Wednesday, 13 April 2016

A place where the sun is always shining

Hello. I am pleased to unveil the latest picture. It hasn't taken as long at the more complicated textile pieces I have made. The idea for it came from a picture that lovelygrey had on her blog, on the 26th February, so I didn't have to start from a blank page. Mine is a simplified version as it would be very difficult to replicate exactly from a painting to textiles. The two trees and the colours used are similar. The painting has water and a lighthouse, mine doesn't. I have deliberately left my sky plain, the painting is muticoloured with lots of detail. 
The yellow fabric was painted, it was beige, and the swirls are felt tip pens drawn on by hand. The white leaves are cut from the same fabric as the trunk and turned back to front. The four flowers are felt, as are the red spots. I could have done the whole thing in felt, but that would have limited the finish I was looking for.

I painted three circles for the sun in red, yellow, and orange. The sky is from an ironing board cover given to me.

The rainbow bridge is the beige fabric decorated with felt tip pens, and ironed on.

The green background to the tree was a green baize from a snooker table. The purple branches and pink leaves are from Scrapstore fabric. Does not fray, it has a rubbery backing. 
I drew the shapes onto the fabric first then painted it going over the edges. Then I cut the circles out. The paint stops it from fraying.

The swirls on the green cotton fabric were white, I went over them with an orange felt tip pen, then added lots of French knots. 

The plain green fabric here is machined with lots of zigzag stitches in three different colours.

The coloured cords which divide the sections up are couched on in matching cotton, and were bought from Poundland, £1 a bag of mixed colours. 
And the final picture is within the frame. I took this before I put the glass in, to eliminate reflections. I'm not sure it should be behind glass because it's more like a tapestry, but it keeps it clean. Excuse the shadows, the sun was coming through the window from the side. 
All ready to take to Burton on Trent to show my uncle, when I go and see his exhibition.

And the title? 'Rocky's Place', because this is how I see Rainbow Bridge.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I love this picture Iliona the colours are gorgeous. You are very creative. I'm about to do s mosaics course and you have given me some ideas.

  2. Beautiful! Glad my Spanish canvas inspired you. xx

  3. Love it but don't understand the reference to Rainbow bridge and Rocky! Natalie

    1. Hi. When a beloved pet dies the saying goes that they have gone over the Rainbow Bridge. A nice way of putting it. Not that Rocky is dying, but he will one day, and this picture will remind me of him.

    2. I got worried when I read about the Rainbow bridge and Rocky too. I thought you would have told us but maybe I'd missed something. Glad he is still here!
      Picture is wonderful - and such fun that you were inspired by Julie's! Your uncle will love it.JanF

  4. Beautiful work Ilona. The colours are fabulous. X

  5. You are very gifted and artistic. You must have good eyes and light for all that detail. X

  6. Love love it Ilona especially the sun and rainbow bridge.

    Enjoy the day,
    Hazel c uk

  7. That is truly lovely. I was explaining to someone about your fireplace re-vamp and I said that although it sounds as if it shouldn't work (a patchwork fireplace - who could dream up such a thing?), somehow it does. Your really have a good eye for design.

  8. As perhaps you know, I'm not one for craft work, but admire those who can make lovely things from all kinds of fabrics and other bits and pieces. I just love this picture!!!
    Margaret P

  9. Well done, you should be very proud. Its beautiful.

  10. Aah that's how I imagine Rainbow Bridge too. A lovely unique creation.

  11. I love your picture and all the beautiful hand work you have put into it. I would be proud to have it on my wall and I'm sure your Uncle will like it as well :)

  12. I think you should try to enter it in the exhibition to see what kind of response you get. It is a great example of folk art. It makes me happy to look at it.

  13. I panicked too when you mentioned Rainbow Bridge and Rocky. So glad he is still here. Gorgeous picture Ilona.

  14. Beautiful! I love your creativity. :)
    Margaret from Maryland

  15. well done. I love what you do with what others throw away. brilliant

  16. Blooming brilliant, Ilona. I work as a textiles (and food) technician in a secondary school and your work is very eye catching and imaginative. Fantastic!

  17. It is lovely and so cheerful. I especially love the sun, - Tam

  18. That is a lovely picture! So creative!

  19. My heart gave a little jump when I read Rocky and Rainbow Bridge - so glad it's not so :) XX

  20. I think lovely grey's picture is by Karla Gerard. See more of her work on Pinterest..that'll keep you busy! BrendaR

    1. Thank you for that, Brenda. I've had a look, she has hundreds of designs. I won't be doing any more, they are better suited to paint on canvas rather than fabric.

  21. Just brilliant Ilona, so colourful.

  22. Outstandingly beautiful Ilona!

  23. Lions, this is enchanting! Opened your blog half way through an absolutely wretched day at work, and everything about your art work brought a smile to my face and made the rest of the day bearable. Thank you so much!

  24. Ilona,sorry typing on a phone; didn't mean to misspell your name😨

  25. That made me all sappy! I LOVE it!!!

  26. I love it - you do such nice handwork. Your Uncle will appreciate the work and talent this lovely picture took to create. Impressive! Ranee (USA) Mn

  27. I LOVE this Ilona, its such a happy colourful picture - you are very clever ! Your neat stitches are amazing too, well done 😃👏🏻

  28. Gorgeous!y you are very talented!love seeing Rocky!☺

  29. Wow it is your best yet! The sun is my favorite part.

  30. It's whimsical, it's colorful, it's dimensional, it's happy.
    And those trees!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Love Love Love Love it...very beautiful.

  32. Love it - might have a little go myself (at using textiles).

  33. Fabulous picture, you are very creative and have a good eye for what will work with what.....unlike me! I can only look and admire.

  34. What a beautiful work of art.Lovely thought to title it Rocky's Place.Beautiful Rocky and your beautiful art work are both a ray of sunshine,very fitting.

  35. Beautiful artwork and wonderful how you manage to create something from nothing. Kristel

  36. How wonderful that you have thought about the future with your beloved pet. I have special places in my garden that are designed each year to memorialize the kitties which rest there. These planting season give me peace.

  37. Very nice! You are getting to a quite the folk artist. I like the textures.


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