Sunday, 28 August 2016

At peace.

Rocky is at peace now, the vet has just left. He couldn't go on any longer. I am closing down the computer now and won't be back on until Tuesday.
Lots of love xxx


  1. Oh no, so sorry to hear that. Thinking of you x

  2. Lots of love. Will be thinking of you Ilona. Ruth xxx

  3. sorry to read this but he is at peace now,hope you are ok xx

  4. Nothing anyone can say will make it less painful. Just be aware that many of us know how much pain you are in now. You changed Rocky's world when you first started taking him out and his happiness depended on you. You didn't fail him at the end. Grieve all you need to for your friend.

  5. My thoughts are with you, Ilona.
    Margaret P

  6. God bless you Rocky and have a safe trip to rainbow bridge xxx Look after yourself Ilona, it takes a brave heart to say good bye to a much loved four legged friend xxx Rae x

  7. The time you dreaded has come......and gone. It's tough, especially on your own: I know this. He's been a treasured pal & so fortunate to have you as his owner. 'We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when.....but I know we'll meet again some sunny day....'

  8. My sympathy. You'll always have Rocky's paw prints in your heart.

    Peace be with you.

  9. Bless you Ilona, so sorry. Rocky had a lovely last few months with you, you made his latter years happy and comfy and he knew he was loved and safe.

  10. Bless you Ilona - I often read your blog but have never commented before. Rocky was so lucky to spend his twilight years with you.

  11. Rest In Peace Rocky. Lots of love to you Ilona. Ann x

  12. I am so sorry for your loss!

  13. My deepest sympathy for your loss, Ilona. One of our cats had to be put sleep a week ago, so I understand how you must be feeling. love, Mary

  14. Sorry to hear that. Take all the time you need.

  15. I'm so sorry to hear that your lovely little furry friend is gone. You gave him the best times of his life, and he gave you love. What more can we ask. Two kisses for Rocky xx.

  16. Hello, Ilona. My heartfelt thoughts are with you. Here's a poem that, even though I am not religious, has brought me a bit of peace in the past. Perhaps it will comfort you a little, too. Elaine near Philadelphia:

    I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.
    I could see that you were crying, You found it hard to sleep.
    I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,
    "It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."
    I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea,
    You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me.
    I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore.
    I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.
    I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care.
    I want to reassure you, that I'm not lying there.
    I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key.
    I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said "It's me."
    You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
    I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there.
    It's possible for me to be so near you everyday.
    To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."
    You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew ...
    In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.
    The day is over... I smile and watch you yawning and say
    "Goodnight, God bless, I'll see you in the morning."
    And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
    I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side.
    I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.
    Be patient, live your journey out ... then come home to be with me.

    1. Wow, tear jerker! How beautiful.

    2. That is so beautiful and comforting, I have tears in my eyes x

    3. Thank you for posting the poem, Elaine. I'm going to save it.

    4. Very moving poem Thanks youx

  17. You gave Rocky a good life, Ilona. Your trips with him always made me smile. You've had a lot of loss in a short time and I know that is hard. Take all the time you need. I am thinking of you. Hugs.

  18. OMG - I am so very sorry. I thought something was wrong as you hadn't mentioned him for a while. You gave that little chap so much love in his later life, I loved to see him in his pushchair !
    I know only too well how you feel, I had to let my two elderly cats 'go' on the same day a couple of months ago. The heart is never the same.
    Sending you love and (((hugs))).

  19. I am so very sorry, Ilona. Sending you love and hugs. Shirley

  20. Oh no. So sorry to hear that. Thinking of you xx What a fantastic, wonderful, gorgeous dog he was. You gave him a great life.

  21. RIP Rocky-faithful companion. Hugs Ilona.

  22. Rocky had a wonderful life once you came into it. Just remember his happy times x

  23. Thinking of you. Tricia and Lucy x

  24. Oh my dear Ilona, I am so sorry to read this. Know that he left this world knowing profound love and care. He will be with you always.

  25. No need to approve this - just wanted to say much love to you and thinking of you. You've done the kindest, most loving thing.
    J xxx

  26. I am so sorry Ilona. Rocky was a wonderful dog. Best to you and the cats.

  27. So sorry to hear this news. He is at peace like you say and has had a good life with you. He was a lucky, loved friend. xx

  28. So sorry to hear about Rocky Ilona, a sad sad time for you. He looked a grand little lad. Take care, it's not any easy decision to know when to say goodbye.

