Monday, 11 April 2016

Foot tapping happy music

Hello. the only money saving tip I'm going to give you tonight is get rid of your TV set, stop paying for a licence, and get yourself onto Yoootooob, cause that's what I've been doing tonight. There's tons of entertainment and it's all free, apart from paying for your broadband.

Have a butchers at this. I love the way they put piano's in public places and anyone can play them. We had a piano when I was a kid, I wanted to learn to play it but we couldn't afford lessons, so I never did get the hang of it. Some seem naturally gifted to play music, but I wasn't.

I challenge you to keep your feet still while you listen to this.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. There's a piano in Sheffield train station. A lovely gentleman was playing when I was last there. It made for a lovely atmosphere.

  2. I saw the piano videos last week..... great! How expensive is. Tv license? Here in US we don't have that tax, but some people have cable subscription. we stream all our " tv" and have for six years now. There are tons of free sites. Would love to get your bbc site, but we are locked out.

  3. That was fun! They put a piano outside my office building, last year, and so many people sat and played.

  4. WOW!!!! I listened twice! I may have to see it again!

  5. I'm a particular fan of YouTube for relaxation and meditation videos....and a bit of comedy! x

  6. YouTube is a great favourite of mine. I listen to music of all kinds, watch tv programmes(both new and old). I am fond of looking at old programmes that used to be on the telly or radio. Great for "how to" ideas. I also like to listen to radio programmes from all over the world. Natalie

  7. Had a day trip to Liverpool recently and they have a piano in the shopping center. There was a gentleman playing it like a pro. What a great idea.

  8. Wow he is great and I did not hear one off-key the whole time. I hardly ever watch tv. I am on the computer lots.

  9. I hardly ever watch tv either, always on you tube, the piano player was great.


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