Sunday, 10 April 2016

Block paving? It's a doddle ;o)

Hello. It's been a great day, I've got a lot done. I like to start the day off with sewing, the light coming in through the back window into the living room is ideal for doing close work. Even though I wear varifocals I still prefer to take my specs off and get up close when I am doing tiny stitching. I had a frame earmarked for the picture but it wasn't quite right, then I looked through the others I have and found this one. It is exactly the right size but the colour is wrong, too brown. 
No worries, just paint it white. After three coats of vinyl silk emulsion it is ready.

Remember this, the collapsed pallet decking which became a graveyard for other pieces of timber and anything that didn't have a place elsewhere. I showed you the picture after I cleared it all out and took it down the tip. I leveled the ground off with some of the spare compost I had.  
And now it looks like this. I re potted a few plants into bigger pots, this is all I am going to put here, I like the tidy and uncluttered look. I have scattered grass seed all around it so hopefully the lawn will cover the compost when it starts growing. Big improvement, eh!

I ended up with more bricks than I needed for the beds, but not to worry, I found a use for them. A bit of home made block paving between the bed and the summerhouse.

And these bricks fit nicely into this space between the summerhouse and the garage.

The cats like to sit on the edges of the beds, thankfully they aren't getting in them to dig. When the seeds start coming up I will take away the plastic trellis. The ground around them is a bit bare but I've scattered grass seed over it. All we have to do now is wait for things to grow. 
Today I ate the second portion of the deeelishus stew, here it is. More left for tomorrow. I don't mind eating the same thing three days running, and I love the idea of cooking in one pan, just chuck it all in. Less faff and less washing up. 
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Crikey, you have been busy. I too am more than happy to eat the same thing three days in a row and the hubby will pretty much eat what I put in font of him without complaining. He knows the alternative.... cook it yourself then .

  2. The beds look good,You are nearly qualified as a bricklayer now!!

  3. great job with the bricks,, look lovely,, especially with the cat sitting there,,you dinner looks good, I never mind eating the same thing for a few days,, not at all, I eat rice and some sort of vegies everyday,,

  4. You have made it so beautiful in your garden.

  5. Everything looks terrific, I love the beds and bricks!

  6. Everywhere looks neat and tidy Ilona, you did a good job with the frame looking forward to seeing the picture in it.
    Enjoy the day, I am going to do a little housework, prepare a baby quilt to take to patchwork tomorrow and it's WI this afternoon.

    Hazel c uk

  7. Wow! You really scored on all those brick . . . they look great and bring all these areas together so nicely. I know that you are going to enjoy a lovely garden this year . . . so neat and pretty :)

  8. All looks neat. I'm with you with the one pan cooking - I rarely do anything else. Natalie

  9. I love the use of the old brick in your yard - your garden beds and the pathway etc. Looking very neat and organized. Can't wait to see everything once all of the plants start blooming and filling in. Nice job. We have just moved to our current house and the yard is a shambles - branches everywhere, trees needing trimming, some removed and some shrubs that have gotten out of control. We have our work cut out for us, but the inside remains our more pressing focus. We're getting there, though, and I hope to be able to find some old brick to use for some ideas I have. Again, you are my inspiration. Thank you - Ranee (USA) Mn


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.