Thursday, 14 May 2015

The beach hut that isn't on the beach

Hello. No two days are the same here, weatherwise. Yesterday sunny, today cloudy, overcast, and cool with a breeze. That didn't stop me from working in the garden though. First off, a few photo's that I didn't post yesterday. I took Lady dog for a walk in the woods. I haven't been for ages, and it was nice to see it all fresh and green with the sunlight filtering through the trees. It's only a few minutes from where I live, I really must start walking here more often.  
There is a lot more wild garlic around, more than previous years.

Lady has to stay on the lead because she would run off and not come back if I let her loose. 
Tons more wild garlic. I am pleased to say there is not much litter about, previously I have had to clear out bags and bags of the stuff, mainly bottles and cans after a party. The kids seemed to have moved on to other hobbies, lets hope it stays like that.

The results of my labour today, we now have one yellow door and one dark pink door. Both these colours are the result of mixing paint. The yellow was too dark so I added white, the pink started as dark red which was too dark, so I put a little bit of it into a tin of white paint. I might try and make orange tomorrow, is that red and yellow, I think so.   
While I had yellow on my brush, I thought it was a good idea to jazz up the pots a bit. Dull brown pots are so boring. I think these look nice.

Dinner tonight was a microwaved home made soup, couldn't be bothered to to cook. I was a bit late finishing, due to gossiping over the garden fence with my neighbour at the back. They can't see the summer house due to my tall hedge, so I invited them round to have a look.

Thanks for popping in, I'll catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip


  1. Hello,busy bee.The woodland walk with Lady looks so serene with all the fresh green and white.The wild garlic is really prolific.When do the English bluebells come out under the canopy?I've seen so many photos of them and descriptions.I love the colours of the inside of the summerhouse doors and it is a lovely,private space you have created and the painted pretty pots add a nice touch.Your efforts and imagination are inspiring.Bye for now, D.

    1. Hi. There are still a few bluebells about, but they are dying off now.

  2. From Margie in Toronto - what gorgeous photos in the woods - hoping to get out for a similar walk this weekend! Love all the colours of the doors and your pots - your garden will be like a little jewel box this summer. Good job!

  3. Hey,
    Just a note to let you know that I've nominated you for a 'Very Inspiring Blogger Award'.
    There's a fair bit involved and it took me a while to get round to it so I'll understand if you don't want to take it up ... but I hope you will!
    To find out what it entails, check out my latest blog at
    Keep up the great blog.

    1. Hi Cate.Thank you. I'm chuffed that you have nominated me for an award. I hope you don't mind if I don't join in. I don't have time to do the nomination thing and the rest of it, sorry. Best wishes, Ilona

  4. It's looking fabulous , I really admire how you just get on and do stuff :-)

  5. What a peaceful looking place to walk! The painted doors and your pots look great.

  6. Lovely lush woods, we love our woodland walks. Your little garden palace is coming on very well.


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