  29. He was such a good boy and I'm sure he enjoyed to the full his final years with you. A very brave and sad decision. x

  30. I am so sorry Ilona. He had the best life with you and you have your memories of him. I have had to make the decision twice in the last few years to have a pet put to sleep when I knew they couldn't suffer any more so I know how awful it is. Take time to heal and come back when you are ready.

  31. So sorry for your loss, RIP Rocky.

  32. Oh I am so sorry. Rocky always looked like he was thrilled to have found a home with you, and he had such a sweet face. Losing a pet is truly awful. Sending you virtual hugs.


  33. Oh bless you. Thinking of you at this sad time. And so soon after Stan's death. Please take very good care of yourself. xx

  34. As you said, he is at peace but I know you must be feeling sad. I was thinking about you yesterday when a sailing boat being towed on a trailer passed me as I walked my dog. The name of the boat? Ilona was very colourfully painted which seemed very appropriate. Take care of yourself.

  35. Oh my gosh, so sorry for your loss Ilona

  36. Bless his little heart, he is happily playing at the Rainbow Bridge, pain free and young again. My heart is with you my friend.

  37. Oh Gosh! I'm so sorry. He was a beautiful little soul.

  38. Sending you a big hug Ilona x

  39. Enjoy your 'new' pain-free life Rocky and God Bless your Mum for caring for you and knowing when it was time to let you go. Big hugs to you Ilona, it's a sad and lonely time for you right now. CMW xx

  40. Thinking of you xx. RIP Rocky xx

  41. I am so sorry, Ilona. We went through this about 3 months ago with our beloved Lulu. I am glad she is no longer in pain, but we still miss her every day.

  42. I am SO sorry for you. He is at peace and you have peace of mind knowing that, but it doeesn't make the loss any less in the present. Look after yourself, give those cats a big cuddle and blow a kiss up to Rocky.

  43. so sad for you. sending a hug

  44. You are in my thoughts, Ilona. Rocky has been loved, cared for and given a lovely life with a kind and caring lady. Take care. XXX

  45. RIP Rocky, and hugs for you. xx

  46. So sorry. I hope your mempories of how you looked after him will bring some comfort.

  47. My sincere thoughts are with you ; Please look after yourself love Joan XX

  48. I am so sorry Ilona. You gave him a much better life than he was having so congratulate yourself on that. He gave you much love in return. Take care Hilary

  49. RIP dear Rocky. Hugs to your dear Ilona. Pat xx

  50. Ilona my heart is breaking, you have had some good times together, he had a good life with you and knew he was well loved, take care xxx

  51. Dear Rocky, so very sorry.
    Love from Marilyn xxx

  52. RIP Rocky. My heart goes out to you Ilona. The most difficult thing to do but the last thing we can do to show our love for a much loved friend. xxx

  53. How sad-bless you xxx lots of love

  54. My thoughts and my heart are with you at the loss of your dear Rocky. It's hard to say goodbye to a special friend, but Rocky will never be truly forgotten until he is no longer remembered. Cherish the wonderful memories you have of Rocky. My favourite will always be of him enjoying his rides in his push chair. Love to you Ilona

  55. My heart goes out to you but you gave him a wonderful life. Lots of special Love, SueM xx

  56. You know how much I loved that little doggie Ilona, so, so sorry to read this post.
    You were the most wonderful mummy to that sparky little fella and deserved a medal for what you did for him. He knew that and so did I, thank you for doing what you did for him and giving him the life he deserved after so much ill treatment.
    Lots of hugs

  57. I'm so very, very sorry for your loss. Rocky meant so much to you. You gave him the best he could ever ask for in the last years of his life.

  58. So sorry Ilona. He had the best friend he could have in you. Remember the good times Tracy xx

  59. Ilona, I weep for you and Rocky. You are such an inspiration. Bless you, I can say no more....

  60. lots of love to you, I know from experience how you are feeling xxxx

  61. thinking of you with lots of love, from Julie xxx

  62. Don't usually comment though I follow your blog. I'm so sorry for your loss of Rocky. I have been in the same place with 2 dogs and though we know it is necessary to prevent them suffering further, it's still so hard to let them go. They are part of the family after all. You'll miss him -and we will miss hearing about him. x

  63. So very sorry to read this Ilona. I lost my dog and very best friend last year and although we have another dog it will never be quite the same as he was special.Thinking of you Hugs xxxxx

  64. Dear dear Ilona:

    I am so sorry for the loss of your dear little Rocky. May he RIP. Perhaps you can take comfort knowing that you were the absolute best person in his life. No doubt he loved you and you him.

