Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Wednesday's Witterings

Hello. Let's have a natter. That's my way of saying not much has happened today, stuck for ideas, but I will cobble something together, ha ha. 
I bought these two packs of muesli from the Cash and carry, they were 50p each, which I thought was a good buy. The labeling looks like it is in German, and they have two dates on, presumably the September 2014 is the sell by date, and the June 2015 is the eat by date. I've looked for something similar on the Tesco website to compare prices but can't find anything in the 370 grm weight. The nearest is All Bran muesli 450 grm at £2.99, and a new one on special offer, Nature Valley 360 grm at £2 instead of £2.49. Either way, my purchase is a bargain. It works well in the mini chopper, as a topper for my bran flakes.   
What about this poor little fella then, I found this beetle dead in the garden this morning as I was poo picking. I make an inspection every day for little deposits of both dog and cat poo. What a shame, look at it's beautiful hairy legs.

And look how big it is against a 10p piece. I wonder what it is and where it came from. I have not seen one that big before. So sad that it's snuffed it, I wonder what happened.

This is what I am working on at the moment, a note book cover. I have sewn some fabric strips on a felt backing with the machine and now I'm adding the embellishments. I'll post a picture when it's finished.

My credit card statement came today, it has the charges for the two campsites I stayed on when I went to Devon on holiday. The total was £76 for five nights. It also has the charges for the Youth Hostels I will be staying at next month in Norfolk, so these will be paid for in advance. The cost is £94. The biggest expense is the petrol, but still two very cheap holidays. I shall be self catering again to keep the cost down. Buying food as I need it and cooking in the hostels. If anyone wants to meet up with me at Hunstanton, Wells next the Sea, or Sherringham please email me and I will tell you the dates. Two people did express an interest but I haven't had emails from them.

Talking of emails, I have had some lovely complimentary ones from new readers, so I thank you very much for those. It is heartwarming to know that people want to read my wafflings. You are very welcome, I'm chuffed.

Hey, my cooking skills leave a lot to be desired, simple and minimal is the word in this house, no cooking is even better. Today I managed to burn water, yes, burn water. I had a pan on the stove with my steaming basket in it and some veggies. I also had a couple of veggie sausages under the grill. I tend to flit about doing other things while the dinner is cooking, and keep going back to it to check. There was a slight smell of burning so I turned the sausages over. A few minutes later I thought that's funny, the burning smell is getting stronger. It wasn't the sausages, the pan had burnt dry, not enough water in it. Oh gawd, luckily the veg was cooked so I ate it, but the pan is blackened. More time wasted because I wasn't paying attention, tomorrow I will have to scrub it.

Janet came round this morning to help me bathe a sore spot on Heidi's face and neck. It had healed up when it happened before, but it's back again. She was ever so good, let us bathe it with warm water and a mild antiseptic. I will keep her in a few days until it heals. Old boy Bugsy is still fine, camping out on the bedroom windowsill. He goes out into the garden when it's warm. Always very vocal when he wants something to eat. Good news from the cat rescue. The people who were on holiday and said they would adopt two cats when they came back, came for the cats they had chosen, and also took a third cat as well. A nice family who live in a village near Gainsborough. Lucky cats.

There's a lot of work going on across the road. The man who owns the house hasn't lived in it, he has rented it out. Now he is going to move in with his family so he is doing it up. A big machine came yesterday and ripped out all the front hedge. Today they've been digging out a load of soil. Looks like they are going to level it off for car parking. It's a bit noisy at the moment with the machinery working on it. A huge tractor and trailer came and took a load of soil and rubble away. He must be spending a fair bit of money on it.

My neighbour had a go at trimming his front hedge yesterday, when I was trimming mine. Whereas I am a methodical and tidy worker, he was going at it like a mad man with a machete. I had to laugh, he made a right pigs ear of it, in other words, a right mess. He's a good neighbour to have though, we rub along nicely.

I think that's all the gossip for today. It's a bit late so I'm off to bed.
Goodnight and Toodle pip


  1. Just come back from our most recent trip to Norfolk, it's lovely, Hunstanton is fabulous, lots of good charity shops, picked up a branded splash suit for grandson, two Eternal Beau side plates to re complete my tea set and then spotted a random bag of embroidery silks for £2.50 on the way out. Conservative estimate at £15 for the lot purchased new.

    We have a very naughty puss cat living nearby, Rascal, a girl cat, sneaks into houses/garages or most recently, our campervan. She went missing last night, her Mum ws frantic, but she wasn't in our garage or campervan. This morning she scooted out from under the van, she is a very naughty girl.

