looks like you have created the perfect pergola, as we call them in Texas. Lets the light through but offers a bit of shelter and decoration. You might be able to find some sort of tarp for the roof?

  18. I've loved reading about your developing summer house. I was thinking if you could get some plastic corrugated roofing then that might suit your needs. I'm a member of Freegle and it's a good place to ask for stuff like that. Good luck with whatever you end up with.

    1. In an earlier comment, I suggested used aluminum printing plates, and was just coming on to suggest corrugated plastic when I saw Lesley's post (great minds think alike!). If putting on and taking off a "soft" roof isn't too much trouble, how about canvas painting tarps? They aren't as cheap as blue plastic tarps, but they breathe, which would make life inside a lot more comfortable. I have to say, I had my doubts when you started this, but I'm astounded by what you have created, and can't wait to see the finished product.

    2. I also was wondering what the finished result was going to look like, and I must say you are doing a fantastic job and I love all the bright colours. When I saw the pallets around the outsides I could just imagine filling in some of them with wood and planting some flowers all around and maybe even some veg with shorts roots :)

  19. Ilona you are a marvel. Well done

  20. I like it better without a roof.....after all it is a summer house....I think plastic overhead will be hot as blazes on a summer sun shiny day.....Maybe a wisteria growing on the corners and up and over the roof.....would create shade but not an the blooms are beautiful in the spring and the fragrance is intoxicating....also honeysuckle works wonders too...and maybe annual morning glories...or white clematis...or gourds....craft them later....then there are useful fruits like grapes, muscadines or Kiwi's......
    Just pondering....sorry but I still like the idea of one color......but I am game and waiting until you are finished and the loafing chair is in place and the plants are about.

    1. Hi. I like it better without a roof also, but the wood I have used is not particularly weatherproof. It would give it a longer life with a roof. I am going to leave the big opening, and at some point put a plastic roof on it, when I can source the right materials.

  21. Ilona, DITTO!! You are amazing!


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