Sunday, 16 August 2015

Don't judge a book by it's cover

Hello. It's been a day of watching Heidi, she has been very quiet. Janet came round and we managed to get some water into her mouth with a syringe as she wasn't drinking or eating. This must have triggered something off because she ate a small amount of tuna fish, and now she is having a nibble of dried food. Lets hope this continues till we get the results of the blood tests. 
Ordinary brown vinegar did the trick, diluted and soaked for a day. I have a new pan. This was really black, now I can carry on steaming my vegetables, I must remember to put enough water in the bottom, ha ha. 
The notebook cover is finished. This was a bit of an experiment, I didn't put much thought into the design or much time into it, I just stitched willynilly. I started with a piece of grey felt, then cut strips of fabric and machined them to it, starting at one end. Each piece was sewn right sides facing and folded over, and the next piece added and so on, till the felt was covered. This is the front, although it can be put on the other way round.

This is inside the front cover, some machine stitching as well as hand stitching.

Inside the back cover.

It's an A6 size notebook, the cover can be taken off and used again on another book. I have put a strip of dark blue ribbon top and bottom on the inside, to hide the hem
The back cover, or it could be the front cover.

This was just a practice piece to try. It's ok, but not wonderful. I think it would be better to use a lighter fabric, felt is too heavy, and too thick and bulky. A lightweight fabric would make it a better fit.

My dinner tonight cost me 33p, that's for a bag of broccoli and cauliflower. In the bottom of the pyrex bowl I put a frozen portion of home made thick soup, cost negligible as it was made from yellow stickered peas, sweetcorn and carrots, 2p at a guess. Zapped that in the microwave and put the steamed veg on top of it. Simple and cheap.
Thanks very much for popping in. Catch you soon. Toodle pip


  1. Enjoy your blog very much. Cheers!

  2. Poor Heidi - hope she is on the mend soon. Cordelia xx

  3. I love your sewing. I'm seriously thinking of having a go at a book cover myself. Glad little cat is cheering up. It's not nice when they are poorly.

  4. I'll be thinking of Heidi tonight.

    The pan turned out great. I'll remember the vinegar trick.

  5. Poor little Heidi - I hope she feels better soon. Keeping a good thought!

  6. I hope Heidi rallies!
    Love the book cover!

  7. Hope Miss Heidi is back to her old self very soon and her blood work is clear.

  8. That is a lovely book cover. You stitch so beautifully.

  9. Your dinner looks lovely. Wishing you and the resident animals a good week.

  10. Hope Heidi is OK. I'm currently nursing my new kitten through cat flu. Love the pan idea will be borrowing that as I killed one of my pans making popcorn with the kids lol.

  11. Hi.I'm sorry Heidi is not well and hope she recovers soon.Poor wee girl.Reading about your nice Sunday at home with the critters and a good meal,puttering and crafting,sounds just lovely.The book cover turned out nicely,Ilona.The sequins add a nice touch with the prominent stitching,I think.Look at that pot-it's positively gleaming,well done.We are in a humid hot spell lately,and summer is still here.:)Have a good one,D.

  12. love your book cover. I have been thinking about doing one for my diary but need to finish a quilt first and am sorting my sewing room too,

  13. Your book cover is so cheerful. I imagine after looking at it, and some of your bags and of course, the little building you made in your garden out of doors, that your home must be filled with all kinds of bright and cheerful things that light up your space. I love the idea of repurposing, and your projects do it with joy. Mary Jane in Canada.


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