    Sandy xx

  65. Thank you for letting us all here in "Blog Land" know your very sad news, I am sure you will have a huge Rocky shaped hole in your heart and life, so please take as much time as you need and put looking after yourself first,
    Sending love from The Country Cook

  66. o, so sorry to read this. Some months are rough, aren't they? Hugs...


  67. I am so very sorry for your loss Ilona. Sending you a hug x

  68. Hugs, prayers and condolences my dear! You have had a rough week or so!

  69. Darling Rocky, he had a wonderful life with all your care and attention Ilona.
    We so enjoyed reading about all his adventures in the buggy and car.
    He will be hugely missed. A big hug to you for losing your little pal.
    Wendy (Wales)

  70. Condolences Ilona, Rocky was lucky to have you for the time he did. (Nick) xx

  71. Oh Ilona, I know how you must be feeling, I had to make the sad decision for my dear Emma several years ago. You gave Rocky a wonderful life and home.
    Take your time to grieve and look after yourself.
    Hazel c uk

  72. Ilona I'm so sorry to hear about Rocky and I hope you are ok. What a lucky dog he was to have such a kind and caring owner as you.

  73. R.I.P Rocky. So sorry for your loss Ilona.
    Take care.

    Elaine (Oldham)

  74. I'm so sorry to read about Rocky. He had a good life with you, and was much loved. All good wishes.

  75. So very sorry to hear your very sad news

  76. I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your friend. You have given him a lovely life. God bless you both xx

  77. As soon as I saw the title of your post my heart sank. He was the sweetest little chap and will leave a huge gap in your life and your heart. I am so pleased that you were eventually able to have him come and live with you and live happily and be much loved in retirement with you and the cats. Virtual hugs from Shropshire.

  78. Awww...he was such a good boy and was well cared for. I guess that's about the best I could hope for towards the end of my life. Thoughts and prayers for you.

  79. I am so so sorry Ilona. I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a beloved dog. Take all the time you need. I do believe one day we will all be reunited with our pets.

  80. Run Free Rocky!

    You were loved and gave love.

    You were set free from pain, Good dog. Job well done

  81. So, so sorry Ilona. Karen

  82. My sympathy on the loss of your furry family member. Remember the love you gave each other.

  83. So sorry to read this I hope you are ok, you have given the sweet old chap a very nice later life he could not have had better care. RIP Rocky.

  84. So so sorry to hear this. He had a joyful happy time with you. Much love xxx

  85. RIP dear little Rocky. What a lovely time he had with you Ilona. Loved and cherished. Sending you lots of hugs.xx

  86. So sorry. We lost our lovely 14 year old dog Figo a few weeks ago. We miss him so much X

  87. Oh Ilona, I'm so sorry. It always hurts to lose a much-loved companion, no matter that it was the right thing to do & he is indeed at peace now. Much sympathy from me.

  88. I'm so sorry to hear this :( sending lots of love xx

  89. I've been following your blog for awhile now but haven't commented before. Just wanted to give you some internet hugs from one pet lover to another. Rocky seemed like a wonderful companion and I'm sorry to hear of his passing :'(

  90. My heart goes out to you! But I know that Rocky is playing with my Charlie that left me in April. I still cry for him, but it is getting easier.


  91. Illona, I'm so sorry for your sad loss, especially so soon after losing your beloved uncle. You've been a wonderful mum to Rocky, as you are to all your pets, they are all lucky to have such a true, pure soul like yourself. My thoughts are with you, Terry (first time I've posted, though have been reading your blog for some months, you are an inspirational woman in so many ways)

  92. So sorry to hear of Rocky's passing. Big hugs to you at this sad time.

  93. My thoughts are with you Ilona. Sending you a hug. Jo

  94. Thinking of you, Ilona. It's never easy farewelling a pet. Sending love from Aotearoa New Zealand xxx

  95. I am so sorry to hear that you've lost your dear furry pal. You gave him a great retirement. Rest in peace Rocky.

  96. So sorry to hear that about Rocky, so close to your uncle going too. Sorry Ilona. I read your blog but have never commented before but know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. Ruth

