Saturday, 9 April 2016

Deeeelishus three day stew

Hello. I took my camera with me on my three miles, but I was walking so fast I only had time to stop and take two photo's, ha ha. The village green looks lovely now with all the daffs. The area around the memorial stone has all grown back, from the sludgy mess it was last year when they installed it. It's very pleasant to walk through there on the way to the High street. 
I go down an avenue which is a dead road, this is the view across the River Trent towards Yorkshire. I then turn left at the snickett through to the next avenue.

It was raining this morning so I got on with some sewing. The picture is coming along nicely. I want to get it finished for next week because a trip to Burton on Trent is looming and I want to take it with me to show my uncle. His exhibition starts on Monday for two weeks, at the central library in town. He has forty paintings in it, and all the money from the sales is going to the Air Ambulance. He wasn't able to have the exhibition last year because he was poorly, and this could be the last one. Mind you, you never know, he does brilliantly for a 93 year old.

I've just had a bowl of fantastic stew, a big pan will save me cooking for the next two days. It had brussels sprouts, carrots, potatoes, broad beans, celery, spinach, and Quorn mince in it. As well as the usual spices and herbs, I added some Danish blue cheese to it, oh my, was it deeeelishus. Try it, it was ever so tasty.

I've made some peanut butter in the food processor, this time mixing ordinary cheap salted peanuts with dry roasted nuts. It tastes much better. I keep it in the fridge and can't resist dipping into it when I open the door to get something out. I treated myself to a small bottle of toasted sesame seed oil the last time I was in Tesco. I used to get it regularly because I love it, but the price kept creeping up and up to £2 a bottle so I stopped buying it. It's at £1.50 now, still too much, but I bought one just to remind myself how tasty it is. I like to drizzle it on a plate of steamed vegetables, gives them a nice nutty flavour.

After a wet start it has been a nice sunny afternoon. I hope your Saturday has been good. Enjoy your Sunday. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip
PS. If you wanted to watch the How to Stay Young programme, I've put it on yesterdays post, thanks to Sandy who pointed me in the right direction.


  1. Young Lady (Use that tone of voice your mother used when she was aggravated with you.) If you like sesame seed oil - buy it. You have the financial resources to buy and keep a bottle of sesame seed oil in your cupboard. It's not like you have to choose between eating, staying warm or have medicine.

    I can't wait to see the whole picture when it is finished. You do such interesting needlework.

  2. I am really looking forward to seeing your photos of your uncle's artwork. An exhibition at 93 is pretty impressive and I'm glad he is well enough this year to exhibit his work. Great to do it for charity too.

  3. Love the photos you took on your power walk! Only time for a couple of snaps, har, har! And the stew sounded just my kind of stew - I find that a little blue cheese adds je ne sais quoi to a lot of dishes.
    Our daffs in Torbay are almost over, except some late ones in Torre Abbey Meadow.
    We've had hailstones today - who says it's always warm on the English Riviera is nuts!
    Margaret P

  4. Your uncle sounds like a great role model. We like toasted sesame oil too, tasty on vegetables like broccoli.

  5. What a lovely village green and gorgeous daffodils.

    Look forward to hearing all about your visit to see your 93 year old uncle and any photos that you take.

  6. I just love the colors in your second photo! I enjoy your blog so much. Thanks for sharing what you are doing with us.
    Margaret in Maryland USA

  7. Hello Ilona, your Uncle is a real inspiration! I can't wait to see your finished piece as well. We use sesame oil in our family quite a bit and have found it much more economical to purchase at an Asian grocery store than at the main supermarkets. We also get much more for our money. Just a thought

  8. I loved your photos, how pretty!
    Hope all goes well with his showing, it's very encouraging to see someone his age still producing of his gift, very much a blessing!
    Hope you have a lovely time.

  9. The scenery is beautiful and your handiwork is lovely!


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