    1. Hi. Just wondered what a splash suit is? Never heard of that before.

  2. Hello.Your post today is like visiting with a friend and catching up.Being dry the muesli dates would not concern me at all and it is sealed well too.Another excellent deal that you lucked into.Good for you.The beetle looks a lot like what we call "June Bugs"here.(though ours are brown)Some summer evenings they congregate on all the screens and can be a bit sci-fi.It is unsettling if you don't know what they are,:)Gas is pricey here so this year we aren't making any long road trips but enjoying local sites instead.Your holiday musings are a treat to read,thank you for sharing your life the way you do.Poor Heidi!Hope she recovers soon.Lovely for the kitties to be placed together in a new home,eh?I've scorched a good stainless steel pot simmering vinegar and water to deodorize the house one time and used French clay to clean it.It turned out much better than expected.Bye for now,D.

  3. If you have any dishwasher detergent, put about a tablespoon in the pan, fill with hot water and let sit overnight. In the morning, it's an easy clean. I have done this half a dozen times and it has never failed me yet. It's magic!

    1. Hello, I don't have a dishwasher. Last time I used vinegar, will do that again, or perhaps washing machine soap powder would work. It's a stainless steel pan which I got from a car boot sale.

    2. If its biological it should do a good job.

  4. I always enjoy your "natterings."

    Poor Heidi. I hope that she will heal quickly. I recall when you took her to the lady vet last time. Did she give you any type of salve for Heidi? If so, could you get a refill?

    Your notebook cover looks lovely. Very colorful.

    1. Hi. Yes I have some of the ointment left and I am using it.

  5. Hi Ilona, If you use washing powder (not gel or capsules etc) just good old wash powder that will do the trick with the burnt pan. Just chuck some in to cover the bottom and, leave a while whilst it sinks in then put in some boiling water and leave to soak for a day or two, that should bring all the burnt stuff off, works every time.
    Hope Heidi is OK.
    love reading about all your foodie bargains, i am a big food bargain hunter and know all the cheaper places like the Oriental warehouse for staples like rice, noodles, spices etc, the Polish supermarket for packet soups in lovely flavours and some nice different flavoured desserts like jellys and blancmange type things, B&M and Home Bargains for lots of basics and also the £ shop for things like tins stewed steak and those Frey Bentos puff pastry pies which hubby loves but can be up to nearly £3 in the supermarket.
    Have a nice day, take care jane xxx

  6. Ooh, I didn't know you were coming to Norfolk, I'd be interested in meeting up if I'm about then, I'll email you. I always use ordinary washing soda if I have anything burnt on like that, works a treat, just soak a tablespoon or so in water a few hours.

    1. Thank you, I have got your email, will let you know the dates.

  7. The beetle looks like a female Stag Beetle (or Lesser Stag Beetle) - smaller than the males and minus the 'antlers'. They are in decline - sad yours snuffed it! We mainly see the males in our garden - scary looking little beasts!

  8. Hi Ilona,
    Sorry I didn't get back to you. I don't know how to email you. I am rather busy in September and work at least two days a week so if you could let me know when you are coming to Hunstanton I will see what I can do. Would love to meet up for a chat. I have just acquired a cat after being with out for 2 years. My last one lived to be 22 and he was a hard act to follow but I think I am ready now. This one is lovely, he is one year old so I hope we have a long and happy life together. Including husband of course! Sairy
    p.s.I am not really called Sairy it is just a nickname!

    1. Hi Sairy. My email address is on the sidebar, on the right. substitute the dot for a . and the at for @ no gaps of course. Disguised to deter spammers. I can email you back with the dates. Thanks. Would be good to see you if you are around.

  9. Sending A Kentish Maid's ID of your sadly-deceased beetle - that's a female stag beetle all right. If you see any alive, or the big males with their "antlers" on the road or the pavement, please move them gently to a safe place like a hedgerow or a garden. The antlers are just for show & fighting other beetles; they're completely harmless to us, and need all the help they can get.

  10. Your beetle looks like a dor beetle :-)

  11. I think animals know when people try to help them. Good news that the pussy cats are going to a lovely home. Good news too that you have some new readers who are encouraging. More of it! Natalie

  12. Hi there... so you're off to Hunstanton! Check out a lovely bookshop in Snettisham near the Rose and Crown pub. It is a very old 2 story house and has photos of The Snettisham Treasure. The pub is worth a look too. At Hunstanton it's worth the parking fee and walk to along the beach to see the cliffs and layers of colours in them. Also the moss covered rocks. I love your attitude and enjoy your blog.


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