  97. Hugs to you, Ilona. You gave him a good life.

  98. So sorry to hear your news. Rocky was a lucky boy to have you and you made a great team. Take care. Deb xx

  99. Oh IIona I am so sorry to hear your sad gave rocky a lovely life, and he is out of any pain now...r.i.p little one. Hugs to you IIona x

  100. You and Rocky were a magnificent team. Hugs across the miles.

    Queen Victoria from New Orleans

  101. So so sorry about Rocky but as you say he is at peace now. As a dog lover you know how important it is to put the needs of your pet above your own but that still doesn't make it any easier or less sad. Thinking of you in New Zealand. Audrey

  102. Ilona, I am so sorry to hear this sad news. I have been reading your blog for a while now and love hearing about your pets and your inspiring life. Thinking of you and sending love, Sue x

  103. All that love that Rocky received - he will be missed by all who have had the privilege to know him through the words and pictures that you shared with us. I'm sure he was grateful for all you have done for him and was now able to cross the rainbow bridge on his own four paws. Take care Ilona. I find the passing of our pets one of the hardest things to deal with. I wish you peace and remember the joy Rocky gave to you and others. Take care. Ranee (MN)

  104. RIP Rocky. You have been a wonderful companion.

  105. I am so sorry to hear about Rocky, he wasn't just a pet he was your family. I know how much it can hurt. Your heart may feel broken, but there are plenty who still love you and for you to love. Remember the good times. Xx

  106. Oh Ilona...I am so so sorry to hear your sad news that Rocky has passed over rainbow bridge... with love and hugs to you and your fur babies...

  107. I understand that you need to grieve and won't expect any more comments but I understand how you feel after this bereavement and you have my total sympathy. The hole in your heart will fill eventually but it will take time. Many of your readers will be joining in a communal supporting feeling to give you strength at this sad time.

  108. I'm so very sorry to read of the sad loss of your sweet boy and can only imagine the huge gap he will have left in your life. Our beloved pets are a massive part of our lives and sadly are not with us for long enough and we always want more time with them. I think you gave Rocky a wonderful life and were clearly devoted to him. You were very lucky to find one another and have such a special friendship. Please take care Ilona. Thinking of you. Kristel xx

  109. Oh, I am so sorry to read that, Ilona. It's horrible when one of our four-legged friend's time is up as they are always so much part of the family. I'll be thinking of you, your three beautiful feline friends, and the wonderful time Rocky had with you. I am sure you made his later life an absolute joy for him. Sending virtual hugs and much love your way, Elizabeth.

  110. Oh, my sweet, wonderful friend. I am so very sorry for your tremendous loss. You are a true angel to your pets. How is wish I was there to hug you. In the days to come, I pray that the love you showed your little Rocky will comfort you, knowing you were the light of his life.
    Lots of love from across the pond-
    Your friend,
    Lisa in Miami

  111. Love and hugs to you....I've been there and I know how tough it is. Sweet Rocky

  112. I'm so sorry for your loss - you and he were wonderful friends.

  113. Rest in peace sweet Rocky, may your memory be eternal.

  114. (((HUGS))) Enjoy chasing down rabbit trails again, Rocky.

  115. Dear Ilona I am so sorry. Rocky had such a loving life with you. These times in our companions' lives are so very sad and difficult. Thinking and caring about you. Linda

  116. I am so very sorry.
    Thank you for sharing Rocky with us. I enjoyed seing his sweet face, and he was so cute sitting in the stroller when you took him for walks.

  117. Oh so sorry to hear this, Rocky has been such a big part of your blog. He must have had a wonderful life with you Ilona, he was so loved and cared for. Sending hugs and condolences. 😰 RIP Rocky. Xx

  118. Very sorry. R/Tim

  119. You gave Rocky a much more interesting and active life than he had before you came along, Ilona - how wonderful that you were able to enrich his life so much, as he enriched yours. I am so sorry for the painful loss you must now be feeling, but it is after all the price we pay for ever having something precious to lose. ((Hugs.))

  120. So sorry…
    You gave him a wonderful life!
    Sending hugs

  121. Oh I'm so sorry about your sweet little dog:(

  122. HI Ilona. I just started reading your blog. I am so sorry to hear of Rocky's passing; it hit me like a knife to the gut. This past January I watched my beloved Aussie-Border Collie go downhill rapidly in just 2 weeks and I had to let her go too. She had been my best friend and constant companion for nearly 11 years. You will be in my thoughts and I hope that Rocky and my beloved Pepper will meet up in doggie heaven. Best wishes from the States, Laura. P.S. Thank you so much for your blog. I have been struggling with financial issues and your blog has provided me with hope and inspiration.

  123. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your beloved pet.

  124. Dear Ilona, he's had a wonderful life with you, he's been happy to the end, so sad to say goodbye but the love in your heart will live on, and help you remember him with such happiness and joy. Much love, Elaine B

  125. RIP Rocky. You were lucky to have each other. Sheridan in Queensland.

  126. Oh Ilona, I really feel for you, you've been through a lot of heartache lately. You are in my thoughts. Lots of love back to you. MCécile

  127. A quick pop in this Monday morning. Thank you for your comments. I need to keep busy so I am going to set the cat stall up at Epworth Show. Should take my mind off it a little bit. xxx

  128. So sorry to hear your news. RIP Rocky

  129. A lovely boy who graced your life with love and happiness. I am so sorry for the loss you have suffered.

  130. So very sorry Ilona. Such a beautiful boy. He brought me (and my family) many smiles. Thankyou for sharing your life so openly with us all. You are such a wonderful generous person. Sending love and hugs at this sad time from my family and furbabies. Jenny xxx

  131. I'm sorry Ilona, I've been away for a while so have not kept up to date with things, so sorry to hear that Rocky is no longer. It'll be painful for a long while but at least Rocky is not suffering any more. Thinking of you, and I know you'll bounce back eventually.

  132. all the very best to you thinking of you at this difficult time

    i hope you can take some comfort from the wonderful life you had together


  133. Sorry to hear about Rocky. He was such a lucky dog to have you as his Mum

  134. Dear Ilona, Bless Rocky, at peace now. What a wonderful life you shared together going on camping adventures and holidays, taking him out in his buggy. What a darling boy. My thoughts are with you, it's always heartbreaking to lose a dog or cat, so much part of the family. Thinking of you. Sue xx

  135. Rocky had a great life with you. You will miss him terribly like I miss my Kenna. Love to you for a healing heart. Hugs...

  136. Oh bless him.Shed a few tears when I read this news,but Rocky knew how loved he was and he has had a lovely comfortable and fun life with you Ilona,take care.Jan,Newcastle xx

  137. So sorry, I've been there and will have to go there again at some point, it breaks your heart. You gave him so much love in his final years, and he you. Thinking of you, Sally x

  138. So sorry Ilona. Been there and know how devastating it is. Just imagine the joy for Rocky - just off for a snooze and waking up feeling like a puppy again. It's that thought that kept me going through the loss of my little dog, who I loved so much. Still so hard on us who are left behind, though! Keep busy and eventually the happy and fun memories will outweigh the sadness. You are the best mum he could have ever had! Lots of love. Susan from Perth xx

  139. Sorry to hear that. You gave him a great old age and lots of love.

  140. My heartfelt sympathy. Our pets leave us with such wonderful memories which you will remember forever. But for now, all you feel is sadness. I send my love, only animal lovers know how we feel at such a sad time.

  141. I'm so sorry for your loss Ilona x

  142. So sorry for you Ilona, he was a lovely little chap and was loved and well cared for. You're very wise - keep busy and things will settle down. Amanda x

  143. I read a quote once ,and it seems appropriate for you dear Ilona, To love is to lay ones self open to loss, that is the deal we make with ourselves. Because it is worth it. ..........
    Take care of yourself and know all your bloggy friends are thinking of you.Jane x

  144. Hi Ilona, I am truly sorry for your loss, it is never easy and there is never a good time. Please know I am thinking of you at this difficult time.
    Kindest regards
    Queensland, Australia.

  145. Sorry to hear of the loss of little Rocky following on so close from the loss of your beloved Uncle.

  146. So sorry to hear that Ilona. It's always heart breaking when a pet dies. My thoughts are with you. Debbie xx

  147. Sending our sympathies from Ohio this morning. Sweet Rocky had many admirers. Thank you for letting us come to know him and see pictures of your adventures together.

  148. Dear Ilona,

    It is with a heavy heart that I offer my condolences. As you know, I am making my way through your blog from the very beginning. Last week I watched the first video of sweet Rocky. You brought him so much joy. I have not yet read the post where you get to keep Rocky for your very own and am looking forward to reading about that. His gentle soul seems to come through his expressive little face, out his lovely eyes, onto your blog, and into our world. I admit that I love most dogs and have been through the anguish you are suffering several times. You are very wise to keep busy. Thank you for sharing him with us. Followers of your blog are mourning with you.


  149. So sorry, thinking of you and sending love and hugs.
    Pam in TX.xx

  150. So sorry for your loss. RIP Rocky

  151. So sorry for your loss. RIP Rocky

  152. RIP lovely Rocky - you will be so greatly missed. Love and peace to you Ilona, from onlyjo

  153. I'm so sorry to hear this. It's such a hard decision to have to make. We've lost two pets (one dog and one cat) and I still feel the guilt of having made that decision (even though rationally we knew it was time). Just know Rocky's on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, waiting for you. Yvonne in North Dakota, USA

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

    Author unknown...

  154. So sorry to hear about dear little Rocky, love from Annie(Glos.)

  155. I'm so sorry. Rocky couldn't have wished for a more loving home, you gave him a wonderful and happy life. xxx

  156. Aww...I am so very sorry to read this. Saturday (the 27th) marked four years since our German Shepherd passed on, so I feel your loss immensely. To some people, he was merely a dog, but to you he was so much more. My heart breaks for your loss.
    Many hugs to you. xxx

    Giselle in Canada

  157. He was a lovely friend for you. Lots of love Natalie xx

  158. Dear Ilona, I wish I could make it better, Rocky's not sad ,you are,that's best way round
    Love Teresa

  159. I'm so sorry. You gave Rocky a loving home and were so good to him. It's very hard to lose a beloved dog or cat. Virginia

  160. Rest in peace Rocky. Ilona, my heart is with you in this time, I am very sorry for your loss.

  161. Oh Rocky! I am so very, very sorry for your loss. He was so blessed to have you in his life, and you were so blessed to have him in yours.

  162. I'm so sorry to read this Ilona. Sending lots of love. X

  163. I am so sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts are with you Ilona x

  164. So sorry to hear about Rocky. Such a sad loss. You're in my thoughts, Ilona. Love Helen xx

  165. So sorry to hear your sad news, we lost our beautiful Springer Spaniel three months ago so I feel your pain.Rocky had a great life with you and his feline friends and I have enjoyed reading about your kids. Thinking about you. Heather, from Somerset

  166. So sorry to hear about your Rocky. I'm happy he had you in his life, so many senior dogs don't get the care and attention the need and deserve. Peace to you.

  167. From Margie in Toronto - so sorry to hear this Ilona - you have had a sad time lately. Please take care.

  168. I am so very sorry. I have been reading for about 5 years. I always thought you and Rocky were the dynamic duo. Again, I am so very sorry.
    Jane in Ontario Canada

  169. I follow your blog but have never commented.I know Rocky had a good life with you and you will miss him greatly. My thoughts are with you and take good care of yourself Ilona.

  170. So sorry to hear the sad news Illona. You can get some peace knowing that you gave him the best life possible and were a best owner he could have had.

  171. I am so sorry. Thinking of you. Val

  172. I recently became a dog owner, previously I don't think I would have appreciated the way they enhance our lives.
    I hope all the fabulous messages help you to feel better.
    My sympathies are with you. X

  173. Lots of love XXXX

  174. So sorry for your loss. Losing our four legged friends is so hard. Th truly our our best friends. Hugs to you.

  175. Sending love. You gave him a good life. X

  176. Sorry to hear this. Take care x

    Sue R

  177. Oh Ilona
    So hard when this happens but what a life you gave him. thinking of you xxx

  178. Rocky was so glad you were his mummy and he loved you so. Bless xx

  179. Such a lovely boy, I'm so sorry for you Ilona, I know you will miss him. As will all of us who share parts of your life through your blog. Hugs,xxxxx

  180. R.I.P. Rocky, you were much loved.

    Hugs, Julie xx.

  181. So sorry Ilona to hear your sad news. You gave Rocky the greatest gift of all... Love.
    Big hugs.

  182. So very sorry to have just read this! My heart goes out to you!sending lots of hugs to you!xx

  183. Peace for Rocky, & heart felt condolences to you Ilona, losing a family member is hard, but losing 2 in such a short period... That's rough


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